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Posts posted by PeeJay

  1. I think I would go with:
    Kirai (Cach 7SS)
     +Absorb Spirit
    Datsue Ba
     +My Little Helper
     +Spirit Whisper
    Philip and the Nany
     +Haunting Cries
     +Wronged Spirits
    Dead Doxy
    Night Terror
    Night Terror

    You should be able to get the doxy to place two schemes so philip can draw you cards. If not that and SS is enough, Kirai can also filter some cards for you.
    Kirai and Datsue can both summon a Seshin/turn, Datsue can even summon 2 one turn and give you an extra card.
    Night Terrors are good summoning anchors for Drowned (finish the job, so more snack for Philip if they die) and then something more, and helps you out activate your oponent.

    This list can go very wrong if you end up with a truly lousy hand. It more or less lack hitting power. So you better get that 11 or 12, so you can get those Goryos or Shikomes. Both Kirai and Datsue can hit some, and when your oponent kills something, you better be in LoS to throw Ikiyro in its face. Sure, Philip can shoot, but tbh, it is not why he is there. 

  2. My 6:th and last game is here. This will not be a full report, as it would not make the game justice at all. Alot of strange stuff happend


    So, yet again Patzer (Lynch/Neverborn) was my oponent. I played the Dr (McMourning), and yet again I lost! (9-7 neverborn win)



    Extraction   :ram
    A Line in the Sand
    Breakthrough  :mask
    Cursed Object 1
    Protect Territory  :tome
    Murder Protege 11
    My list: (I picked Protect  and Murder, both revealed) 


    McMourning -- 6 Pool

     +Moonlighting [1]

     +Spare parts [2]

    Chihuahua [2]

    Sebastian [7]

     +Transfusion [1]

    Mortimer [9]

     +Corps Bloat [2]

    Guild Autopsy [4]

    Rotten Belle [5]

    Rotten Belle [5]

    Crooked man [5]

    Crooked Man [5]



    Patzers list: (Picked Cursed and Murder, both hidden)


    Jakob Lynch -- 6 Pool
     +The Rising Sun [2]
     +Wings of Darkness [1]

    Hungering Darkness [0]
     +Fears Given Form [1]
    Doppleganger [7]
    Stitched Together [6]
    Stitched Together [6]
    Stitched Together [6]
    Wicked Doll [4]
    Vasilisa [9]
     +Strum the Threads [1]
     +A Friend To Talk To [2]


    Quick resume:


    As expected on an Extraction, alot of models were running to the middle.


    Turn 2, 3 and 5 I got distracted.

    He killed Mortimer turn 4 or 5

    I failed my Murder


    I got full from protect teritory


    We both got 4 from Extraction. the marker actually never moved from centerpoint (I could had moved it turn 5, but it wouldn't had matter)


    In this game I wanted to try play Spare Parts on McMourning. My hope were to get me 2 Rouge Necromancies and maybe expunge me a fleshie or even 2. I were hoping to deliver pain with a Rouge Necromancy or two (from the Spare Parts) and I managed to summon 2, both got instakilled with one activation from a singel Stiched. Those guys are rough! I on the other hand managed to kill Lynch with Shafted (Crooked man 0 action) and a Bell luring him into a scheme marker. McMourning got slayed the same turn via a stiched that got obeyed. Those Stiched realy won Patzer the game if you ask me. Especialy one of them. He killed McMourning and 2 Rouge Necromancies! That is a well deserved MVP if you ask me. The Rouge Necromancies he killed singelhanded.


    I did not manage to expunge me any Flesh Constructs


    My Chihuahua did awesome with Bloated Stench a total of three different times

    Well played yet again from Patzer, who I think controlled the engagedment up til mid turn 4, I got low on hope in mid game, when my flipps went against me, but I got back in mode when I manage to kill Lynch with that Scheme marker "exploding" in his face and delivered 7 wounds!
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  3. So, today it were Neverborn (Patzer) yet again, It is writen from memory, but lists are acurate, and so is result. 
    Exact what happends what turns is though held in darkness, as my brain is old and very well marinated in embalming fluid.
    Standard Deploy
       Guard the Stash (2 50mm markers, 5" high, blocking 10" apart on center line)
       Break through
       Plant Explosives
       Frame for Murder
       Line in the sand
    Ressers (me)
          Manical Laugh
          Necrotic King
          Corpse bloat
       Rotten Bell
       Crooked man
       Crooked man
    Neverborn (Patzer)
          Beckon Malifaux
          Living Blade
          Summon the Blood
       Primordial Magic
       Baby Kade
       Black Blood Shaman
       Terror Tot
       Terror Tot
    So yet again Lilith were facing of Nicodem. I picked Break Through and Plant Explosives as Schemes, Patzer had picked Assassinate and Plant Explosives.
    The board
    Two large buildings (Inpassible) in opposite corners, touching each of the deployment zones. 
    4 smaller buildings (Inpassible) helped form a square in the middle
    on the middle point were an "impassible" well 3" high and about 50mm in diameter
    4 trees were scattered out
    I deployed first
    1 Crooligan on each side
    2 crooked men on mid right
    Bell Mortimer Toshiro and Nico center left. Between center left and center right were a small building
    Patzer pretty much center deployed. 1 Terror tot and Primordial Magic started on my right and Killjoy started under ground
    Turn 1
    I moved up Toshiro a bit to far and immediately Patzer started Luring him forward, so I had to Lure him back with my Rotten Bell,
    besides that I summoned another Bell rushed my Crooligans (who had not deployed form the shadow) on each side. My crooked men moved up slightly and took 
    one pot shot each that they missed from against I think it were Lilith that moved up pretty agressive and got lured closer.
    Patzer let Baby Kade and Doppelganger stay back and Lure my poor Toshiro, everything else pretty much moved up to clam the stash
    (0 - 0)
    Turn 2
    I tried to recover my poor Toshiro and get him back. Lilith moved up very agressivly and together with a tot and in the end killed Toshiro.
    I killed the Tot and Killjoy appeared from its corpse. I managed to put slow on him but not finish him of.
    Nico summoned a Punk Zombie that werent slow and affected by both Toshiros and Nicos Aura. 
    we both moved in on the Stash, My right crooligan "placed in" after he dropped a Scheme marker for a 2 point plant explosives and got close enough 
    to the right Stash marker. one of my Crooked men moved up close enough to get me a point on the left Stash. 
    Patzer had a Tot on my right and Black Blood Shaman on the left Doppleganger moved up some this turn
    (3 - 1) Ressers in the lead
    Turn 3
    Patzer Tried to save his Killjoy by healing him back to full. My Punk Zombie did a Slice and Dice (Kill joy and Doppfelganger) and more or less 
    forced Patzer to cheat two times. My Bells (who were pretty close to each other) Companioned and lured him in to a double Ponce twice and gave him
    Slow again. One of the Lures managed to force Patzer  to be forced to discard his last card in hand, the red joker! Killjoy fell, Mortimer failed his 
    Terror test against him but a crooked man managed to get a charge in, and slayed him.
    Patzer killed (I think) one my Bells (from Black blood and blood clut and some hits). and my Punk Zombie. Lilith placed her trees to force Nico 
    to move to see any corpse markers. He did so and summoned I think 2 new Punk Zombies.
    My Crooligan on the left had moved up to place the first scheme for break through, but Patzers Baby Kade were on Intercepting course to kill him dead.
    Lilith moved back to guard a stash. I failed to get close enough to one of the stashes
    (3 - 2) Ressers still in the lead
    Turn 4
    Things got messy, I managed to kill the Doppelganger with my Punk zombies Slicing and diceing. Think one finished her of with a flurry. Patzers totem 
    rushed in to the middle and became a scheme marker and blew up (plant explosives) for 3 VP. When all smoke had disapeared my Bell were dead somewhere 
    (in an earlier turn I think) my right crooligan had died. My poor Mortimer fell too. Nicodem Laughed and 6 mindless Zombies woke up!
    My crooligan managed to disengage Baby Kade on its 2:nd try and run of to not be engaged
    (3 - 6) Vicory slipping away!
    Turn 5
    Patzer managed to get both my Punk Zombies (who with fast might have made it to a break trough markers) to loose their ability to walk and charge. I 
    summoned a crooligan and a Necro Punk to be able to get them close to both stashes, but no more scheme markers for break through
    (5 - 7) Lilith defeated us once more
    I got
    Guard the Stash 2
    Breakthrough 1
    Plant Explosives 2
    Patzer got
    Guard the Stash 4
    Plant Explosives 3
    I should had worked harder on the Stashes, only 2 points from them were lame. I think I got kill greedy (again) and failed with only 2p Stash and 1p breakthrough.
    Patzer could easily have had 2 or even 3 more points if he hadn´t picked Assassinate. But yet again, an awesome game! Tankyou Patzer for your patience with me
    • Like 1
  4. Favorit beatsticks for ressers are

    Izamu, 50mm base, 3" melee range and can both take and deal damage. ohh and he can heal!

    Valedictorian, 50mm, 3" melee range and is fast and have flurry! 

    Betê Noire, the lady that never dies


    Mortimer (Nico box), Awesome henchmen, can dig for corpse markers and he has a shovel that can realy kill stuff in close combat

    Sebastian (McMourning Box) Likes Poison, not ideal henchmen for Nico, atleast not early on

    Sybelle (Seamus box). Buffs Rotten Belles and can realy help forcing oponent. Can take a beating, and can deal pain



    Punk Zombies (in Nico box), Hard to kill, Hard to wound, Mi 6, Flurry and can be summoned for a knight

    Crooligans (wait for Molly box). Awesome for anything that has to do with schemes, especialy distract!

    Hanged, always scary :P and they can realy hit hard

    Rotten Belles (Seamus box) are awesome, they can force oponent models to come to you at long range

    Nurse (McMourning box) are nice suport model, but not my favorit with Nicodem

    Flesh Constuct (McMourning box), Large pile of wounds that can swallow things whole

    K-9 (McMourning box) Fast zombie dogs that reduce DF and if you have crows to spare (wich you will never have) they can dig up corpse markers. Fast!

    Mindless Zombies. OK, not a minion (yet), but can work nice to move "Corpse markers" up the field. and as they are undead, they can help you get cards when you sacrifice them. You can always summon bigger zombies from them as they are corpse markers and a zombie at the same time


    Nicodem is not easy to kill, and in my opinion works best if he moves up a bit. Use one AP to walk him 2 first turns if you can, or use a rotten belle to lure him up, to save his own AP for other stuff. He can hand out fast and slow, he can heal undead models and he can ress. He is a supporting master that can summon stuff depending on what you need. I try to have a big soulestone cash (6 or 7 stones) when I play him, as you very often need to stone for crows

    • Like 1
  5. Had another game vs Patzer today. Today it were Neverborn (Patzer) vs Resser (me)


    50 SS game, Lillith for Neverborn and Nicodem for Ressers. Hopefully I will post a better battlereport when Patzer post me his list. The game was a nice walk in the park for Neverborn who beated me fair and squar 9-4? Might had been 9-3, not entierly sure.


    We played a Headhunter strategy with Entourage, Make them suffer and Distract. I can't remember the last one


    I picked Make them suffer and Distract (wich I totaly forgot)


    Patzer picked Make them suffer and Entourage


    I got (from memory)

    Distract 1

    Heads 2

    Make them suffer 1 (or 0)


    Patzer got

    Heads 4

    Make them suffer 3

    Entourage 2


    I saved me a point with a summoned Rotten bell Luring Lillith back out from my deployment zone


    So a loss for the resser :S


    And as allways against Patzer, an awesome and funny game, even he totaly owned me!

  6. The Vulture has this Tactical action

    (1)  Eyes and Ears: (Ca:4 / TN:12 / Rg:12): Until start of this model´s next Activation, target friendly Master may use this model to draw LoS and range for any Ca Actions it takes


    The upgrade Manical Laugh reads:


    (0) Muwahahaha (Ca 6  :crow / TN: 13  :crow / Rg:  :pulse 8 ):

    Summon one mindless Zombie into base contact with each Corpse Marker in range, then discard all Corpse Markers in range. Mindless Zombies may not count as Corpse Markers for this Action


    If Vulture has managed to cast Eyes and Ears, and if Nicodem then cast Muwahahaha.


    1. Do the :pulse count as LoS?

    2. Can I make Mindless Zomies arround both the Vulture and Nicodem at the same time?


    I guess Manical laughter also can get confusing here, but that is an :aura not a :pulse 

    • Like 1
  7. One of my favorit oponents dared me, Patzer! All is written from memory, and is most likley not 100% accurate, but accurate enough to be true. Result is 100% true though!


    We played 50SS standard deploy





    Plant explosives

    Murder Protege


    Line in the sand


    I declared (doh) Ressers, and Patzer brought a Seamus


    My Crew and Shemes


    Bodyguard (Betê Noire)

    Plant Explosives



      Manical laughter



      My Favorit Shovel

      Corpse Bloat




    Betê Noire


    Patzers Crew and Schemes



      Decaying aura


      Bleeding Tounge

      Not to banged up

    Datsue Ba

      Spirit Whisper

    Jaakuna Ubume

      Unnerving aura


    Rotten Belle




    6 houses formed an 45 degree tilted square in the middle, and a gallow in the middle of the sqare. The gallow got declared as soft cover, but see through. Between middle houses near both deployment zones were an impassable terrain about 70mm in diametre. A few soft cover fences were spread out. Buildings were possible to walk into, but no shooting out except doors, and no cover (Paper walls) for shoting out of a building.


    I deployed first. Pretty centered, Patzer did the same. My hand was bull, I had a jack and rest below 8! Patzer were kind enough to let me go first.


    Turn one:


    I moved up Mortimer once and failed to find a bone, bot lost my spleen for a corpse marker wich Nicodem turned into a Crooligan. Nico also handed out fast to Valedictorian and Izamu. Vulture linked up to his master and flew of to widen as much as possible Valedictorian flew up (trippel walked from the fast) on my right flank and hided behind a building, but still had view over the gallows. Crooligan tried to stay back and hidden


    Patzer moved up his Rotten Belle and Lured my Valedictorian out in the middle and pounced and missed, where Jaakuna who had uppers from his Nurse had already placed her selves (Taking terrain damage) Seamus was deployed a bit bad, and had to doubblewalk to be able to back ally up mid board (think it were first turn atleast) CC killer scooted up on my left flank pretty alone. Nurse walked up behind Sybelle out of melee range of Valedictorian. Sybelle and Jaakuna were both engaged with Valedictorian. Datsue Ba walked up in cover of the Gallow to the right.


    (0 - 0)


    Turn two (let the mayham begin):


    Can't remember who won initiative


    Mortimer still couldn't find a bone (not a card above 9 on my hand even that I stoned) but lost some more of his spleen. Nicodem woke up a Necropunk and gave my Betê and Valedictorian fast. Betê got Paralyzed from the nurse though.Valedictorian lecture noted Sybelle so she couldn't declare triggers. Valedictorian killed the Rotten Belle and took some beating from Jaakunas auras and Sybelles whip. Seamus Aura prevented me from healing or stone for her) Izamu got charged by Datsue Ba through the Gallow. I think Izamu got killed with her (Ignoring armour and stuff) and maybe something more, Betê woke up (remember no 10 on my hand). I rushed my crooligan up and planted explosives to get 2 points, he got 2 for Murder protige on Izamu. No heads were picked up.


    (2 – 2)


    Turn three:


    With a flurry from Valedictorian and a charge from Mortimer I managed to kill Seamus! And on top of that via vultures link up I managed to heal valedictorian (at a cost of a corpse marker) from 8 wounds to full. Summon a Punk Zombie (from the rotten Belle I killed) and I thik handle out slow to Datsue Ba. Datsue Ba (and maybe something more) managed to ”kill” Betê who safley buirred, but Datsue were still engaged with Valedictorian (who essentialy hooked up all mid board her selves). Think he got another Seshin for the trouble. My crooligan managed to sneak in and get a head and bounce to saftey. For some reason (cant remember) he got a Gaki up close to my Necropunk. My Punk Zombie killed his nurse and Betê reapeared on the board to get the head


    (3 – 3) one head each


    Turn four (dust setlles):


    I declare Bodyguard on Betê who has started to run of into my upper left corner). Copy cat killer tries to run after her to shoot her dead. Jaakuna falls to Valedictorian, Punk Zombia picks up a head. Arround Mortimer, Crooligan and Necropunk battle I managed to kill of all but the Gaki who is on one wound. I think Datsue Ba got killed too. Think we both picked up a head each. I also think Betê and CC-killer are hooked up in Melee and I think Betê killed him.


    (5 – 4) Body guard for me and one head each


    Turn five (mop up):


    this is based on what would happend. My Betê picked up another head and made sure to be way up the board for bodyguard. All Patzers models were hooked up in battle with Valedictorian and or Mortimer, so he could not grab a head.


    (8 – 4) Bodyguard since Betê lived and was allmost in his deployment zone and a head for me


    As always against Patzer, an awesome and funny battle. I felt under till I managed to kill Seamus and heal my valedictorian in 3 activations. That was truly the moment the battle turned. Mortimer is realy dangerous with his shovel (Ml 7! and 2/3/4 damage spread). When Seamus were down to 2 wounds I saw my possibilty to kill Seamus. With a lucky low flip on damage prevent and I had another head and corpsemarker. To bad I did not pick assassinate. But I would never expect to kill Seamus turn 3, ever. Especialy a Seamus without bag of tools.


    8 – 4 for the ressers (and the right resser)

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  8. Hmm, but if (and I mean IF) I get away with a win against you does that count for team Ressers? Or do you mean you will just happily loose to a Resser in general? :P


    If I loose against an oponent that is a good chap, I do not mind losing. And Malifaux comunity arround here atleast is awesome! 


    And top that with loosing against a Resser, then it allmost feel like a good thing to loose!

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