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Posts posted by asrian

  1. Potentially it can be with Sensei Yu in a Lynch crew, but keep in mind that top of the turn you have to discard down if you're holding more than 6 cards, and if you're holding aces just for that, you won't always get something worthwhile in your 3 drawn cards, so might end up gimping yourself for a turn (other than the 3 aces you kept).

    Another thing to remember about Lynch. If you use his Wanna See a Trick (damage from aces) they are not put into the discard pile, but are reshuffled back into the deck (not that he can recycle them anyway and will likely be going last in the turn if you're going for the Draw 2 cards for activating last).

    • Like 1
  2. All but the first point are correct.

    The deck is any of the 54 cards used during the game. Lynch's crew, but not Lynch himself as he just facilitates the action not benefits from it, can recycle aces used during their activation that that are placed in the discard pile, that includes the deck from which you flip normally, and the player's hand when you cheat. If an ace is discarded during an action outside of a Lynch Crew activation (df, wp test, forced discard etc) then any aces are forfeit as normal.

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  3. Ways/Times I use them:

    Focus - When I want to ensure, or at least increase the odds, of hitting a target or having a straight/ :-fate  flip. 

    Typically if I'm fighting someone that puts me at a :-fate  flip (via their defenses), or if I have a high card in hand that I want to potentially cheat in I'll focus first. Most of the time in the game, which you'll notice as you and your group plays more, the average damage flip is on a :-fate . A common tactic for someone defending is to cheat just high enough to make the Attack flip a :-fate (Example: Defender has a total of 9, Attacker has a total of 18, difference of 9 which means straight flip. Defender cheats up to a 13 at least, and now the difference is 5 so the Attacker is on a :-fate  and more likely to do minimum damage). Focus can help offset things like this for the attacker.

    It can also be used for special rules as you mentioned (sniper who gets a longer range if focused. Zoraida has an ability that puts all attacks at a  :-fate unless the attack Focuses), or to just make one ability, overall, do the most it potentially can (Seamus' gun, for example, is a once a turn use ability. Better, imho, to focus and make full use of his high damage spread then waste your one shot and do weak damage or miss). 

    It's not guaranteed that you'll do better focusing, but it does up the odds in your favor.

    Defense Stance - Same as Focus, but for Df (does NOT apply to WP). When you want to ensure you have the best chance to survive. It costs a card and AP, but sometimes it's worth it.

    It lasts until that model next activates, so can be done early in a turn on one model, then that model isn't used until late next turn so retains it throughout. I typically use Df stance if I have a model guarding a Scheme/Strat marker, or occasionally on a Master/Henchman who I know is about to get attacked and I have no way to get them out of the line of fire, or even if I want to just waste the enemy's AP on one of my models that's keeping them tied up.

    Other ways to use it is on models that are trying to disengage. Go defensive then attempt to walk away. The enemy gets a disengaging strike, and you get to defend on  :+fate , increasing your odds of drawing a high card. It can also be used to offset someone else's bonuses. If you know, or suspect a model is about to attack your model and that enemy model will potentially have a  :+fate from an innate ability or focus, then go defense to even the odds if you're able. 

    I'm sure other players have more uses than the above. That was just a few off the top of my head.

    Best of luck to you and your group, and Welcome to Malifaux.  :D

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  4. The times I've done demos I've done the following:

    In general discussion of the basic rules (What AP is, everyone but masters get 2 as a general rule. Options you can do with your AP. What a dual is and how it's performed. What cheating is, and how it's done. Basic movement and charges. If they come from other wargames, then I also point out that you only have to be in Engagement range, not base-to-base, to be engaged, etc. Not). I just do an overall discussion, not a verbatim reading of the rules. Try and keep it simple to start. 

    After I do the above (usually as a once over which takes just a few minutes, plus a little time to answer any immediate questions) I then do a quick 1 on 1 demo to illustrate the above. They control one guy, I control the other, preferably regular minions for simplicity's sake. I might touch on Soul Stones and uses, but usually wait as I want them to understand the basic mechanics.

    Then I'll do an actual game, around 30 to 35SS so they can see some variety, but not be overwhelmed, and I do a once over of my own crew and what it does. I prefer to use Lilith and her crew box and usually only take Beckon Malifaux (create terrain) as my only upgrade for her. I do a general run down of her crew as, "Lilith is the master of the crew. She's basically a guerrilla style fighter who likes to do hit and run tactics. She's able to swap positions with her guys or herself into your own guys (Tangle Shadows). She can be an upfront damage dealer (charging at you), but typically likes to hit from the shadows. Her main weakness is her WP though. Barbaros is her henchman, and basically her bouncer. Just opposite of her, he prefers to charge in, is stronger on WP, but weaker, stat wise, on DF. Her totem is the cherub. Basically he can fly around, has a short range shot that can slow and push guys, can put hazardous terrain on people, and makes it easier for those near him to drop markers (2 AP Interacts become 1AP, 1AP become 0AP). The terror tots are fast scheme runners. decent defenses, but mainly there to run like hell and complete objectives."  Not a line-by-line explanation, but it gives them an overall idea of what the crew can do (and then they are always free to read the cards).

    Typically I've done Squatter's Rights, as it usually leads to a few fights over the center markers and can see more of the above mechanics in action as well as exposes them to Interacts, and a single shared scheme of Breakthrough or Protect Territory (If they don't have a fast moving crew, like Raspy, I'd go for something like Protect, otherwise I'd go for Breakthrough). Something that is Scheme Marker related vs killing, as it shows them that the object of the game isn't always KILL EVERYONE (but I make them aware there are schemes/strats that are). I will also, top of each turn, remind them that we each have 2 objectives and need to figure out how we're going to accomplish them, control the Squat Markers and to drop scheme markers. If a player is completely new I'll go through my reasoning for why I'm moving certain models certain ways.

    During the game I'll usually start expanding on the basic rules by letting them know how they can utilize things like Soul Stones, Focus, Defense, etc. I'll even typically take more Soul Stones than normal (I usually take 1 to 4 in most of my crews) so I can show them as I play (blowing soul stones on suits, damage prevention, defenses, initiative flips, and card draw, even if it's only to prevent 1 to 2 damage from a peon against my Master/Henchmen). 

    I will, first games anyway, give them options that they can do with their guys. "You could have model X do this, or this, or walk over and destroy/flip this marker, or charge this guy, etc" but I tend to ask in advance if they want that type of advise as some people do, and some don't. I also tell them why those advised actions would be good/bad for each of us and what my potential responses would be so they can make their own decision on the actions available to them and myself. 

    As stated by Spiral, be prepared for the first game to take a bit. I don't purposely lose my demo games (I've read some do), but I also don't start pulling out all the tricks in the bag either. 

    Insofar as crew selection vs a Ramos crew, his summoning will be quite potent potentially, but that's all summoners at lower SS games to start. Honestly, depending on your model selection/crews, I'd find something that is similar in points and you should be fine. I personally stay away from blast heavy masters to start though as that might feel overwhelming to someone to watch 2+ of their guys get vaporized, potentially every turn (so Raspy, Sonnia, and Wong). The only time I don't mind those in demos are when the person learning the game are using them as that's what attracted them to that crew most likely.

    That's my two cents (three cents... :P ). Take what you want from it and best of luck to you and the new player.

    Oh, one other thing I do. I have laminated print outs of a cheat sheet and of the strats/schemes, the strat/scheme deck has those as well in them if you have that. I like to give those to the player to hold on to during the game as part of the top of the round reminder, having them read them and have them on hand in case they have any questions.

  5. I have mixed feelings for you and your group. On the one hand I'm hoping for a great campaign and can't wait to hear about it, on the other...damn dirty ressers :P (And I say that while looking at my newly arrived crew that the postman just brought to me...sweet sweet McMourning, but I picked him up for play later this year as I just want the nurses for now for Jack Daw). Best of luck to you guys.

  6. I am slightly tempted by starting Levi as one of my crews..but I have a few questions first that someone may be able to help with?


    1) Are Steampunk Abominations absolutely necessary to playing Levi, If so fine..but I am not particularly sold on the aesthetics of  the minis.


    2) The Hollow waifs look fab and with a bit of work I think could be proxied elsewhere too..beckoners, showgirls etc.  Will they be released as a three pack in the future do you think, or is it likely it is a levi box only?


    Just a couple of queries..

    Leve and Rusty Alyce can summon Abominations from triggers via killing targets, so they can pop up with decent ease. 

    As for the Waifs, I doubt they will be sold separately as they are his personal totems, and no other personal totems sold in crew boxes are sold outside of their respective boxes. 

  7. Agreed! Thanks for the insights, folks! Regarding McMorning I usually don't have the chance to clear conditions prior to the dreaded expunge, but at least it would force him to get less mileage out of it! Also nice that he can't turn LRM's into constructs since they're immune to poison altogether!

    Food for thought, Abbazabba... the Low River Monk can only clear conditions from 1" away with his ML attack, it reads "TARGET removes condition". You can remove an enemy's condition. Instead of waiting for McMourning to swap poison from a Flesh Construct or Guild Autopsy onto your guy, move your Monk in their face and remove the poison from them directly. Most people don't typically expect you to start clearing their model's conditions rather than your own. :D

  8. Enjoy. :D

    Story Strategies

    Jail Break
    Destroy Evidence
    Arcane Ritual
    Turf War
    Stake a Claim
    Squatter's Rights
    Treasure Hunt
    Supply Wagon

    Faction Schemes

    Guild - Roundup
    Resurrectionists - Spread of Decay
    Arcanist - Gathering Power
    Neverborn - Exterminate
    Outcast - For the Money
    Gremlins - Fight Another Day
    Ten Thunders - Watchful Eyes

    CrossRoads Strategies

    - The Race Begins
    - True Colors

    - Assault on the Gray Lord

    - A Bold Faced Lie
    - Joint Task Force
    - Disrupt the Ritual

    - Gallery of Nightmare
    - The Music Carries On

    - Frantic Search
    - The Madness at Stranglehold
    - The Next Move

    - Hog Wrastlin'
    - Fight Night

    - Dolly Makin' Time

    Ten Thunders:
    - Bloody Ties
    - Ozmandias
    - Transport Relic

    • Like 1
  9. Short Answer: Yes.

    As long as model A: 
    - Is not currently already engaged
    - Has LoS to B
    - Can actually move to B (fit it's base between models/terrain, can "reach" B in the case of charging through severe terrain, climbing, etc)

    If it can do all of this (which is the normal criteria for charging, with exception to a few special rules on certain models) then yes, it can Charge B.

    Just remember you Charge in a straight line (doesn't have to be directly at the target, but must be in a straight line with your model ending the Charge move engaged with the charged model).

  10. On her own, she walks/charges to get engaged. With things like Lucius or Lilith she can get placed. She has a walk of 5, so with cast expert that means she can walk 10" a turn and still use one action.

  11. Dose it work out as cost effective to spend 9 or more as on stalling things that are possibly only 6 ss

    That depends really. She can, quite effectively, kill big targets. With Fears Given Form and her defenses she can stall/tie up little ones, and that could mean the difference between a win/loss depending on what exactly you're tying up. Once in 3 :aura of one or more targets she suddenly throws a monkey wrench in the enemy activation order due to Sweets & Sours and can, with Fears, be a card siphon if they are having the cheat to pass.

    I've always found her worth it as it means either I'm going to screw up your models/activations/cards potentially, or else you're not going to go into one portion of the board because she's there, which means I'm screwing up your movement. Either way, I'm forcing you to stop playing the game how you want to and to make tough choices. That's my rationale with her, anyway.

  12. Hell, it's still an auto-include for me...Huggy, Pandora, Candy, others. I use the hell out of that upgrade. I just am careful with my deployment placement and my activation order if a friendly is close to a Fears Give Form model (I'll activate the model first and move them away if needed/able unless it would potentially screw something up, then I'll just plan on cheating the defense dual if I have to).

  13. Ok, my take on Candy.

    First off she's a Henchman, which means that you can give her some damn nice upgrades (I can only speak of Neverborn ones though as I don't play Guild) and she can use Soul Stones for added aggression or defense. She's also a Mimic, Lost, and Woe which means she fits in nicely with Lucius, Pandora, Hamelin, or any Neverborn Master.

    Possible Neverborn Upgrades:

    - Best Behavior - Her personal upgrade which is defense oriented. She can take a 3 AP cast action (remember she's casting expert so can cast 3 times a turn or do this once) makes her very hard to kill. Mainly use it once you have her in a position where you want her, or you just need to help keep her alive. It also gives her a 0 AP action that can Bury her and put her back in her deployment zone. It's a fast way to get her out of trouble, or if used turn 4 (if she's the bodyguard target) means you can drop her back, then spend Turn 5 double walking 10 inches up to score your points.

    - Depression - Like nurses, it gives her the ability to discard a card to gain that suit for all cast actions. Also gives OTHER woes in LoS to her a Cast action that can cause target model to gain a condition to activate last in a turn

    - Useless Duplications - Another defense upgrade that helps protect against  :ranged actions, and gives her the ability to discard to give friendly mimics with 3" a bit of protection against  :melee (She is friendly to herself as well)

    - Mimic's Blessing - Gives her protection against Sh and attacks from Charges as long as she hasn't activated (coupled with her in built Manipulation makes her extremely hard to hit) and if she dies you get to draw and discard 2 cards

    - Fears Given Form - Makes all models (friend or foe) who activate in her engagement range (a respectful 3") take a Df test or else suffer 3 damage (probably my personal favorite for her as it also coincides with her Sweet and Sour 3 :aura s.

    There is also the Pact and Nexus upgrades, but I have honestly never used those. Of the above, Fears Given Form and Mimic's Blessing are my two favorites for her.

    As for Candy's abilities (front of card), she comes with a very nice spread of defense and passive aggressive evil.  :D I'm just going to go over them in general. I'll leave the specific rules for you to read on the card itself.

    - Manipulative - As long as she hasn't activated, EVERY enemy attack that targets her must take a WP dual or else the action fails. That means if she's charged, BOTH attacks must make the test individually. This makes her, prior to activating, resilient

    - Sweets & Sours - Two 3"  :aura s that cause an enemy who activates first or last during a turn to either take 3 damage or become paralyzed. This is great for a Pandora crew who has the chance to make someone go first, or last via Incite or the Depression upgrade. Candy has a trigger that can cause the Mood Swings condition of letting you force the opponent to activate the model that has it, as well

    - Casting Expert - Gains 1 addition AP to be used on Cast actions (which is any of her abilities). So basically this gives her 3 AP, just one is specifically for Casts

    Her Actions:

    - Self Loathing - A 3 :melee Cast ability that causes the target to hit themself with their own :melee damage spread (can't apply triggers). This is best used against big hitters vs minions because they tend to have good damage tracks (3/4/7 vs a 1/2/3 for example).

    - Wail - A moderate range 8 :ranged attack with low damage. It's good to ping a target, but mainly it's there for the trigger on a  :tome to get Mood Swing condition on a target. I like to use it near the end of a turn. If a target is close enough (within 10"). I use her casting expert to fire this ability, going for the trigger, then double walk and put Candy within 3 :aura of that target so that at the start of the following turn I can force the opponent to use the Mood Swing target first, who is now in range of Candy's Sweets aura and is instantly paralyzed.

    Goody Basket - A 1/2/3 Rg 2" heal. Candy can heal herself or others for a 4 :ram or higher.

    I tend to play her aggressively. I try to keep her within 3 :aura of one or more opponents so that they have a tough choice of activation as her Sweets and Sours can paralyze, or cause damage depending on activation order. And, as her engagement range is 3 :melee I also give her the Fears Given Form upgrade so any who do activate also have to take a Df test or potentially suffer 3 damage. Basically this makes her a self-healing, manipulative pain in the rear who can use Soul Stones for defense/damage reduction. 

    I'm sure others have Lucius specific tactics to use with her (movement tricks, combos, etc), but he's the only Neverborn master I don't play, so I can't go into specifics for him. Best of luck to you. :)

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