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Posts posted by Verdeloth

  1. 17 hours ago, Graf said:

    Playing devil's advocate here: Maybe they aren't designed to be able to take a beating?

    Sure, they are very soft for there ss cost compared to other keyword models.

    I never question that the design of these models to be unintentional ^_^ but as it is now not only one or two of them, more or less the whole keyword is lackluster. philip being one of the least used henchmans in the whole faction. She do have archie wich was wildly used in all crews before leap nerf but even early m3e before all nerfs i did win games with molly but it was a real struggle and only won with the smallest margins every game. 

    But again as it is right now i cant see myself to place atleast old molly (we shall see about new one but have doubts) in a higher tournament table. If you wanna go casual games then do whatever you want  :) but i like to pick models and master that will give me an edge in the pool / vs my opponents master / crew.

    More times then not molly aint the answer for that 😆

    This is just my though about new molly and her keyword 😆

  2. Im very curious to try her out and see what she can do. Shes going to be gimicky and be able to move around so fast.


    The general problem i have with molly is not with molly herself, its with the forgotten keyword. The normal struggle i get with old molly (and probably this molly aswell) is my models will be dead by end of turn 3 (all the forgottens atleast). I want to use the keyword as they are designed to work together but they just dont last 😅

    The new forgotten nephelim model i love! I been waiting for the day for us to get a bring it model and corpse generator !! I see him fit so well in red chapel. So excited try him out ! Can see him with many of our masters and try him out. 

    Will this molly win more games for resser in tournaments? Maybe? But as for now i think the other new titles look more exciting 

    • Like 1
  3. When i play vassal i like to have 2 or 3 of the m3e app browser pages open at the same time to see the score, opponents crew and mine. However a week ago my browser didnt allowed me to open the page at all anymore. tried both google chrome, firefox and explorer. it worked once but after i signed in and tried to open it up again later it wont pass the "loading screen" it has before all the menu comes up. 

    I can somehow work around this by reset my browser settings to default settings and then i can open the page again and sign in to my user in the m3e app but same problem again after when i try to open it again the next day. need to reset my browser settings again and sign in again. 


    edit: my google chrome version is 84.0.4147.125  

    my main browser


    • Agree 1
  4. "Up to +2 for each marker removed" would have been enough :( i want to belive thats this was something that was overlooked and not its intention because it just make this action to one of the most restricted ones in game because we need 3 hoops to jump throught to make ot work. Perfect amount of markers within range (for the target card), perfect even out card in hand, and also the perfect in discard.


  5. With this wording im forced to pick exacly 2+ of my discarded card. Example if i remove one marker, and discard a number 10 ram i cant retrive a 11 becuase it has to be exactly +2 for each marker. So two markers cant let me have a +1 +2 +3 i need to have the perfect discard in hand and perfect card in discard


  6. In what pdf have prople found the condem upgrade? Neither resser or outcast has one (or im very blind)


    Edit found it, helps to have the newest version of all files

  7. 1 hour ago, Morgan Vening said:

    Unless you're misunderstanding that Keyword overrides Faction (ie, Jack Daw as a Resser can hire Montressor, Ligela and Guilty), I'm not really sure what you're arguing

    You are correct, missed the word in "addition" to hire part. Page 41 under hire crew. I just went with that they missed the resser as faction meanwhile lady and jack daw had them. 

    So they are very hireable as a jack daw resser.


  8. Thank you solkan :)


    adran, i have no figure game experience except from malifaux so multible bases with models are a new concept for me so i didnt know what to expect, i rather be 100% sure about something then just assume its like what i think. Are going to be teaching tos to other local players so i would love to be able to answer for most of all questions and back it up with a reference from the rule book. Im sorry if the question apperead to be so obvious to make fun of but i rather be stupid sure about something then ignorant and guessing.

    For this case my assumtion was correct i just wonder if it said anywhere in the rulebook to support the assumption

    thank you for a good answer on endless number thought

  9. But if i summon one fireteam using endless number, it say i can do this multible times , can i summon more then one fireteam from the squad that was killed last turn, will all these summons be its own unit or will they form a new squad so if a 3x3 squad got wiped out i can just spend 3 tactic to get back all the 3 fireteams from that squad as a new unit ( w/o ) asset. 

    Edit or can i also lets say summon 2 units of the killed squad (twice the amount) of models? Becuase its not really the model that die i summon its all new models. 


    Bonus question because i just dont seem to find it anywhere. When hire a squad with script. Do i get the full unit for the cost or is the cost just for 1 fireteam in the squad so i need to pay it twice more for a full squad. I belive its quite obvious its a 1 price for full unit based on the prices compared to singel model fireteams but would like to see where it say in the rulebook

  10. I have allways loved backyard masters to be able to support and just flood the board with minions. 

    I have never liked the aggresive way of playing malifaux (or any game for that matter). Im a switcher player and i

     own more masters that i want to admit i do :P 


    Nicodem is my most played master in resser and he fits my playstyle perfectly however my local meta 

    like to play alot of high tier masters and many of them are agressive. I have tried out Nico

    in a few games with new upgrades and models and his backyard playstyle is hurting me alot now. 

    Recently i have played against leveticus, von schill and sandeep and all of the games 

    have been a struggle, all of the games because of the slow turn 1½ turn of nicos before 

    you have either fully started your engine or it have been neutralized the opponent have already

    reached and holding the key points of the board and then its up to me to try to do my all for 

    regain some foothold in the scheme positions. 

    There will almost never be a turn 2 when i will be able to score both schemes and the strategy meanwhile the opponent

    already dominate and outnumber every "normal" position without contest so it will just be up to them to hold

    that position as long as they can and i have to work SUPER hard to tie them on VP on future turns. Many times 

    i just wont have the time or cards to do any more summons at all because of the pure preassure i need to put on

    my opponent to regain control. 

    I want the asura - nico - mortimer - emissery list to work but ye, so far with my recent games asura been killed so fast

    everygame without been able to do any real mindless zombie fun actions. 


    I had better luck with Kirai but i dont have enough games with her to fully utilize her true power yet,

    she just have so much things to remember and to do all the placements correct is hard! She is a force to be reckon

    with, not so much a backyard master but this helps her alot because she can go up fast and contest all the key points of the board almost as quickly

    as most other masters. 


    next up im planing to try out a couple of Mc mourning and seamus games and see how they work out, have yet to played either of them 

    at all but think its going to be intressting. 


    Reva is allways reva, she is also a nice backyard master but not as much control as i like. Also had games with her when she practicly did nothing for turn 1 and 2

    because the enemy just danced around and pushed himself around my corpse markers until he couldnt anymore on turn 3 so i could start layout some beating.

    But for a master for 2 turns just sit there and pass is the worst feeling for me.


    Never tried yan lo or tara and probably wont have time for it either :(


  11. Just wonder if Ikiryo would be buried by for example by a death

    marshal would i still be able to summon her out with kirais aura when

    im getting hit?

    buried model dosnt Count to be in play and summon rare models only say

    that im not able to summon models with rare restrictions if it exeds the model

    rare amount 'On the board'

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