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Posts posted by hiredgun

  1. My 1st set of models arrived yesterday and I eagerly set to start assembly. The detail is amazing.They are slightly smaller than I expected,most of my experience being with GW and PP models. Ramose went together easily,as did Joss. Then I went for the Brass arachnid,that model sits on a 30mm base??? I had to run a pin from the base through its abdomen to get him to sit right. Tonight I finished Langston....those legs were not cooperative,but I got him together.All in all I am pleased with the minis, I know what to expect from now on. My wife,on the other hand,is cursing me for getting her into this game,she is attempting to assemble Victorias Hired Swords,the number of small parts took her by supprise.The last models she put together were GW Wyches,all metal,few parts.I tried to be a supportive husband and ask to help her,she said 'nope,these are my girls and I'll put them together"...hey I offered  :P

  2. As my game clubs master terrain builder,I need to build some terrain/scenery for Malifaux.Problem is,I don't know where to start.I have never seen a game played,so I have no point of reference. I know there is a set that can be bought,Terraclips,but I prefer to build it all. Any suggestions? Also,how big  is a standard play area? 4x4,4x6?

  3. Hi,I'm HiredGun of Glancing6, game club from Tennessee. My crew and I have played it all over the past 10 years,everything GW had to offer,Privateer and its spinnoffs,even StarWars. But this is something new to us...no dice...seems strange.I have been looking for a Steampunk themed game for years,yes,Warmachine was steampowered,but not like this one.I'm leaning toward Ramos and his crew.My wife has shown intrest as well, she saw the new Victoria crew box and was hooked. Don't laugh,her WitchCult will leave you crying...

     2 of our crew have allready started playing,the rest of us just need to get started.this game looks a heck of a lot more affordable than what GW is spewing out these days,but I wont beat that dead horse here...

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