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Posts posted by Michaud

  1. Just an idea, maybe instead of having sportsmanship award be completely separate, make it a part of the placing strategy.

    Set requirements for the prizewinning spots- you cannot hold a prizewinning spot if you have the lowest sportsmanship score in the room.

    The issue with that is sometimes players give zeros for sportsmanship knowing that it factors in the overall rankings. Knock down everyone they play against to make their own placing better.

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  2. The mat is extremely durable.  The canvas back adds enough strength that the caulking on top won't tear when pulled.  The caulking itself is durable on its own, it doesn't flake or peel from the canvas. Even with rough handling I can't see this mat tearing.  I don't think using heavyweight canvas would add a lot of durability, I'd say it has enough with just the normal weight canvas.



    I don't know how well adding sand/flock to the mat would work.  I'd experiment with texturing the caulk with a variety of materials, and replicating the snow effect through paint first. 

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  3. Thanks Nikko!  The buildings are made from pieces of 2x4 lumber, cut into lengths and glued 2 blocks high.  The outsides were textured with balsa wood.  Rocks are made from pine bark nuggets.


    Cacti are readily available from Pegasus Hobbies.  I picked mine up on EBay.

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  4. Thanks Surreylee!  I'm happy with how the board and the crew turned out.



    Jimbo, I intended on the cacti being played as Severe, Dense, hard cover for the cacti themselves.  Should close up line of sight a bit more as well.  I also have some crates I neglected to put out.  


    It is a good point though, I did fail to recognize that the buildings themselves only block line of sight on the ground floor...  With that in mind, it is definitely too open.  Up on the roof you can see even more of the board!   Will definitely have to add some more true line of sight blocking terrain, thanks for the ideas!



    The mat is made from a piece of canvas drop cloth from a home improvement store.  I added a layer of silicone caulk to it, then textured it with a paper bag.  Pretty much like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtRMoIZfPPg

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  5. Thanks, zFiend!


    Guild McMourning... nice, looking forward to seeing he on the table top...


    Did you get yourself a Lucius box set?


    Just need to paint up Sebastian and he'll slot into my normal Guild master rotation.  Excited to get him and 'Dita on the field soon.


    I didn't pick up a Lucius set during Gencon, but will be getting one when he's out for regular release in a couple of weeks.  The lawyers look like fun with McM.  I also want to try out a Performer with him as well.

  6. Try this - instead of building a crew to kill, only think about selecting models to achieve your schemes and strategies.

    In game, instead of always looking to kill, spend your AP on ways to get you VP.  Sometimes this will be killing, and sometimes it won't.  Be ruthless in only performing actions that get you closer to scoring VPs.


    Something I've been doing recently is just reading my cards.  Trying to find synergies between models.


    Flip up a scheme and strat pool for games, and pick a crew for those.  Practice your crew selection.  How would you use the models selected to achieve your schemes and strategies?



    Malifaux is a very different game than most other wargames, a lot of the experience from other games doesn't transfer.  I say this as a newbie to the game myself.

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