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Posts posted by asrian

  1. For Leve I'd say take the Undead upgrade and seriously consider Necropunks, Crooligans and Canine Remains. For Jack Daw, heck any Outcast master Void Wretches should be the go to scheme runners. They are golden although as others have stated hard to get. Legion of Everblight models from the Hordes range can make suitable proxies though and if you don't want to proxy then I'd go with Ronin. 

    Agree, though I still find it salt in the wound that a year later and Wave 2 models are getting their figures while Wave 1 Tara is still only in the Nightmare Spend Your Life Savings on Ebay format. But that's an exhausted topic. :(

  2.   This is a very nice technique, but I would question that if you drop three scheme markers in base contact with a model, surely only two of them could be in contact with the centre line for use with LITS? It's still two though, which if you've declared LITS is all you need. As I said, very nice indeed. :)

    There's nothing to prevent this from happening (2 or 3 placed/dropped right on top of each other) other than the normal 4" restriction of scheme markers needing to be placed apart if using an interact action (which the above technique bypasses). Scheme markers in and of themselves don't take up space on the board, per se, and can be freely moved over and stood upon.

  3. It's why I love my doppleganger, and make it nearly an auto-include in any NB list. It's fun to see you and the opponent flip low (say 3 vs a 5), cheat in a moderate card (6 to 10), and wait for opponent to decide. Want to stone it, fine. Maybe you waste a stone and I still go first, maybe you get initiative (but now have one stone less for suits, defense, cards, etc). Want me to go first, even better.

  4. I wasn't sure which area I should put this in, but as the store is down atm prior to GenCon I couldn't check it myself. Does anyone know if you can still purchase, via Wyrd, the original rulebooks? I know they now sell them as PDFs, but I don't care for PDF formats and would like to obtain a real, tree-killing, version of the four older books so I can finally catch up on the fluff.

  5. I second Lilith Crew + Waldgeist. As for Tots, I've only needed her initial 3 from the basic crew box (typically only 2 at most). Lilitu is a wonderful addon for her crew...Lelu is ok, but I'd prefer to leave him at home. The Black Blood Shaman is very nice (I've used him in Lilith, Jakob Lynch, and Pandora crews). 

    Honestly, the main things I would suggest are: Lilith Crew Box and Waldgeist to start, then branch out from there. I don't play grow lists, however, as I find them too restricting.

  6. Dont have the experience but a prompted Joss should be ace :)

    You could also look at miss step/howard and the december acolyte who are both great prompt targets.

    I am already planning on getting a Howard type model (Miss Step or Steamborg Executioner) as well as Union Miners (though they come in a 3 pack of pewter and don't think I'll need more than 1) and possibly Willie, but I'll proxy him a couple times before I decide if I want him or not.

  7. I'm slowly building up a Colette crew and various options to put in said crew (Metal crew box, Coryphee, Doves, Mech Rider + Metal Gamin, etc). I've read over the Wiki, and played a couple games with the generic crew + Rider so far and am loving it.

    I was looking at the pewter Joss figure and thinking of picking it up, but wondering how others feel about Joss in a Colette crew (do you find him useful enough to take regularly, how would you best use him if you do, etc). 

  8. To further illustrate the point -


    P65 Small Rule Book: A Crew may only hire one model with the Totem characteristic.


    Marionettes and Voodoo Doll are both totems. You can only hire one or the other (though Marionettes have a built in special rule allowing you to hire 4 Marionettes).


    I hope this helps.

  9. The above example holds true for defense triggers as well (say the opponent had a defense trigger that needed  :mask to go off for his trigger). You simply look at the total amount of  mask's once all stones, built-in, and final card flips/cheats are done to see if he would get to use his trigger (Though, typically, most Defense triggers only need one of a certain suit for them to kick in).

  10. Just to give a further example:

    Lady J makes an attack at something (doesn't matter for this example). Her attack profile is:

    (1) Greatsword (Ml 7 :ram  / Rst: Df / Rg:  :melee 2) Target suffers 3/4/6 damage. This damage flip gains  :+fate  if this model did not charge during this Activation.
           :ram  Critical Strike: When damaging the target, this Attack deals +1 damage for each  :ram  in the final duel total.

    Lady J wants to make sure she does as much damage in this example as possible so she uses a Soul Stone to add a  :ram to the final total.
    She then flips her attack card (7  :ram ) for a final total of 14 :ram  :ram  :ram  vs let's say a defender total of 12.  The defender cheats up to an 18 total. So, Lady J cheats a 12 :ram from her hand for a total of 19 :ram  :ram  :ram  (1 ram built into the attack, 1 ram for the soul stone used at the start, 1 ram for the card in play...you do NOT count the other cards flipped, only the final one used in the duel total, so the 7 :ram  from earlier wouldn't count).

    This would then give Lady J (with the trigger) +3 damage to her damage flip (+1 damage for each  :ram in the final total). 

    Hope that helps some, and I wrote it clear enough. Not quite awake atm. :)

  11. Taking an action does not equal an activation.

    So yes, eat your fill can be used outside an activation. It doesn't end your activation, because you aren't currently in an activation.

    However if you are controlled by Tara, then it specifically calls it an activation.

    Yes, but Tara's ability to control an activation also doesn't count as that model's activation (the model in question would still get it's own activation, thereby being a new activation and able to once again perform the ability). If it were once a turn, then I could see her using it up.

    Now, Collodi, who can control one action during target model's activation could potentially force the action, causing the opponent not to get to use it.

  12. I believe you can also use Doppelganger to get another Leave it to Luck off getting another +2.

    Unfortunately no, as the Doppleganger's Mimic only allows you to copy a (1) action, and Mr. Tannen's Leave It To Luck is a (0).

  13. Not to denigrate other people's right to disappointment, but if you look at it through a new player's eyes (me), then there is only the new plastic sculpt currently in general retail circulation. Miss Ery makes two, so while I get that players who own metal Teddy and NE Teddy might think another sculpt is overkill, in M2e terms it really isn't.

    I'm a new player also (Pandora was my first crew/love), and honestly I'm extremely disappointed in it being Teddy. This would make my first GenCon sale ever and I was looking forward for months now at the potential Nightmare and Miss model coming out. Nightmare is a no go for me (I don't play, and never will play Gremlins, but that's on me, not Wyrd there, though I do love the Whiskey Golem model), and another re-hash Teddy just killed all drive I had for buying anything. The crew boxes were also not to my taste (but again, that's a personal thing as 1/2 I don't want/play and the other half I own in pewter and don't care to replace). As of now, I'll likely just wait until later in the year and buy things then or see what I can get on sale elsewhere.

    *Shrugs* To each they're own I know, and I'm happy for those getting these figures who will enjoy them. For me though, that just ended any spending I might have done.

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