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Posts posted by asrian

  1. If a Paralyzed model has no Engagement Range, and therefore can't make disengaging strikes.........I assume then that it also could not be 'Obeyed' to make a melee attack.....but could make a ranged attack if un-engaged, or cast a spell.



    I'd like to know this one as well. Though, thinking about it, if the Obey would work, then I think it would do so exactly as you have described due to the 0" melee range the model currently would have if paralyzed.


    Also, I'm assuming (but not sure) that the Obey would not trigger the "activation/paralyzed" part of the condition as it is not being controlled by the original model's owner, but instead by the enemy for a one off ability. 

  2. In the above example it's to utilize another pounce. But I see where you're coming from as you're already in combat, so he is giving up one melee attack to instead lure thus gaining a free melee attack (and a failed WP test if Lure succeeds, so I guess that could cause further damage/negatives/conditions from nearby sources).

    • Like 1
  3. Hi, if a belle cast lure on a model alredgy engaged with them do they get to punce? The model still made an involanterry walk ending in there engagement range.


    That would be dependent on if the model actually "moved" or not to me. If the model was engaged with the Belle standing at the edge of the 1" melee engagement range, and the Belle lured the model so that it had to move (even less than an inch but wasn't in base to base prior to lure), then I'd say yes, the pounce goes through.


    If, however, the engaged enemy model were in base to base prior to the lure being used, thus not physically moving at all, then no, the pounce would not activate per the FAQ. 


    FAQ: Q: If a model moves (or is Pushed, Falls, is Placed, etc) 0” (zero inches), does it count as having

    A: No. Same answer for Pushing, Falling, Placement, etc.
  4. The regen I'm honestly in dispute about there as it's a passive ability (no AP used and auto happens upon the model's activation).

    Regeneration +2: When this model Activates it heals + 2 damage.

    Paralyze on the other hand just causes an unactivated model to generate no AP and declare no actions (of which, for regen, none are declared they just happen the moment you say you're activating Teddy). In the case of him becoming paralyzed during his activation, then the Regen has already taken place.


    That is why I'd think the activation would be: Teddy (Paralyzed already) activates, Auto Regen, Generates no AP/can't declare any actions, ends activation, Remove Paralyze, move to next player.

    If I'm wrong, then by all means please correct me, but I can't find anything to dispute my reasoning thus far.

  5. I know paralyze condition disappears on end of activation (per P. 52 rules). Just curious how it's handled if someone paralyzes prior to a model's activation.


    Case in point, I had a game earlier today with my Pandora Crew vs a friend's Seamus crew. He moved up and paralyzed Teddy (who had yet to activate). We, incorrectly, were ending it after the End Phase (the joy of both of us glossing over the entire sentence on Page 52, which we now know better about :) ). 

    Now, I wanted to activated Teddy to heal him his +2 regen. So, even though he was paralyzed should the turn sequence have gone thusly, or am I incorrect: Crooked Man Paralyzes Teddy due to attack trigger > My turn, Activate Teddy and auto heal +2 wounds, End Activation and Remove Paralysis > Opponents turn again to activate a model?


    I'm assuming that's basically the sequence I would have to do (basically just activating to remove condition, then going right back to my opponent for his next move), but I wanted to be sure for future game purposes.


    Sorry, if this is all a bit rambling and worded funky, tired and trying to type it out between cooking dinner.  :D

  6. To also reiterate Fancy Hat's post. I'm on a Droid Bionic (android version 2.3.4 if that helps). I went to test what he said about saving crews and ran into the same problem. I have to be very specific on where I hit the screen or else it just pulls up other subscreens (model/mercenary etc) unless I close those (+/-) first, and even then will sometimes reopen the menus (counts as me hitting the +).


    Still, I am absolutely loving this app. Ty.  :D

    • Like 1
  7. central time -6

    New to malifaux and vassel. only a couple games of malifaux played and had Dezmo go over a demo of Vassal with me. The main players locally play on the weekend when I typically work so wad wanted to play some vassal games to get a better handle on the game and my crew.

  8. Seamus - Undead Hookers. Enough said.  :D


    As a long time 40k and Fantasy player for Warhammer (and Mordheim player), I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying the diversity and flavorful character of the crews in Malifaux. Couple that with a very nicely executed, small-scale strategy game and it's a win in my book.


    The crews are varied enough in style to suit most anyone's taste (from undead, to western, to steam punk, to asian, to nightmarish, etc), and there is enough variety in play styles to keep most people happy (melee, shooting, movement shenanigans, manipulation of cards/opponents/crowd control, etc). Also, there's the fact that Masters of crews are not limited to just a few model options, but can choose from a wide variety of models to enhance their crew. If you want to stick to theme you can. If you want to accent a crew's strengths (like Willpower focused in my Pandora crew for example) you can. Or, you can go for models that shore up shortcomings in your crew. Most masters have access to crew members not only from their faction, but one to two others as well. This makes it easy to buy another crew master and still have viable models to use with him (example I run Pandora and Lynch from Neverborn, and just bought the Lilith box set. Her terror tots can easily be used with the other two masters as great scheme runners). 


    As for gameplay, while you can go straight for your opponents throat like in Warhammer or Warmachine, it is ultimately won/lost by completing the strategies and schemes. This adds multiple layers of tactics to the game as you have to not only complete your tasks (the mutual one you both share and the two you personally pick) to win, but you also have to factor in ways to deny your opponent points and kill/defend/contend with their crew members. It makes the game quite multifaceted and strategic on multiple levels as well as keeps it interesting, as games are never the same due to the randomization of objectives and the ability to change crews around.


    On the hobby front, the models, thus far from my experience, are beautifully sculpted (though some are a pain in the rear to assemble...I'm looking at you Illuminated), and quite detailed, which makes them a treat to paint. And, unlike Warhammer and other games, each master and crew member is more individual. You don't become bored painting them (at least I don't) as each one is it's own character, even lowly minions.


    Anyway, best of luck to you. I hope you get a chance to play the game, and hope you find yourself enjoying it.

    • Like 2
  9. I just wanted to say, as a new Malifaux player, thank you very much for this app (Android version and the others for those who are dirty Iphone users  :P
    I have used this quite a bit and plan to keep using it as it is very handy. Again, thank you for all your hard work.

  10. No, Graves works nicely. He's a neph with black blood, has a push, and packs a nice punch. The waldergeist is nice for added coverage, especially if using Liliths Illusionary Forest, you can "cover" areas of the board for control and to help Lilith with her bonuses, and Tots give you good runners plus support. Barboros, like Graves, can pack a punch as well.

    Also that gives you the Cherub totem if you get the plastic box set so can easily expand the list later to 40 or 50 points as you'll have it, a third Tot, Barberos' upgrades, and a second Waldergeist that comes in the box. That's a healthy crew and options right there. :)

    And as an aside I ordered the Lilith box today, and after thinking about your list may go back and order a waldgeist as well. Already picked up Tannen and Graves for my Lynch crew. :)

  11. Hell, what you could do is decide on the one you like the most of those three, get it (most box sets are geared toward 35 SS out of the box anyway) and have it to play with friends, then also try to do some vassal games with people (it's an online style program used to play Malifaux...check further down the forums and in the download section). Use Vassal to try out a different master (find someone who's willing to go slow in game while you learn, and that they understand it's a first time with said master) and test out the other two to get a feel for them and see in which direction you want to go for now, or to just try out a model or two that you might potentially buy. 


    Just don't base your buying decision off one game with any model or master though is my advise. Give each one a few games as you might of used something incorrectly, or not utilized it to it's full potential, or just had a bad match vs another master, or due to scheme use not had a chance to use it fully.

  12. I can't speak in depth as I'm a new player myself.


     To add to the above (as a new NB player myself and starting with Pandora and Lynch for my masters...having picked up Teddy for Pandora crew and Beckoners for Lynch) I'd say the one thing I lack for those two sets are Terror Tots for good objective runners which cost me my last game with Pandora vs Seamus. Tots are good with any master and is the reason I'm probably going to pick up the Lilith crew next (yes, you can buy them individually, but I'd rather grab the box set as I like Lilith also and figure I might as well grab her set so I can use her eventually and have her already).


    That covers all three of the masters you asked about, which I know doesn't help much, but Lilith has nice hitting power for straight up fights plus Tots for objective running. Lynch and Hungering Darkness can both pack their own punch, manipulate cards with Lynch's upgrades (and make Tots into speed freaks by recycling Aces), and Pandora can do area control potentially with her 6 inch bubbles of pain for WP duels, especially if accompanied by Sorrows (and it was very fun to flip a red joker and use Seamus's 0.50 gun against himself causing that player to run and hide Seamus the rest of the game from her).


    It comes down to play style though. I prefer manipulation style game play (hence Pandora and Lynch for me). I like to come at my opponents sideways and have them second guess their decisions due to what I could potentially do, or what they are unsure of what could happen next as a reaction.


    Best of luck to you though. Hopefully someone with more knowledge can answer you're questions more fully.

  13. So as a final followup on Hard to Kill:


    Model X has 3 wounds and is in range for Misery. Pandora casts Self-Harm, and wins. The result causes Model X to do 4 wounds to himself.


    So, does Model X take the 4 wounds from the Self-Harm, reducing him to one wound for Hard to Kill, and then the Misery wound, killing him off?


    Does Model X take the 1 wound for Misery, reducing him to 2 total, then the 4 from Self-Harm, reducing him to 1 wound due to Hard to Kill kicking in?




    Sorry for the string of questions, but still trying to work out the kinks as a new player. :)

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