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Posts posted by asrian

  1. Depleted = Neverborn Tar Pit...that explodes and hands out Brilliance

    I love my Depleted (more than my Beckoners...I rarely even touch Beckoners now). Depleted just eat up so much of the enemy AP to take out (for a 4ss model), they have hard to wound, hard to kill,  :+fate 's on anyone trying to disengage from them, do 2 damage and give brilliance for a turn to those around them when they die, and if you want to make them especially annoying, take a Black Blood Shaman with them and give them Black Blood. Shaman can then turn around and heal up the tarpits while doing further damage to their targets.  :D It makes things like Turf War brutal when you run 2+ of them in there.

  2. Reading it, I would say you take the numerical number from the target, and ignore any in built suits on said target, but retain your own suit, just replacing the number. Same goes for fellow construct target if they Power Loop Hoffman. They get his stat number, ignore any in built suits on said numbers, and retain their own in built suits. That's how I'd interpret/play it anyway. 

  3. I typically leave them as is, but do find if I use Graves in any crews that are Nephilim heavy (i.e. 2 or more in the crew :D ) then I like putting Obsidian Talons on one of them as he benefits also. Retribution's Eye (Ignore armor and for one turn ignore both armor and DF/WP triggers) can be good for Graves, but I find better beaters to use this usually (Teddy, Hooded Rider, Mature Nephilim, Killjoy...oh Killjoy).

    • Like 1
  4. Same from what I've seen. I have the dark (wanted something different from my Retro deck) but honestly find the color/contrast of the dark background makes the dark blue/green of the suits hard to see for both me and my opponents so have stopped using it already and reverted to my Retro deck again. I want to pick up the light one later on and hope it'll be easier to view at a glance.

  5. This came up tonight (didn't effect the game) but Lilith's Disappear defense trigger. It just states:  

    Df ( :mask ) Disappear: After another model misses this model with a Ml Action, the Attacker receives -2 Ml against this model until the end of the Turn.

    So, is this stackable, as it doesn't place a condition, or would it be only usable once per model per turn? Case in point Ironsides swung and missed at Lilith, I cheated a 13 :mask and gave Ironsides -2 Ml. Ironsides swung again, and I had a 12 :mask in hand to cheat again, but honestly didn't know if it was even stackable or not, so decided not to use my card.


    Anyone know? As I said, it didn't effect the outcome of the game in any way as I didn't try for it, but am curious what others think.


    2. Strongarm Suit

    It shoots. It fights. It tanks. It can't be pinned down. In all seriousness that last one is possibly the best - standard tactics to tie a model up don't work with the Strongarm as it can charge whilst engaged and ignore terrain and models on that charge. With the zero action it hits at 3/5/7 with triggers to ignore reduction and get pos flips on damage. Ace.


    4. Freikorps Librarian

    Multiple heals in an Outcast crew is so handy. Settle in and keep the Viks topped up, or bounce Freikorpsmenn back up past the Legend To Live Up To threshold when the von Schill bubble hits the centre in Turf War. Particularly good with Hannah in a tag team as she can borrow their abilities and form a bubble of suit denial.


    Having played against a Von Schill list earlier tonight that had Strongarm in it, and both of those models charging out of combat into my other guys, I can attest to the versatility and annoyance at trying to pin them down, much less beat through their armor/wounds/hard to kill. Throw in the librarian healing them back up and it became a brick wall of hell to kill.

  7. Yes...pick faction, draw schemes, build crew based on strat/schemes, reveal crew, then finally pick schemes you plan to take. All Neverborn masters have access to hire all Neverborn models (anything you find in any of the crew boxes labeled Neverborn, with the noted except of Lucius' crew box as everything in it is Guild unless he hires it).

    As a fellow Neverborn player (Pandora was my first master), welcome to Malifaux. :D

    Also, might I suggest looking into Insidious Madness for future purchases (they are Rare 3...at least pick up 2 of them). I've all but replaced my Sorrows with them for my Pandora crew. They don't do the 1pt damage for failed WP, but all enemies in 4 :aura  have to discard a card before they can cheat a WP duel, which makes emptying your opponents hand or causing them to make tough choices nice. Also, they (Insidious) have walk 7, incorporeal, and higher Df and WP than Sorrows, so tend to stick around longer. Add to all this, that they are Nightmares, and Dreamer can summon them on a 9 :mask. Hell, I've used them with Lilith as well as they are fast scheme runners who ignore terrain (I use them with every master eventually).

    They are just overall nice.

  8. Off topic, but 


    Oh, and try using illuminated with collodi - he affects minions, not just puppets and illuminated are amazing with him.

    Yes, he does. :D  Then again, I like Stitched Together (multiples) with Dreamer and Collodi both.

    And off topic - Damnit, Joel, I've been listening to Malifools too long. Everytime I read your posts I hear your voice in my head as if you're speaking it. :P

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  9. Ok, I'm nearly finished with my Neverborn crews and looking forward to my next crew: Colette. I have a few things in the crew already for options (Joss, Miss Step, Mech Rider and Metal Gamin, Coryphee, Angelica, Mobile Toolkit...and picking up Mei Feng Crew soon as well).

    I was wondering if people have used Willie and Union Miners with Colette to any great success. I read them under her article on the Wiki, and thank you whoever wrote Colette's article, but I'm curious if others have had success with them in her crew or are they more of a niche fill that aren't generally useful?

  10. I have to agree with all of the above. Widow Weaver is damn near an auto-include for my Dreamer and my Pandora crew. I pretty much use Insidious Madness exclusively with both as well (I rarely, if ever, even bother with the Sorrows any longer, when I can take Insidious for the same points, and they are more resilient and faster runners). And Teddies are good with both for the above reasons.

    Best of luck to you and your friend. :D

  11. I use him in my Lilith crews (non-growth list when I might need a "healer" for Lilith and crew...Black Blood Pusture with a  :crow trigger makes a nice heal), as well as with Illuminated and other things all the time. Hell, I played him in a Lynch vs Molly game and gave Blood Blood to a Rising Sun Huggy and Lynch to counter Molly handing out black blood.

    I find a  lot of uses for him, and I have yet to regret taking him, despite never playing any form of Lilith/Tot grow list.


    PS - On a side note, even though she can't hand out the trigger, try Shaman + Doppleganger as she can Mimic the Pustule up to three times ( on a  :tome trigger 0 action) a turn doing up to a potential 6 damage to all withing a 1"  :pulse. Follow up next activation with a Shaman to do the same, but save  :crow 's to use the healing trigger. I took out Colette and Cassandra in a turn that way, leaving them unable to use defensive triggers.

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  12. Question 1 - yes, you can, unless another abilty prohibits it, cheat a terror check to purposely win/fail it.

    Question 2 Part A- I don't have my book on me atm, but damage, if simultaneously done, would go in order of damage dealer's choice just like other abilities that happen at same time. I'll try to remember to look up the page number when I get home

    Question 2 Part B- each misery is considered a separate source, therefore everything within 1" would be hit 4 times from black blood if a WP test is failed and the tot took damage from misery going off 4 times.

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