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Posts posted by MightyGodzilla

  1. Quick question.  Does Lady Justice's Riposte trigger work against disengaging strikes?  Last night's opponent told me it didn't, but I want to double check because I considered a disengaging strike an event specific melee attack.


    Probably the first of many questions as I start to play more games ;) .  Thanks all!

  2. You know, someone may have simply copied and pasted this from the Kickstarter update to Dakka?

    Not being privy to the Kickstarter link that Justin put up prior to today, I hadn't thought of that.  But regardless of who posted it on Dakka, the original post was from Eric.  And he's a Wyrd guy isn't he?

  3. Just a point of clarification. I'm *fairly* certain I'm the only Wyrd employee who posts on Dakka, and I made no such statement (I avoid any questions about shipping like the plague - because it's not my place).


    That said, there is info on that in a KS update: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1334239018/through-the-breach-a-malifaux-roleplaying-game/posts/918475




    "You should be getting one of these soon! (well, one appropriate to your pledge level). Fully packed this box is just about 10 lbs! Our goal is to see all the boxes shipped by the end of the month, miniatures included.

    As a thank you for your patience your box will include some additional miniatures (up to a full Malifaux box set at random), to give you supplies to get your TTB campaign going.

    Thanks all!


    That's the post from Dakka Justin.  Page 51 of their TtB Kickstarter thread in the Malifaux section, A guy named Eric posted it.  I don't remember his last name, but I've seen his posts on "A Wyrd Place" as well.


    Edit:   -It's the same post as he made in your Kickstarter link.

  4. I totally agree that it's completely stupid to have a Wave 2 book with rules for the existing Wave 2 metal models without having all of the Wave 2 plastics out.

    I agree that I and everyone else shouldn't be able to use any of our Wave 2 models while Wyrd has production issues.  The obvious choice is to not play the game at all then play with, gasp, old models.


    Geez, Wyrd, stop being such a small business!

    /sarcasm + hyperbole

    Through the Breach shipped out 1-2 weeks ago for KS backers (with bonus models due to the delay), though I'm not sure ALL the orders were done. I think the ones with Hannah didn't go out yet -- maybe. Denying everyone else the ability to buy TtB because some orders -- that had non-book-related extras -- didn't ship out would be financial negligence on Wyrd's part considering how big a market Gencon is for them.

    Patience. Models will be released. I've heard their business relies on it or something to that effect.


    No sarcastic hyperbole needed.  You did see where I said I agreed with RB_Man right.  I didn't say anything about "all" or "most", I just said that to release a new book without model support is dumb.  And by dumb I mean a let down from a customer point of view.  I'm spending money on whatever they decide to produce next, finish Wave 1 or start Wave 2.


    As far as your TtB comment, on the 18th of this month a Wyrd employee posted on Dakka that they'd be getting their shipments out by the end of this month.  So by around now.  As no one there has posted that they've actually received their stuff, and Dakka is a ridiculously busy forum I can only hope Wyrd hold true to their schedule.  They've still got two weeks  My problem with not fulfilling crowdfunding pledges as first priority is that they gave you the money to make your books or whatever.  Without the quarter million provided by the crowdfund it would have been monumentally tougher to bring TtB to Gencon.  Even if they don't have the multipose models or the Hannah they promised, send out the things they do have.

  5. Mechanical dancing girl with massive blades for hands.

    That's every bit as awesome as it sounds.

    I've got mannequins from the crew box, but they come on 30mm bases.  Are coryphées big?  I'm wondering because I was looking at their stat card last night and it said they come on a 40mm base?

  6. Awesome Mister Shine!  Thanks very much.


    On the topic of Colette, before I even knew what Malifaux was I had picked up the Colette crew box because I paint and I liked her art on the box.  I revisited the box this week and I like the whole set.  What the hell's a Coryphee tho?  They come on a 40mm base...

  7. I think Wyrd would have to be really dumb to put out wave 2 plastic masters before they even have the wave 1 Masters done. Then it just looks bad like they can't finish what they start and they will just jump on to the next thing before being done with the last.  Well that is my 2 cents.

    Yeah but it's also dumb to have a brand new book out without model support.  I totally agree with what you said above btw.  That and they have to get all the Through the Breach kickstarter orders handled too.  I think it would be very bad business to not have those kickstarters out the door and be selling the RPGs books at GenCon. 


    Wyrd's got a busy two weeks ahead of them for sure.


    BTW which wave 1 plastic masters are still undone?

  8. I would assume if they updated the boxes to include the M2E logo on it that the cards are inside and are 2nd ed.  At least I hope that's the case.  I've been meaning to buy a couple of TT crews and I'm glads they updated them.  Just waiting till GenCon to buy now.  And maybe they'll randomly insert a Johana in them too.  That'd be nice.

  9. You might try asking in the trade forum.  From what I understand the overscale production of the ronins was a mistake and Wyrd briefly was taking them back and replacing them for whoever wanted the correct scaling.  So you might luck into an overscale ronin were you to buy an old box, asking around the trade forum may yield better results.

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