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Everything posted by Vandalious

  1. Hey ffolks. Not wanting to deny ones fate right off the bat, I had a player flip Red Joker for her station - Neverborn stolen. We worked out some background for how she was taken, how her childhood was and when dhe was allowed to venture into the big city on her own. Am curious how other FM have dealt with this station and concepts, skills, talents and such were either given to the Fated or things done to aid in understanding an upbringing with no contact with "humans" for most of her life. She has odd coloured eyes from long exposure to more of a pure malifaux energy, single name no last name & its an older less common name(i.e. Lilith & Pandora), she speaks & understand Neverborn language, and I gave her centering 1 due to a lifetime of being among the monsters. Any other Fate Masters or even Mason have any additional insights or how they handled it. Had her wander through a Breach that opened to her as a 1or 2 year old that wandered into the shiny portal.
  2. What is the best way to find other plyers in local areas for most folks? I am in Alaska and want to play but need opponents or its no using getting involved. Any advice.
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