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Everything posted by prozz

  1. ciemny lud nie kupił :) #kod

  2. RT @mythbuilder: Blown away by #Netrunner #FFGWorlds finals match. Dan kept the throne, but Timmy won our hearts. Looking forward to the ne…

  3. #FFGWorlds is the big mall opened on sundays? #Minnesota

  4. adventures with node command line option parsers... #fail

  5. I just published “"NBN vs Weyland" Case” https://t.co/qvRyGItbhy #netrunner #anr

  6. @FFGOP and when we will see this update?

  7. RT @pawelk_: Nowy odcinek WARSAW CITY GRID (podcastu o grze #Netrunner) wylądował. W nim wywiad z MISTRZEM POLSKI http://t.co/I3Q7TqrkYT #…

  8. RT @FactsProfessor: Remember this lady? http://t.co/SCyL3nSHPn

  9. hi im new to the game (obv ) and would like to purchase two starters for sake of introgaming my friends. for me personally id love to have mcmouring or seamus crew. i need advice on what to buy as a second starter, so that games are balanced and exciting. i guess some matchups may be boring or not well balanced? if thats not the case here, what other crew would present totally different approach and feel differently on battlefield? on the other hand is it viable to have good games with seamus vs mcmouring and actually buy same factions crews and introgame with them? it would save me some $$$ on expanding my forces later on. id appreciate any hints/tips for newcomer. best regards PR
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