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Posts posted by Baalbamoth

  1. necroon- did you read the comments of the people who posted,  "I'm not seeing a single comment here from anyone that has played against Ulix and lost and thinks that is unfair"   Really? Asrian: "I noted my experience on The Sow Page.So 1AP led to 21 points gone. As I said there though, it was entertaining as hell to watch, but I felt the bonus charges were not balanced for the game."  sounds like he played against ulix and thought it was unfair.  as for crying for the cuddle bat... read the title of this thread again, the thread is debating the need for a cuddle bat.  


    Others-  to look at comparable abilities... I've seen Killjoy take out 21 points in an activation, I've seen Coraphyee duet (under Colette), Bette Noir, teddy, laz (under ramos), and a few other super high damage enforcers in the right circumstances do similar.  As far as the masters go, Perditia, Ophelia, Wong, Rasputina, Levi, the Vics,  can all alpha strike 21 points in a single activation ... but Ulix isn't a uber-damage dealing master, he's purely support, nothing he can do solo can come close to matching what those masters do in an activation without a model like The Sow and the use of AP. Where is exactly is the unbalance in comparison with the other master's combat abilities?     


    ​If the argument is against scheme marker manipulation with Corn Husks... is it really sooooo much worse than what Colette (probably the best comparison support master) can do with marker manipulation?


    and to "easy" summon a war pig, (SEZAR) Ulix needs 3 scheme markers and does 4 damage to himself and the war pig to pull it off... Ramos to summon a spider swarm... needs one scrap (which he can create with electrical creation summoning), one high card,  and a single AP and when they combine in the next round they are at full health (if I remember right)... how is Ulix's "send myself half way to death" summoning more needing a cuddle than that? Why should Ulix have to sacrifice 3 cards or 3 AP from near by pigs in addition to pull off what Ramos does without suffering a point of damage and having a full health model? (also the LOS is a huge deal if your opponent isn't stupid enough to put his scheme markers out in the open where anyone can draw LOS to The Major or Ulix, and remember those piglets are coming in paralyzed, and pretty easy to pick off with the two turns you likely have to get to em before they can remove markers, the "its too easy" argument fails a lot considering all those disadvantages. )


    Godlyness- I expect the freekorps player to come out with the "wong is soooo OP!" thread any day now then...  


    Clement- Kang is a killy beast that's very hard to take down, and even if you do Yan-Lo just brings him back... its a pretty damn tough combo. 

  2. So why just target ulix? Don't the doxies need a cuddle? Tara burry then attack you while burried kills fun too, isn't that worthy? How about when you bring Wong and the other guy announces freekorps that ends up no fun for the wong player, better just give em +1 armor vs blasts n auras rather than immunity....

    I dunno seems to me every time somebody loses a game they thought they shouldn't have lost, I'm hearing cuddle!!! CUDDLE!!! on the forums. I wasn't in the beta but I heard gremlins already got hit pretty hard.

    I'm watching the Kang/Yan-lo combo dominate almost every other game at my FLGS, meanwhie ulix isn't even out yet and already people are crying OP!!!

    I think people just need to relax.

    • Like 2
  3. I don't buy that it's OP, last game rasputina hit gracey, Lenny and Ophelia with two (just two) overpowered spells knocking them to 2 wounds, had she not had to move her third overpowered spell combo would have killed 22 points AND a master all that in one single activation through a gamen from like 18 inches away.

    Face it, every master has synergy with their troops, if you are caught in exactly the right circumstances any master can kill or basically end your game in a single activation. Ulix is no different, no better no worse.

  4. More of an overview really, please forgive bad spelling...

    Gremlins vs Rasputina





    Lenny+dumb luck

    Sammy+on your yip toes



    2x young LaCroix

    Schemes: plant evidence +line in the sand both announced.


    Raspy+ 3x?


    Ice golum

    3x ice gamin

    2x mole men

    Schemes: plant evidence +bodyguard-ice golum

    Not sure what upgrades raspy had

    Notable moments:

    First turn lined up Lenny to throw reloaded Ophelia and Sammy to midfield then have lenny ride up on Gracey for rams aura, lane blocked by glaciers plans ruined. Ophelia shoots windego finished off by merris burning +3. Molemen advance up left side and drop markers for plant evidence. I send Sammy that way and drop markers for line in sand.

    Second turn surprised opponent by having Gracey deliver Lenny over terrain into enemy scheme marker and ice gamen, chucked gamen and removed marker.

    In retaliation Rasputina nukes Gracey, Ophelia and Lenny as Merris is off scoring plant evidence and territory VPs. Ophelia kills a gamen.

    Third and fourth turns ice golum kills gracey (forgot to reactivate!!!!!) Lenny chucks Ophelia then is killed by raspy, Ophelia kills raspy and shoots a gamen which is finished off by Merris. Sammy turns a enemy scheme marker into a stuffed pig and wounds a mole man (wp attack was the only way to hurt a half burried mole man w defensive stance it turns out) I'm behind 3 pts for reconnoiter at this point (damn mole men) but I have 4 for LitS and plant evidence.

    5th turn Sammy gets rid of another marker/creates more zombie pork, young LaCroix gets between golum and LitS marker. Ophelia shoots golum nearly killing it, he runs and hides. Merris chooses to get points for quarter control rather than guarantee 6th round (turned out to be a mistake) flip and game ends.

    Ended up a tie. Another turn would have guaranteed win. I score for plant evidence and line in sand, raspy scores for bodyguard and having more quarter control points.

    What I learned : raspy isn't hard to kill, kill her asap. Mole men in defensive stance are pains in the ass to try and kill. Gracey is tough but can't stand up to prolonged assault. Sammy is made of gold, he kills enemy VPs. Merris is a great objective runner but stick w the crew till the blasty mages are dead... and if one more turn wins the game make sure you get it if you can.

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  5. I'd defiantly say Yan Lo is a rough master to play against, Chi makes him like a time bomb just ticking down and with all his defensive buffs its pretty darn hard to take him out unless it's in the first turn or two. 


    that said.... I really don't like the Asian themes... it just doesn't float my boat, I just cant stop thinking of last air bender and cheesy anime.  I find the grems really humorous both in play and art and meh... that's why I went with grems.  Who wouldn't love little green rednecks with a pork fixation... 

  6. said it about other games as well... a good game cannot be completely balanced. if the game was completely balanced, you would be playing the skirmish version of world of warcraft, every mini would do everything, exactly as well as every other mini with no unbalancing aspects. it would also be boring as hell.


    Think some things need cuddles, even slight ones... but I dont see anything so far that is soooo overpowering if somebody brings that army to the table any sane player just packs up his minis and goes home. 

  7. I got a set of GW mordor fantasy goblins, on sale 50% off... 16 bucks for 25 minis... those poor bastards are getting chopped, ground, bent, burned, melted, drowned in piles of green stuff to turn them into pretty decent proxys... will put pics up when I finish...  

  8. summoning is a bitch to balance in any game system, honestly I think they've done a damn fine job with it. The areas where I think models do start to get overpowering is when synergy isn't balanced properly, a crew with great synergy (Ortegas, etc)  vs a middle of the road generic crew, vanilla is going to get stomped on. (only exception I've seen to this is von schill who tends to be crazily well balanced.)


    also it seems like counter models are a BIG part of the game, your a rezzer facing a Ramos construct army better bring student of metal, your facing a Jacob crew... get boy named sue to gank that hungering darkness by turn two, etc.


    guessing your opponent's list and putting proper counter models in your crew is an essential skill. (And yeah it sucks if your cant afford time or cash to get the models you need) I sort of think bring any completely generic supposedly overpowered crew, vs somebody who has all the models available to counter it (and knows how and what to use) and the OP crew will likely get slaughtered. 

  9. so... how do you maximize the OP? Thinkin with Som'r you abuse pull my finger to get the max WP tests for smell fear, add sammy and that wp to activate ability, Burt for the cracker jack timing... any other good grem WP test/combos?

  10. All seem awesome, extra summoning for somer, with Ophelia handing around extra AP sound's like overkill (especially w Gracey) Wong... amazing... assistant clumps em together, Wong nukes em, Sammy makes em pass a wp13 or fail to activate (setting up even more boomage) or how many people could wong and Sammy burry/bacon curse in a round?

  11. I played Ramos against Tara in a recent tourney, a fasted Student of Metal nuked Ramos in one round, left him with one health... generally that almost never happens... I think counter choices (like Bette Noir against rezzers) are just part of the game, if you push your construct shenanigans (looking at you mechanical rider) your just asking for an optimized Kang or SoM... better be able to deal with it or change your standard line up...  

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