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Posts posted by Erik1978

  1. Whoa, that's powerful. Screening a squishy Master with something doesn't work against flying models then!  :huh:


    BTW: If a Young Nephilim is exactly 6" from an enemy, or perhaps hazardous terrain: He has Wk 6 but if he wants to take 2 Wk actions, does he still land between the 2 Wk actions or is that simply a 12" move without landing?

  2. Me again. 




    This model is immune to falling damage and may ignore any terrain or models while moving.


    Do flying models get to fly over enemy models and land behind them regardless of engagement range on the enemy?


    And how about charging, can I charge someone to end up behind them, as long as it's still a straight line?




    X = Mature Nephilim

    O = Enemy 




    X       O  Normal charge:  X---->O   =   XO (Landing in front of enemy in b2b)


    X       O Flying charge:     X----O->  =   OX (landing behind enemy in b2b)



    Is that allowed? Would also mean flying over 1 enemy to charge another farther behind it, if they are both within range.







  3. There's also the upgrade Obsidian Talons I need explained:


    :mask  :mask  Flay: The damage flip resulting from this attack may be cheated if it suffers one or more  :-fate 


    Does this mean that if I have :-fate  :-fate  on a damage flip, resulting in 3, 5, and 11 I can replace the 3 with an 8 for moderate damage, or will the replacing of the 3 simply mean I now have to choose the 5, since this is now the lowest card? 

  4. Eeehmmm thanks... I suppose. What rules you have in Finland doesn't really help me here I'm afraid.

    We pay a percentage of the value too but with a minimum amount since it costs money to process each package. Hence: $ 50-70 minimum and then t gets more expensive for higher value items. So ordering a $ 5 item still costs the minimum "penalty". (Although some times they allow small insignificant items to get in for free but it's not something you can count on.)

  5. Yeah I know. The one down side to the best game in the world: We want all the models NOW!!!  ;)


    But for games at home, on my soon-very-impressive big malifaux graveyard table, proxies are allowed. I was wondering if anyone knew of cool attack dog like models or a Warden-ish thing from some other firm?


    Only pack of guild hounds I saw on ebay was in USA. Not expensive... if I lived in USA.

    $ 20 for the pack but I happen to live in Denmark. Which means I need to add $ 25 for shipping and $ 50-70 for customs taxes or whatever they call it. (Importing stuff from outside EU.) Suddenly some old metal hounds have cost me a bit much.

    Sucks...  :angry:

  6. So I just read the actual upgrade used against me.


    It seems it only applies when the black joker is flipped by the model with the upgrade?


    So if Collodi has Pact, an attack targeting one of his minions means that his Pact is of no use?


    It's only if Collodi flips it during a duel involving himself?

  7. Hey.


    It seems there aren't any wardens or hounds on the release shedule.


    Surely some of you pros have found some great alternatives that you can share, right? :)


    It looks like they exist from 1st edition but those are now rare, so what have you guys done instead?

  8. So defender goes first, thanks.


    About the Commanding presence:


    "After completing a walk action, this model may target a friendly minion model within 18" and LoS. The target must pass a TN 13 horror duel. If it succeeds, the target may immdiately take a (1) action."


    So, if he fails, he is paralyzed for his next activation, right?


    But if he passes, is he then immune to horror duels coming from Lucius for the rest of the turn? Hence: He will automatically get the (1) action if Lucius targets him with commanding presence again? (I'm of course thinking of the rule books mention of becoming immune to horror duels by passing them, page 55 in the small rulebook.)

  9. Hi there.


    Lucius and Guild Laywers have the rule "Highest Authority" which lets them discard a card to give the attacker  :-fate  on that attack.


    So what if the attacker can use SS, can he then decide to use 1 SS for a :+fate , to negate the  :-fate?


    Or is the order that the attacker declares an attack AND if he uses any SS for that attack, then the defender may discard that card if he wants but the attacker can't change his mind and then use a SS?


    Are there any rules on this order of declaring things?



    Also: If Lucius uses his Commanding Presence or Issue Command, to give a Minion an immediate (1) action, may the target then also take a (0) action or would that require the model to be properly activated first?

  10. Hello my favorite board people.


    If Collodi uses Pull the Strings on a Guild Rifleman who has Focussed +1 can Collodi then shoot with that Rifleman and use the Focussed condition on him?


    Also: I assume that if two riflemen are standing within 1" of each other and Collodi takes control of one of them, he then counts as engaged, since the Rifleman is now "a Neverborn" and hence he can't shoot?

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