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Posts posted by hiredgun

  1. I do Ramos, Joss, 2 swarms , Brass Arachnid, and Lazarus. Ramos has the chain activation upgrade, so Laz  can shoot as soon as Ramos is done, keep the BA close too for his chain as well. Joss makes scrap markers for Ramos to make more spiders,of course....

  2. I am assembling a new Somer Teeth box set for one of my game group,he has neither the time nor the patients for putting models together. As I open the box and begin to sort the pieces out,I notice 1 part of the sprue is not like the others......it's Johana,the alternate for Johan! What is she doing with Somer's crew? It this a promo limited time thing or is she going to be in that box all the time? My friend told me he didnt need her,so I'm going to use her in my M&SU crew. I thinh she'll fit right in...

  3. My game club  has been playing Malifaux for a few weeks now. We have a good grasp on the rules and are starting to play stratagies and schemes. My question is: How many Scheme Markers does a crew start with/generate/have access to? Some games require markers to be placed at certain points on the table. Can anyone in the crew place one? I lokd in the rules book but found no answer...

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