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Posts posted by Erik1978

  1. Quote

    Their shooting needs to be tunned down, but not the distance in my opinion, just the damage. They already do a lot of damage in melee, it's fine if they have a ranged weapon to "weaken" their enemies before engaging, but their 2/3/5 is too much. 

    It's actually 2/4/5! ;)

    I don't see why they need to "weaken their enemies"? Lady Justice, Nekima, and countless other hard hitters don't have that luxury?

    It could work with built in Tomes on other models, right now noone has it and most of the crew is Stat 5 with no triggers. Parker definitey needs SOMETHING. I shoot and miss A LOT with this crew. I miss TOO much. 

    People are often in cover, which means I have shoot 5 versus Df 6 and :-flip on damage... Mad Dog has stat 6, everyone else has 5, just like the melee masters and the 4 stone minions across the table with better range who ignore cover. 😵

    I don't think Mad Dog should lose his "ignore armor", that's the only thing that ignores armor in the Parker crew. Everyone pings Lazarus for 1-2 damage every time, which he then heals while laughing.

    First post now includes doc.

  2. 1: Reckoning (Wedge deployment)

    2. Detonate charges, breakthrough, Search the ruins, Power ritual, Deliver message

    3. 3 hours 5 rounds

    4: Parker 3 - Victorias 3

    5: Honsou1978: Parker, Doc, Von Schill, Mad Dog, Convict Gunslinger, Johanna, Dead Outlaw, 3 SS. 2 VP from strategy, 1 from Deliver (Leader),  0 from Detonate.

    6: Oldwolf42: Viktoria, viktoria # 2, Vanessa, Student of Conflict, Lazarus, Desperate Merc, 3 Ronin. 5 SS. 1 VP from strategy, 1 from Deliver (Von Schill) 1 from Search the ruins.


    Fate was crul today, unles your name was Jakob but we had fun and I managed a draw, with 2 VP in turn 5, pretty close to detonate charges too.

    Turn 2 and 3 everything seemed to fail, with 3 attacks from Parker all missed a Ronin with 1 wound, meanwhile I received red joker damage on Parker from Desperate Merc, and severe + blasts from Vanessa on minus flip, which reduced Johanna and Mad Dog to 1 wound each, and Parker to 3 wounds... in turn 2! 😮

    Luckily 1 Vik was dead from a fast rocket boot jumping Johanna, attacking 4 times.

    Doc healed Mad Dog like there was no tomorrow, while most of my models were hugging an infernal tower and ducking for cover.

    Convict and Outlaw got a slow on both Vanessa and merc in turn 5, on 2 rare hits, Von Schill delivered a message and saved the day.


    This game confirmed a few things for us:

    Desperate Mercs are a bit too cheap for a RNG 14" stat 5 shooter who ignores cover with 2/3/5 and rapid fire.

    Viktorias were mostly shooting this game, it keeps them out of harms way, they often get :+flip on shooting, and as I mentioned they have both the stat and damage of a strictly gun wielding master: Parker Barrows. Jakob used them for melee a few times, which they do extremely well but more often he took "Parker Barrows" shots from a safe distance.

    The Viktoria shooting is simply too good for a pair of melee masters! Reduce their shooting to 2/3/4 and perhaps 8"-10" range (pocket hand gun or something), the fact that they are on par with Parker Barrows when it comes to shooting is ridiculous. 

    Which once again brings us to Parker. He simply doesn't cut it with stat 5 guns that has no built in suit. I know "Stick Up" is a good action but let us agree that Parker should NOT be a Master that never fires his gun because he sucks at it? Give him Stat 6+ and forget the scheme marker bonus, or let him gain a SUIT if there is a scheme marker! If you won't give him that built in tome, at least let the nearby scheme marker give him a suit of choice.

    I think that would sweeten him a bit: 6+ shooting, a suit of choice if there is a scheme marker within X inches of the target.

    Right now, he can target low Df models for his mandatory no-trigger-2-damage-shot, just to get an almost free interaction. Simply not good enough for a gun wielding master.

    Von Schill is a lot of fun, he embarresed Parker by shooting better and longer, being better in melee and having cool equipment for everyone while having better stats and saving crew mates from engagement. Parker only partly died in this game to enemy attacks, he also died partly in shame. He needs a boost. The aforementioned gun boost and frankly I feel he needs something to aid his movement. Like battle tempo or something similar. Viks are Mv 6 with battle tempo, Von Schill is Mv 6 with diving charge. Parker is Mv 5 and that's it.



    Mad Dog has Df 6, 10 wounds, and hard to kill for 9 stones? That seems better than average health for 9 stones?

    I finally used At Gunpoint... with the Dead Outlaw. Yet another Bandit with stat 5 when shooting. On top of that his damage is weaker than the gun of a melee monster like Viktoria but he has good triggers and can give out Fast for scheme markers so I'm not sure about him.

    Oh: Doc Mitchell. An actual doctor! In spite of this he is one of the most limited healers in the game. A range of 2" means he will rarely heal more than once pr turn, and it also means he will die very quickly. Most healers (Vanessa, Librarians etc.) have 8" range on heals just as effecient, if the doctor needs to be close, give him 2/3/4 heal or 2/2/3 or whatever. He is a DOCTOR! 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  3. Can Von Schill hand out 2 different pieces of equipment to the same model? Or do rocket boots and grenade launcher count as the "same kind" because they are both equipment?


    Oh, and if they count as the same, does that then also mean you can only have a total of 2 equipment upgrades out there at the same time?

  4. How does it work with Jack Daw's curse now? He has 5 if he is the leader, and they stay on the target for the rest of them game?

    What is he puts one on target # 6 will he remove from someone else or does he wait for someone to die because he can't put it on more than 5?

    I feel like I've missed something somewhere with the curse...

  5. 1: Plant explosives (Wedge deployment)

    2. Detonate charges, Search the ruins, Hold up forces, Power ritual, Assassinate.

    3. 2½ hours 5 rounds

    4: Parker 5 - Victorias 3

    5: Honsou1978: Parker with wanted criminal, Doc, Mad Dog, Sue, Convict Gunslinger with wanted criminal, Dead Outlaw, 2 Bandidos. 5 SS. 3 VP from strategy, 2 from Assassinate, 0 from Hold up forces.

    6: Oldwolf42: Viktoria with servant of dark powers, viktoria # 2, Vanessa, Student of Conflict, Pride, 2 Desperate Mercs, 2 Ronin both with wanted criminal. 5 SS. 1 VP from strategy, 1 from Assassinate, 1 from Search the ruins.


    I (Parker player) was pretty much camping in my deployment the first turn, throwing scheme markers left and right to get some FAST models in turn 2, plus I knew Vics could be in my face pretty quickly.

    Viks assaulted me in turn 2, Doc pulled away Parker which means Vic # 2 had to overextend to also get to him, so she instead pulled Vic 1 back and shot the poor Doc. Jakob is infamous for moderate damage no matter how many :-fliphe has to the damage flip and sure enough. Bye  bye Doc.

    The 2 sisters were still too far away from Vanessa and Pride, and most of my crew kept firing until there were no more sisters. I didn't approach the opponent's half of the table until turn 3 but it was well worth is even though I was behind on VP.

    We both forgot quite a few things, first game with those masters for us.

    Both Bandidos got saved by their :mask push trigger, and by turn 5 only Vanessa was left alive, whereas I had lost 1 Bandido, Doc, and Sue. Parker was on 3 wounds.

    Pretty bloody game. Fun as always.

    We had some questions during the game and we had some "major observations":


    Rules Questions:

    1: Chain gang and battle tempo: can they both be used even though you are engaged? One is a move, the other is a push, we weren't sure.

    2: Can a model spend 2 actions to place 1 scheme marker then place a bomb marker right on top of that scheme marker?

    3: In turn 5 Jakob had 1 model left, if he gets 4 pass tokens but starts by activating his model, can he still use pass tokens to get cards? (Or was the card effect removed now?) In other words, can you only use pass tokens if you have at least 1 model that has yet to activate?



    It seems very weird that the Viktoria, who is a stat 7 melee monster, has a gun with stat 5 and DMG 2/4/5. Because that's what Parker has. Granted he has a built in :+flip and ignores friendly fire but he is suppose to be a pro gunslinger, yet he isn't better than a melee master, and the damage track is even the same (remember Parker doesn't have a stat 7 DMG 3/4/6 sword in addition to his gun). 

    Parker got me a grand total of ONE enemy scheme marker because he doesn't have that built in Tome anymore. Please give that back to him, he really needs it! I had ONE shot in the entire game with stat 6, the rest were stat 5, which is kind of pathetic for a gun master. And he only cast "Stick Up" once, the rest of the time he was firing constantly but even his 2nd or 3rd shot there were still no scheme markers because he needs a tome like everyone in his crew does... 

    Viktoria has a skill that VERY rarely is worth casting: Dragon's Bite. You push her and her sister into combat, with a trigger ONE of you get 1 attack. Needless to say that didn't come up in this game and we struggled to see a scneario where that would be worth an 8?

    Run & Gun is great. It took us both by surprise but I think it evens out with the increasing amount of cover/shadow/concealment and they would be too slow and static without it. A fun crew, although "drop it" happens to rarely.

    Last, Desperate Mercs seem perhaps a pinch too good at range, with 14" for no apparent reason, ignoring cover and Stat 5 like most of Parker's crew?

    • Like 1
  6. Parkers attack feels a bit flat to me, with stat 5 and no built in suit anymore. Sure, if there are scheme markers, he will shoot better but you will never open up with him since he is stat 5... oh wait all the others are too. 😄

    Still think he should have the tome built in to make sure get SOME scheme markers dropped?

    • Agree 3
  7. If you want vics more tanky, they should lose some mobility and/or killing power. Otherwise we are back to M2E with some Masters that are frowned upon in friendly games.

    • Agree 5
  8. On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 11:59 AM, emiba said:

    Adding effects to penetrating stench is like putting saddlebags on a dead horse.

    Stop hurting me! My stomach can't take the laughing right now. :D

    Mental movie is still rolling...

    I agree it should be the aim of ALL crews to have the level of synergy that Urami, Savage etc. have.

    • Agree 3
  9. I didn't miss it, I don't think anyone did. That's why I wrote "if your hand is utter crap..." then it's an option but pretty much only then.

    If I play against Zoraida I would hope they will stand in a circle around the voodoo doll, pinging my model for 1 damage at a time and some conditions.

  10. Everyone wants to play M3E even though it's still in Beta. That's a good thing!

    So when I asked around everyone wanted to try out the new stuff instead of playing a M2E tournament.

    Sunday the 10th of march 2019 in Rogue Trader Copenhagen. (Harsdorffsvej 108, 2000 Frederiksberg)

    Doors open up at 09:00

    This will be a bit different due to beta rules:

    The last update from Wyrd in FEBRUARY will be the valid rules/cards/upgrades for this event. Whatever comes a few days before will be ignored, to give everyone a chance to know what rules we will be playing by.

    The price is 100 DKr for Rogue Trader members and 150 Dkr for non-members.

    This includes Wyrd mystery prizes and lunch.

    50 soulstones and only 2 rounds to give everyone a chance of finishing a game, which not many of us can manage in 2½ hours just yet.

    Fixed faction.

    Unpainted miniatures will be allowed since some models have switched factions and players might have to bring something they haven't used before.

    Which bring us to proxies: Obviously if you want to play somone like Euripides, proxies will be allowed. But not just any proxy. Put thought and effort into it, or bribe me with chocolate.

    Models which exist can't be replaced by whatever is on your shelf simply because of keywords or faction swap. 

    14 slots for this event!

    Feel free to aske me any questions regarding this day or the new rules.


  11. Quote

    As for the curse: Zoraida applies injured pretty well, and its a very powerful condition

    It is, which is why I cast it directly on the opponent, to both damage them in the process and perhaps get a useful trigger on a nearby friend. Casting it on the voodoo doll seems like a waste.

    I agree penetrating stench is good (not great though) but seeing as Wyrd has made most crews have some sort of synergy within their respective keyword group, it seems a shame (and a bit boring) that Swampfiends are meant as a bunch of stand alone models, at least in my opinion.

    However you look at it, in its current state the voodoo curse requires a lot of effort to be effective. Like with Hex: it is much more effective just casting directly on the target. Sure, if your hand is utter crap, or those rare occasions where the cured target is out of Zoraida's range but let's agree that will be rare.

    • Agree 1
  12. On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 11:19 PM, katadder said:

    The riders should be allowed back. It's the only reason I own all 4 and only for that last summer, 2 months before the announcement of 3rd

    Yeah a lot of people have the 4 riders for that exact reason. It's a shame they don't keep that, if 4-5 Horsemen are too much, they could always make them more expensive for Leveticus. It's a cool thematic Horsemen of the Apocalypse crew which many of us will miss.

    4-5 Horsemen should be easier to balance for a specific Levi crew (that can't include all sorts of other models anyway) than "all non-Gremlin constructs/undead".

    • Like 4
  13. I agree there isn't a lot going on for models called Swampfiends. Zoraida can see/cast through them and that's it.

    I like the idea of a push for friendly Swampfiend models she Obey, that would give you more reason to pick Swampfiend models.

    I assume there are some models out there who are great at piling on conditions on Voodoo Doll? Right now I can't see that Curse be much of a threat, a cursed model could be injured or something to make it actually FEEL cursed?

  14. I stil don't see the "power".

    Unless I cast it with Zoraida and then attack the target afterwards with a beater... or better yet: 2 beaters. That's assuming the target doesn't get out of way once it has poisoned fate.

    So against an incorporeal target that has many wounds and possibly soulstone usage, and I have a heavy beater waiting for the target to be poisoned like that? I guess that could be effecient, but it seems very specific and need a few plantes to align.

    So no, not useless, just rarely worth while compared to Hex which would also help the beater standing in line. I suppose I will be on the look out for that moment when it seems worth casting. :D

    I hope they do something with the curse. Perhaps instead of 1 damage when voodoo doll takes damage, you get injured+2 when cursed? And distracted against the voodoo doll.

    Has anyone noticed something effecient when it comes to stacking conditions on voodoo doll?

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