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Posts posted by asrian

  1. I already own in pewter: Librarian and Trapper, and I've had Von Schill sitting in a box waiting to get opened. Just figured since I already have two of everything else I'd inquire about the Specialist as he's cost 8 so couldn't see the point of having two, personally, but was curious if others find a 2nd one useful or not. 

    Thank you for the reply, btw. :)

  2. I'm thinking about starting Outcast as my next faction, starting with Von Schill and was wondering how many Specialists do people use. Is it worth it to pick up a second one while the pewters are still around, or is there ever really any need for two?

  3. My 2 cents. First, welcome to the Malifaux and I hope you keep enjoying the game.

    Second, Killjoy and the Gunslingers (sounds like a bad 80's rock band) are all great models. They are also Mercenary models which means that any Master/Crew can use them in any faction (but, unless your crew is an Outcast Faction crew you have to pay the Mercenary Tax to hire them of 1SS extra on the cost of their card). Basically what this means is, if you're not committed or certain that you want an Outcast Master/Crew look around at all the factions/masters and see which one appeals to you (aesthetically, play-wise, what have you) and just pick that master/crew to start. You can still hire the guys you bought and use them. 

    Best of luck and feel free to ask away on the questions. :D

  4. Waldgeist are very good. Armor +2, melee attack trigger that can root opponents, ability to create severe terrain, if they are touching or in severe their melee range goes from 2" to 4". They are very nice "tanks" for Neverborn that can bog down opponents with their terrain (doesn't block LoS but can impede their movement) and they can hold down large areas with their potential 4" melee range.

    As for Dreamer box set, the new plastics are nice. The only complaints I've read people having is the lack of overall muscle definition/detail in Lord Chompy Bits, and putting together the Day Dream holding the Dreamer's hand as it's on par with Yan Lo's beard and McMourning's Chihuahua for frustration.


  5. Meant to add this. I would suggest picking up the following items: Rulebook (no brainer :P ), and the Wave 1 & 2 Neverborn Arsenal decks as they will have all the model and upgrade cards for the entire faction. Zoraida and Lilith are in Wave 1, Dreamer and Collodi are in Wave 2 with the other models spread between the two, along with all the generic and Master specific upgrade cards.

  6. Welcome back! And Pandora is no where near as brutal as she was (I know this only from others' assessment as I didn't start until this past June). As Neverborn is my main faction, I can say that you have a damn nice start of models for 2nd Edition.

    Honestly, I'd get some Day Dreams if you can find them (the old pewter ones) and you'd be set to go with Dreamer, though he and Zoraida both have a new plastic box set out. As for Lilith, she's one of my favorite masters. I rarely, if ever, run her with the Nephilim though (personal preference, but I do find the Mature Nephilim handy for some games). She can do wonders with just her, Silurids, and Waldgeist depending on strat/schemes. The Nephilim box is nice to have though. As for Collodi, he is fast becoming my second favorite master next to Lilith. He offers a ton of control and is a nightmare for my opponents, especially with Stitched Together thrown in the crew.

    Anyway, best of luck to you and glad you decided to return to the game.

  7. I played my Collodi crew against her recently. It was a fun, and dear god card intensive game for me. There is nothing more frustrating for an opponent (and entertaining to me, and I WAS said opponent) then having a Punk Zombie dropped in the middle of your entire puppet ball...and having to flip for everyone for tests to prevent damage from the summoning...and then he slice & dices and you flip again. My only saving grace was all the Hard to Kill models.

    Also, from that same game, a word of advise to you as a Molly player: Do Not Overextend. Use Sybelle or a Doxie or a Rotten Belle to lure/push her to safety if you try to blitz attack the opponent by dropping Punk Zombies on them. Molly might be resilient, but a Stitched Together attacking her followed by an Accomplicing Collodi who can then make that same Stitched do his attacks 3 more times on  :+fate 's does not for a happy Molly player make. :D

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  8. Why would you play Lucius without bringing ranged attacks from Guild? That's like playing Perdita without Enslaved Nephilim and Family models.

    I meant it simply as, having a minion control style master for Neverborn, unless I just really wanted/needed ranged attacks (thus Riflemen or Austringers), I prefer Collodi as an overall best master for controlling my minions. 

  9. You think it's bad with puppets? I use Stitched and Illuminated in my Collodi lists. His ability to control his own guys says "friendly puppets and minions", same for his bonuses from Effigies that he can pass out. My local opponents really hate (and rarely do now that I've moved on to other masters) seeing an Illuminated have Armor +2, Regenerate +1, 0 action Regenerate for 1/2/3, AND the ability to heal 1 wound when they do damage from the Brutal Effigy bonus. If you thought they were tanks before...

    Barring the inclusion of ranged attacks from Guild, I prefer Collodi over Lucius any day of the week. 

  10. Yeah, KMD, I usually run with 40% to 50% of the table populated with various types of terrain.

    On a side note, I go to Murfreesboro about twice a year (friend teaches music out at MTSU). I might have to look you up for a game sometime. :P Also, David Pease is the Henchman in Nashville. Look him up on here or on A Wyrd Place for games if you're in that area. Welcome to Malifaux, and if you want to get a Vassal game in sometime, feel free to post or ask. :)

  11. As an opponent of a few Nico players, and having read the above listings, I'd say the most bang for your buck is the McMourning crew box. You'll get 2 Nurses (to hire, as you can't summon them), another henchman, a flesh construct, and 1 canine remains (can always use the Chihuahua totem as a second canine remains until you buy more later), and you get access to McMourning as a master in case you want to change up play styles.

    That's just my opinion though. Best of luck to you and enjoy the game. :D

    Edit - Also, here's the Nicodem summoning card. You can find all of the summoning cards for the Resser Masters on the Wyrd Site here. It should give you an idea of what all models he can summon (but he is not limited to only using these models in his crew). 


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