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Everything posted by Vic_bull

  1. Yes, thanks. But I mean grouping. Last time i had put them in to the loose line against the leading edge of the deployment zone. Maybe I should have made two groups? Shure, its an objective dependant but still, maybe it's a good idea for someone to hang out nearby the Lillith for example.
  2. I see. I read it as a general advice. As a specific advice against the nurses it totally makes sence. Also the nurses are serious buffers and it's a good idea to get rid of them first hand since they are relatevely easy to kill and a lot of starategy is depending on them. Thanks. Any general advice for the deplyment? This time I lost the initiative and had a combined punch of Sonnia, Samael and the Lone Marshall against Lillith. My opponent is afraid of her. Also he relies on the ranged tactics. I was lucky to get rid of "Everburning" condition because of nearby Tot.
  3. LOL! My friend has got himself McMourning, because he can't stand the look of nurses. He plans to use them along with the executioners and other nasty staff playing for the guild. Already activated? Well,there is some logic but still, why? Not to defend if something goes wrong?
  4. Done. An automatic tie. Thanks a lot.
  5. But who flips the Rst of a friendly Tot then? The opponent?
  6. The card says 6". I see now, the models are being swapped. Man, if I could have figured it our in the middle of the game. LOL. However the TN is pretty high. Thanks.
  7. Lol, yes. They do. Thanks for an advice. I still have to figure out how the Tangle Shadow works. The description is kinda messy. I place my model which is in 6" to the target model wich should be in 12" in BtB. Then what? I bring both models back or I just leave my model there? Sounds good tactics anyway. Except for this time when killing something for the Rapid Growth from his list was a pain. He kinda put aside the minions in order to have the Lone Marshall.
  8. Before the start, I see. Just as I thought. Thanks. Most of the shemes have some conditions written after them when and how you may benfit from it. "A line in the sand" hasn't. Which lest us wondering. He wanted to reveal it on turn 4.
  9. Thanks! I'm fine, it's just a matter of a "danger" feeling I have to have through the hole game and his absolete freedom with the ranged attacks, especially through the terrain. He was really concentrated fighting hard and not making the schemes even that I was pressed to the point where I actually wasn't recongising the fact that I was winning, mainly because I was loosing the duels. I wonder if he could maintain the same pressure level and make the schemes at the same time. If so then I'll have lots of trouble. By the way, during the game we couldn't figure out when one could benefit from the revealing a "Line in the sand"? Do you have to reveal it before the start or you could do it during the game?
  10. Ok, we had our second game. 30SS, I was using full Lillith starter + some upgrades and he took Sonnia, Samael, Purifying flame, a Stalker and the Lone marshall. Turf war, Outflank, and Line in the sand for both sides. Unfortunately I was out of luck this evening and lost the initiative flip(and many other flips later ) I was deploying first and in the end the Lillith had to resist Sonnia, Samael and Lone marshall altoghether in the center of the table, so she had to pass after turn 3. My partner had occupied the turf marker for the hole game getting 4 points and I was able to "put" a line in the sand and place two tots on each side of the table for the sake of "Outflank" scheme. I was able to snatch 1 point from the turf marker too and near the end of the game I was even in a winning(5:4) situation because my partner has concentrated on killing my models instead of making his schemes. During the game I was able to finsh the stalker, and very badly hurt Samael and the Lone marshall, had lost Lillith and a tot. Right in the end of turn 5 badly wounded Barbaros was deeply engaged with the Purifying flame which he finally finished and had gone in flames because of the Flames blow.To be honest I wasn't expecting anything after but my bad luck had shown again and my opponent had flipped 11 in the end of turn 5. We moved on, at this point I only had 2 tots and a cherub left. Cherub has engaged with the lone marshall giving his life there and both tots had taken a defensive stance for the sake of "Outflank" again. Sonnia and Samael had killed 1 of them and dropped a couple of markers on the centerline. And then I flipped 12 for the tun 7. Sonnia had moved to the side of the board and the game was finished, me giving up 4:5. We both were pretty much happy about the game. The only drawback was a timing, it took us about 4-5 hours. :huh:To be honest I'm starting to hate all these burning conditions and the advantages it gives to Sonnia's crew. I'm a bit struggling fighting her, but we'll see in a future. A couple of pics of our table:
  11. Vic_bull

    Terrain 2

    From the album: Misc.

  12. Vic_bull


  13. Vic_bull


    From the album: Misc.

  14. Vic_bull

    Terrain 1

    From the album: Misc.

  15. Probably you"re right, but I'm not sure we'll be able to. However I somehow think we did ok for the first time. Yeah, we missed to use some of the abilities. Yes, I messed my scheme at the end of the game and we messed the final result. But mostly due the fact that it was 2am on the clock already. But in general the process went smoothly, we weren't struggling or trying to figure out something for too long. And man, we were struggling when playing Infinity for the first couple of times. The rules are simple to catch even if we are not native English speakers. So we both felt satisfied in the end and we'll be able to catch the rest in no time I hope.
  16. No, no. It was ok. At least 1/3 I believe.
  17. Sorry, kinda not used to the forume yet. The answer is in post 21: He wrote down a stalker with specific number and my specific young as a target. That stalker had killed the named young on turn 3. Barbaros moved upfront sheilding with the building wall. Nearby stalker entered into meele and damaged the Barbaros. Because of my luck and brand new deck my hand was of 1s and 2s, no way to cheat. The Samael wasn't activated yet and that fight was occasionaly taken place just 12" from the Samael. You get an idea. He used his triple attack and did lots of +1 burnings, so literally the Barabaros went down in flames.
  18. He wrote down a stalker with specific number and my young who screws out the head from the corpse as a target. That stalker had killed the named young on turn 3.
  19. I lost then. No problem. Since my friend was kinda lazy and not reading the rules prior to the game I spent a lot of time "presenting" him the rules and by the start of the game I felt kinda exhausted to the point where I completely forgot to use my upgrade and even some basic abilities like black blood. So after a long game we completely forgot to check the winning conditions.
  20. Ok, I would like to thank everyone. We finally had our first game last weekend. We had "squatter rights", my opponent had "assasinate" and "vendetta", I've chosen "entourage" and "protect terriory". I started to lead with the markers for the strategy, then he killed Barbaros using damn Samael's ability to shoot through the walls. After that he claimed "vendetta" killing one of my young nephilims.At this point I was loosing 3-6 and it was the begining of turn 4. Most of our interactions were near the centerline, maybe a bit into his half of the board. I ditched all of the assaults and retreated back putting huge pile of my scheme markers right on the 6" mark from the edge of my deployment zone and landed a tot right in the middle. He scored 2 more points in the end for the strategy, and I revealed the "protect territory". Technacally I could have argued all of my 8 markers to be 6" from the deployment zone. However I quickly agreed on 5 of them to count without much measuring thus making an encounter to be a tie. Seems it suitied both of us well since we've spent a huge amount of time playing, like 3 hours or so and were pretty tired, but still very pleased. Errr, hate these burning presents from the stalkers and Samael's ability to shoot through the walls.
  21. Oh, thanks with the simple duel. It's exactly as I thought should be but the small note in the book about controlling an action got me really confused. Hehe, rapid growth is a bit too much for the start I think. After looking closer to the stats I started thinking that shooting from the stalkers shouldn't be that dangerous. So I still could try to tie them with the youngsters and Barbaros while pinning the objectives with the tots. Also I look for the possibility to swap both young for the mature and ambush the Samael right from the start, however it's definitely not for the first game too and I don't like the idea to be in short of activations.
  22. Cool.Thanks! Ummm.... Barbaros and Nephilim Gladiatus upgrade. Who actually flips for the models which make a Wk duel? The neverborn player? The rules says the one who control the action flips. Sounds a bit weird.
  23. Thanks for all the answers. Sorry for asking it here but It just doesn't worth it going to novice threads. I don't get it from the rules. When it's said "the model may discard a card to gain something" like Samael's (again ) "rapid fire" . Does it mean that you discard 1 card from your hand?
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