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Posts posted by balgor

  1. Heartfaux is back.

    On 31 August 2019 York Garrison Wargaming club will be hosting Heartfaux again after missing a year.  It will be held at The Folk Hall, New Earswick, York.  As with the event in the past it is going to be a charity event, with proceeds going to the British Heart Foundation.  So far from Previous event we have raised over £1600 and I would love to continue to build on that achievement.


    The event will be 3 rounds at 50ss per round, fixed faction.


    The aim of the event is two fold.

    1 - Have fun and play some games of M3E

    2 - Raise money for the British Heart Foundation.


    Cost of the event is £15, but this does not include lunch.  Payment details will be added ASAP, when they have been added to the York Garrison website - https://yorkgarrison.co.uk/  tickets can be bought from this address https://yorkgarrison.co.uk/product/heartfaux-2019-august-31st/

    Lunch wise there's a cafe on site which will sell drinks and snacks, a chip shop and local shop about a 5 minute walk ands a Tesco/KFC/BK and Mcdonalds within a 5 minute drive.

    Proper rules pack will be posted in the next few days and I will update this post when tickets have gone live.

    Link to the rules pack: - https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjpfjrtrxvquadb/Heartfaux.docx?dl=0

    Lets make this a good one guys.


    Strats and Schemes

    Game 1


    Corrupted Idols


    Claim Jump

    Take Prisioner

    Search the ruins

    Power Ritual


    Game 2



    Claim Jump

    Hold up their forces


    Harness the Ley Line

    Detonate Charges


    Game 3


    Turf War


    Dig Their Graves


    Deliver a message





    1 - James Doxey

    2 - Paul Butler

    3 - Dan Brown

    4 - Ollie Hedges

    5 - Russell Hunt

    6 - Tom Benstead

    7 - Karl Adam

    8 - Kevin Gillet

    9 - Peter Sidaway

    10 - Greg 

    11 - Dave Brown

    12 - Carl Lee

    13 - Nick Pratt

    14 - Gary McGuinness

    15 - Radek 

    16 - Zed Strong

    17 - Michael Arnott

    18 - Andy Bushell


    • Like 2
  2. 12 hours ago, Kihraxz said:

    Why's that? Their shoot value isn't better. Acolytes aren't faster Wk. they both give out slow. and it's a 2" range difference and the acolyte is a pure independent while Mages boost each other and Warding Runes and are 5stone cheaper. I don't know the english ideology of Malifaux so I'm curious about this. 

    The reason I take acolytes over mages is I will always get work out of him over the mages.  I just don't find mages that good all of the time.

  3. 9 hours ago, DonCheadle said:

    Eyo Dray, I should've proofread the text when I had the chance. Only found one apparent misspelling, it's Shore up Weaknesses, not Sure up. 😁 

    I think OxBlox may actually be in a similar spot to Katanaka Snipers, which outshine the rest of the factions ranged models to the extent where one of them recently got a points reduction (and you're still more likely to take a Sniper). 

    They're in that boat where you could remove one of their excellent rules and they'd still be a great pick. I'd think what could be interesting would be lowering their range to 10" to make their immobility a bit more of an issue. 

    I still take acolytes over the mages, imo they are the best range model we have.

  4. Do you know, this is a funny post to come up, as I was going to post about these models to try to figure out what all the fuss is about with these models.

    Personally I find they just never pull their weight for having to take 3 of the them as they are to easy to kill and I find there are better damage dealers to have.

    I will keep trying them on the board to see if I can get them to work but at the moment they just don't do it for me.

    • Like 2
  5. On 06/02/2018 at 11:45 AM, Argentbadger said:

    Thanks Graham, I had a top time.

    Only constructive feedback is that it would help if you were a bit louder to make announcements; you're naturally very quietly spoken and it was sometimes hard to hear calls for last round.

    I'd be happy with a two-day Vappa.  But isn't the show only on the Sunday?

    As usual, I also wrote about how the games felt from my side of the board; you can read them here:


    Sorry you did not hear some of the calls Paul, thought I shouted and then walked around making sure everyone heard. But will take it on board.

    The show is only open on a Sunday, bit they have the venue on the Saturday for some traders so we can get in.


    There are many hurdles to cover before it became a two day event, but thought I would get player views first.

  6. Thanks to everyone who came to the show, hope you had a good event and if you have any feedback please leave it here.

    We raised £158 for pilgrims bandits http://pilgrimbandits from the raffle, so thank you very much for supporting a great cause.

    Question for you all?  How would people feel if Vappa became a two day tournament?

    Now this is not saying it will happen, but would like to get your views before I look into it.

  7. 6 hours ago, Bigbird990 said:

    So are the S&S in the rules pack being used or the ones at the top of this page? 

    Looking forward to it!!

    The ones in the top thread are correct, The rules packs only difference is is guarded treasure, in game three as its changed when final version of GG came out

  8. 6 hours ago, Euclid said:

    Isn't Eliminate the Leadership the paired scheme for Public Execution in the final release of GG18?  I know there were some changes between Beta and Final but this is what the App (trustworthy source....) is saying.

    Thanks for pointing that out, I thought I checked to see if there were any differences, I will check again

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