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Small Mek

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Posts posted by Small Mek

  1. On 1/25/2019 at 11:08 PM, catbat07 said:

    I find it a little strange to see how little effort they put into Lilith while Collodi is sitting over there with a whole new act mechanic, condition play and revamped actions. 

    Even the Poor cherub was left out from the flight change MV compensation :)

    I'm curious about the interaction of snapping plants and the new hazardous terrain rules. Even with that... I'm really missing either the old Master of Malifaux's no LoS required for Ca actions part or being able to create forest markers. She's a bit fragile without them - in the two games with her I never managed to disappear due to clever application of injured or stunned, the other defensive mechanics would be tangle shadows to escape... I don't know. Probably if the mask was built in... But probably not. It feel's like she has to be closer to the action than she is able to endure the attention.

    On the other hand I really like that the neverborn rooster opened up for her. (Now suddenly being in DMH is like when the guild guards increase the resting time between the regular beatings. There still are beatings, but hey, things are better now :D )

    • Agree 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    I don’t because my biggest problem with the ability is that it isn’t reliable. Adding a Seamus killed something clause makes it even worse from a mechanical standpoint because that makes it even more unreliable and even more niche. Now he has to have actually killed something, not his crew, him, and at the same time have one or more of the following be true:

    actually have actions remaining after the kill, a need to shoot again, an enemy in range, not being near terrain to jump and have terrain in range to jump to, or a need to terrorize one of his own models. 

    Thematic win sure but thematic mechanics only matter if they get used and making Seamus need to have killed something that turn and still have need and ability and enemies in range means it will be used even less than an enemy corpse. At least in that instance his crew can get them to drop, or he can take advantage of them from previous turns. And I still think it’s too limiting in that case because it will hardly ever be used.

    Fair points. I'll have to ponder about this one some more. I'm sure there's an elegant solution somewhere :)

  3. 3 hours ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    I don’t think only that ability. The ability to easily get access to corpse markers has increased by multiple orders of magnitude over M2E. Mourners can get you one. Grave Robbers (diggers? I can never remember their name) can make them, Mortimer can make them, the Carrion Emissary can create them, Asura can make walking ones, you can hire mindless zombies, etc.


    I don't think the corpse marker is the problem, but the corpse marker and the blocking terrain in one convenient package. While I think it's a bit too powerful for seamus, I agree that this would't justify the need for tracking the owner of every corpse marker. If the ability would change to "Seamus have killed a model that turn", it would (might) probably create some rare but fun combos with the CCK too. (And it's probably a bit more cinematic than taxiing corpses with canine remains? On the other hand it's harder to conserve the bonus action that way... )

  4. Sad to see all those iconic masters leave...

    I just have to find a way to play dead man's hand Lilith with her avatar. It would look extremely fluffy coming back to malifaux to dissapear again. Stupid base sizes...

    Speaking of avatars, they are going back to paperweight state. Am I correct? (No more official proxying).

    Also... will the app be updated, or will it remain in 2nd edition?

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