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Posts posted by Antebellum

  1. Nice smooth colors, I really like them.


    Something to think about in the future is the gaps between the pieces of the model. Most just look like deep creases, but there are noticable lines on some of the arms and bellies of them. Filling those cracks out with a bit of greenstuff prior to painting would make them look even better.

  2. Really nice work. I think that may be the first cardboard flagstone board i've seen finished. Looks excellent!


    I think the circular tiles could be an excellent spot for a couple pieces of interchangable scatter terrain: a fountain, raised bed planter(s), a 'world tree' or 'tree of Gondor' type thing.


    If the buildings have enough windows and doors, and if there is a way to use the inside of them, I don't see large buildings being a problem. From what you already said you wanted to make, it sounds like you're already thinking of that sort of thing. Also, arched hallways under the second story of a building could have the feel of buildings without being very enclosed.


    I can't wait to see more of this.

  3. I have a mat as well. I agree with Rob Blow that they are worth it. I store mine rolled up in the in the plastic bag and shipping tube it came in. You could probably even attach a strap to it for easy carrying.


    They lay flat and even after being rolled up for a couple of weeks, are essentially flat by the time you put a few pieces of terrain on them. I'll see if I can remember to take a picture of the mat the next time I use it for a game. The strat/scheme and deployment lines are visible enough that you can see them, but thin enough that they don't stick out and look odd.

  4. Looking good. I agree that I think you need a bit more black on the burnt out section. It looked extra water-damaged for sure, but it doesn't come across as sooty.


    @DavicusPrime ... I'm not sure what he's using, but I've used 1/8" thick chip board with the holes (the dark brown stuff that is really fiberous that people have behind work benches and on store shelves). I think I've also seen people use spare tiles. I'm not sure what they're made of, but think school tiles that are like 1/16" thick. they're not light, but they should keep their shape pretty well if they're stored flat.

  5. Just read through the whole thread. Nice work. Some of those models are really inspirational for some of the Malifaux I'll be working on in the future.


    I think the chrome comes off well, just a bit rough on the blending (not that I could do much better). Maybe a thinner line of black right on the horizon. Really nice start though. I've yet to attempt NMM, but will probably try some on the next crew I paint.

  6. Really nice work. I have to say that is one of the better ice golems I've seen on the site. I really like how the larger pieces of ice get darker as they get higher. The one thing I turthfully don't like about it is the 'blacklining' that you've done around most of the creases. To me, it just looks too dark and defined, on a model that otherwise is blended beautifully. I can't wait to see the rest of the crew.


    What did you use for the green barriers between the worlds? Is that dyed ice/snow effects?

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