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Posts posted by AoS

  1. I don't consider myself a vet, but when I explain this game I do this:

    - There are 5 turns.

    - A turn is over when all miniatures have activated.

    - After you activates a model and finish his activation, your opponent activates a model and then you ...

    - When a model is activated it resolves some effects, then generate AP which you can use to take actions from the card. When a model cannot take more actions, the models activation is finished, (and it resolves some effects).

    - After this I would explain the duels and the general actions. And they are ready to start playing, all the other rules can be explained while playing and that is much more visual for Newbies.

    I really think you dont need to explain fiddly rules at the start, do it at the moment it happens while playing. That's my opinion :)

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  2. Model A:

    - Hard to Kill

    - 2 Wounds remaining

    - Poison condition

    Model A is within 6" of Sebastian. Is Model A dead when he activates?

    The thing is that some people is saying that you get 1 damage from poison and then 2 more of damage from poison, so that would "ignore" the Hard to Kill ability. I think that you get 1 + 2 from the poison by Induction.

    Can you clarify this? Thanks!! 

    Probably this had been asked before, but I didn't found it, I also didn't look at the FAQ, I will, but not yet.


    Induction: Enemy models within :aura6 that suffer damage from the poison condition suffer an additional 2 damage from the poison condition.

    Catalyst: Other models with the poison condition which begin their activation within :aura8 of one or more models with this ability immediately suffer 1 damage from the poison condition and then lower their poison condition value by 1.

    Hard to Kill: While this model has 2 or more Wd remaining when it suffers Dg, it may only be reduced to 1 Wd by a single damage source.

  3. I played him in the beta and I can say to you that the aura will only affect to one miniature, maybe two if you opponent is not smart enough. And Scorpius is not tank enough to hold the position more than one turn if your enemy wants to kill it. So my advice is: dont play a poison crew only for him, if you want to play that crew, do it for the canine remains, the shikomes and the performers.

    If your problem is the Wk 4 of it you can use Angelica to push him in any direction.

  4. Arcanists - Rasputina - Limited - 3ss

    Ice and Snow:

    (0) From Ice: (Ca: 7 / TN: 15 / Rg: 6) - Summon an Ice Gamin in base contact with another Frozen Heart model.

    (0) Snowball: Target an Ice Gamin within 6", sacrifice this and two more within 3" of this one. Then summon an Ice Golem in base contact with the target.


    What do you think? I always miss the summon on Raspy, in the histories she can summon this things :D

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  5. Yep, it's true that if you compare the Metal Gamin with the Moleman the Gamin wins in durability and can be a stronger unit doing damage or protecting other models. But Molemen have two really good (0) actions which can be so much important in a game: The place with a marker and the condition that they cannot be moved or pushed. So if you want to hold a place for Turf war or Protect Territory, the molemen are a safer model.
    Molemen can be easier to kill than the Gamins, but they are stronger against positioning control.

    Also I use Gamins in a construct crew, but Molemen with Marcus.

  6. I think the rule says that the LoS must pass through the piece of terrain which grants cover and the objective has to be at 1" of that piece of terrain. But maybe Im wrong, I dont have the rulebook in front.

    You draw line of sight from the top down perspective.  That means that line of sight goes through terrain, whatever the heights of the terrain and models involved:

    When drawing LoS to an object, the lines are drawn from a “top down” view ignoring all vertical height. The model's Ht stat does, however, come into play when determining the quality of the LoS.

    Where Blocking comes into the matter is that Blocking only applies depending on the relative heights involved:

    Blocking - Objects with the blocking trait cannot be seen through, and therefore block LoS (see pg. 40) if the Ht of the terrain is equal to or greater than the Ht of the models attempting to see through it.

     So the line of sight in diagram C is drawn across the terrain.  If you scatter Ht 1 blocking hard cover terrain across the table, then lots of Ht2+ models are going to be gaining the advantage of cover while they're getting line of sight drawn to them.


    yea!, thank you, that makes much more sense

    I'm always over thinking

  7. I just want to point this:

    In C the defender only would have cover if at least one of them is Ht 2 or more, because if they are both Ht 1 the first building would cut the LoS which have to pass through the second, and no LoS would pass through the second.

    As I see the picture.



  8. The Emissary will be a good model for her. Also you need some pushes, like the Captain. In my games if in turn 2, it is not starting her activation engaged, she will do nothing.

    In my opinion if she has not adrenaline +6 when she activates, she would be not enough strong to be a heavy hitter. I mean that if she has adrenaline +6 her damage can be like the damage from Marcus or Mei as heavy hitters.

    She can do more than only hit, but I tried her in many ways and Im not happy with her. I don't see why I would choose her instead any other arcanists master.

  9. I think that Bette Noir cannot get benefit from that ability because:

    "If a model that is buried is killed, it will not benefit from any abilities that happens on themodel's death."

    I think that reduce to 0 wounds it means killed, and the bette would not activate the ability. Because that ability happens at the model's death.

    Same with Leveticus if I remember well.


    EDIT: And I know that bette's action says "before count as killed". But remember, thats in the action and not in the ability.

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