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Posts posted by Verdeloth

  1. What is coppelius for ? Stack up balls and keep big hitters locked on him ? Summon alps? Go schemes ? Hes fast with terrifying but with for 8 ss and really weak dmg.

    Try to make hes terror duels a pain with combo with widow weaver ? Is all of hes tactial skill used in a fight or noone?

  2. We had stake a claim

    Line in the sand

    Protect territory


    Plant evidence

    And spring the trap

    With corner deployment

    He had lady j




    Brutal effigy

    2 death marshalls


    I had





    Insidious madness

    Mr tannen

    Mr graves

    2 x Daydreams


  3. Dunno what i am doing wrong :P two times in a row i just been raped by lady J. Both games end of turn 3 i was downed to 1-2 models and gave up.

    First time as a grow list with nekima lilith ect and second time as a summoner dreamer today. Both games he catapulted up lady j into me and as grow team she slayed 2 young tot + nekima before going down. As dreamer my best attempt i tok 5 wounds from her but it was healed up immidlity from fear not the sword and her 0. And she killed 1 teddy. Both twins. Got mr graves to 2 wounds and killed mr tannen with a red joker.

    Should i just focus on my schemes and totaly ignore lady j or did i just have super bad luck with all my hits on her? All this mention models tok swings at her but it was only teddy that damaged her.

    Coppelius was boxxed the whole fight and the rest of my team was slayed by judge and co.

    Dremers wake condition was removed by lady j.

    Helpless neverborn player reaching out how to deal with the guild!

  4. When Chompy is summoned he is summoned in LOS and within 6" but not completely within 6". Meaning just a piece of his base has to be 6" from the Dreamer and with Chompy's Ht4 it will not be hard to have LOS to him when you place him.

    Is this true ? that only a small piece of the base need to be within X everytime a skill say "within" ? I always thought it was the complete base that need to be within.

  5. In the list with your collection i added my models and when i wish to add another one in the add list is it possible to add a quantity number to the models i already added ? So i dont need to go back in my collection again and recheck if i had the correct amount of models added. Is it possible to remove just 1 model to without deleting the whole stack ? Accidently added 5 young nhephelim when i just got 4 and i had to delete all and then add 4 again

    • Like 1
  6. In encounter page when setting the scores for scheme it happens now and then that my big fingers hit the area between the up and down buttoms for score (the score number area) and it bring up the info about the scheme. Maybe can take away so when pressing the score number in between not open the tooltip. It would help big fingered people like me :P

  7. I seen some models and some neat tricks with collodi but how does a normal collidi setup look like. I seen that marionets seem to be popular but how many do people bring ? (How many i should order) at the moment i got lazarus widow weaver. 1 of each effigy that have a model. Beckoner and a blister of coryphee is ordered.

    Got a collidi box to ofc

  8. So if optimal start hand summon twin / other biggies. Turn two buff up support (not build any wake) walk in. Turn 3. Get alps. Stitched ect. Transform and punch away and most likley out activate your opponent. Is 2 blisters with stitched recommended ? Just have the 2 from the start box

  9. One thing that could solve the biggest thorn in some peoples back would be to have singels available in the local store so a marcus can buy his arsenal + 5 other singel beast from other factions without getting 60 extra cards they dont use. Just have a MTG binder with singels

  10. Add a feature to save result of your games. For statistic reasons ^^ see win loss ratio. So add your crew and the opponent crew to "game setup, battle it out with the encounter randomizer and when finished with the game add a key to save result.

    And then able to see win rate with faction/master/kind of scheme game and same for vs factio/ master ect

    Dont know anything about programing and if this would be even possible to do but just throwing about a suggestion i would appriciate ^^ i like numbers

    • Like 4
  11. Yes keep your models out of reach from him or keep your enemy closer ^^

    Charge say that you get 2 (1) ap attack actions so yes you will still get 2 attacks no matter how much ap you spend on the charge

    Very true. Key word is "may" its up to you. If you have a fast runner you can run up and get killed close to your opponent and unbury so you dont have to worry about his blood price charge on your models

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