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Posts posted by Furio

  1. As Brass monkey has said, Nicodem requires you to buy multiple other boxes to make him effective (a summoner needs models to summon!) As such I would only recommend him to somebody willing to make the financial commitment, that is unless your local group will let you proxy everything you need whilst you slowly build up his crew..

  2. We tend to derail some topics from time to time though,

    From time to time? :rolleyes:


    Nice joke! I think there's a couple of you that seem unable to stay on topic for more than 1 message in a row! On the plus side :+fate  it does make even the most boring of threads amusing.

  3. Yeah, I'm from Spain ^.^` (Diacash, Wyrd Games, we are waiting for traduction!!!


    Where about in Spain are you?

    I assume you know about the forums "the doll's house" Malifaux forums in Spanish!



    oh the thing I wish diacash would sort out asap is to stop telling LGSs that they have metal models in stock which they don't. (for the non-spanish based users Diacash is the Spanish distributor for Malifaux.)

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  4. A good turn out on sunday and already requests for more demos (advantage of Malifaux being the new game in town) so i'll be back at the club running a couple of demos on thursday morning (I love only working afternoons)

  5. From your typing i'm guessing you're in a Spanish speaking country. (jajaja and the word cartel("poster" in English))


    I'm terrible with photo editing programs so I cheat and make posters the easiest way possible:


    1. Find an image that I like on google (make sure it is a big picture)

    2. open up word on my computer

    3. Insert the picture I found earlier and change the image to "behind text"

    4. Choose a nice font and write what ever I want all over the picture.

    5. Taadaaa! like magic i've got a poster for whatever event i'm running.

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