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Everything posted by Ophidian

  1. I will check those out, thanks! I will wait for GenCon anyway, if they release any new crew boxes (I really prefer plastic over metal).
  2. Thanks, I haven't really decided on the crews yet, they all interesting. I will probably go with Nicodem or McMourning, I am kinda on the fence with other box: Lilith sounds interesting with all her tricks although I find her nephilim crew too... "normal" in faction full of nightmarish creatures Pandora also seems interesting because of her gameplay. I like gremlins because, well they are gremlins. I expecally like Ophelia's crew with all their copying of Ortega Familiy. I am also considering Von Schill for more straight forward play. This are my current favorites, as I said I am still deciding. I will probably buy one summoner and something else. As I read the descriptions and tactics of masters on wiki I found all of them at least interesting, so I have quite hard time deciding.
  3. Hello, Two weeks ago I (accidentally) stumbled upon Malifaux, I've watched few battle reports and read few articles on PullMyFinger wiki and from what this game is something I was looking for ever since I moved from GW stuff to WarmaHordes. So i've decided to get two crew boxes and try to convert my friends. So I have few questions: Are there any online shops based in EU that hold good amount of Malifaux stuff? (Usually I order my wargaming stuff from Wayland Games and I am looking if there is any other store), Does anyone have experience (I am sure it does) ordering from Wyrd store into EU? International shiping at around 15 $ sounds cheap, what is your experience with shipping times and customs fee? Are there any known release planned for Gen Con (Mainly Crew Starter Boxes) ? Any dates on Ophelia plastic crew box? Thanks!
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