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Posts posted by Bengt

  1. I think both the Wendigo and the Emberling are way undercosted when compared to other models as they are significant minions for 3 SS. But then we come to whether Totems should be compared to other models, some are pretty obviously designed as an integral part of the Master (e.g. Hollow Waifs) while other just seem like a random model with perhaps some light synergy with their required Master and thus will have to be competitive with other choices.

    Personally I think Totems in general should be costed like other models (special cases like Hollow Waifs could be excepted).

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  2. 3 hours ago, hydranixx said:

    Kaeris' 3 card (0) is definitely good, but has two drawbacks. One, setting it up sometimes costs you to cheat low cards to fail your own simple duels. Two, it means you're not playing Marcus or Sandeep, so you're probably doing something wrong XD.

    I use Union Miners for burning, opposed relentable duels without TNs, no need to cheat. The Emissary's other (0) actions are quite good and Flaming Conflux is a pretty terrible upgrade in general so if I were to bring Emissary with Kaeris I'd use Arcane Conflux or one of Arcanists' excellent generic upgrades anyway.

    And really man, there are other reasons to play a master than internet "wisdom" telling you it's the most powerful choice...

    • Like 5
  3. 13 hours ago, anencephalous said:


    Umm, why do they take damage if they end a move in it?

    The rules say "enters it" or " Activate while within it", not "ends a move in it", do they not?

    Some people think that ending the movement (when the model transitions from their moving terrain ignoring state to their normal unmoving state) inside the hazardous terrain count as entering it.

    Others think that a model only enters terrain when it crosses the border, while they are still immune.

    It has been discussed at length without consensus and Wyrd has not deigned to FAQ it.

  4. It's also pertinent that a window requires rather careful definition under the Malifaux terrain rules. It would need to be a separate terrain segment from the rest of the building with its own Ht etc. Now this might not be a problem locally, but it's something to think about if you are playing someone from another area that might have different expectations.

  5. 22 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    But crit strike being applied first is in direct conflict with the math box since you add before multiplying/subtracting. This does make a difference if you hit crit three times but that's about the only time I think.

    Right you are, got a bit confused there. :) You don't need to have more than one :ram for the order to make a difference though. Consider Lady J hitting weak with only her built in suit against an incorporeal target, if you apply crit first you get 2 damage (3+1, reduced to 2), if you apply incorporeal first you get 3 damage (3 reduced to 2, then +1).

    An interesting case is a Rail worker made incorporeal by Sandeep. So you then you have the Metal on metal defensive trigger (and as such goes first) that doesn't give armour but straight up reduces the attack by 2 to a minimum of 1, regular Armour +1, and Incorporeal. The more common Grind to a halt trigger gives regular armour so will not change the basic case.

  6. 4 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    I don't think so, reduction is simultaneous and governed by math timing? Why would you need the math timing clarification if general timing covered all the applicable situations? It does seemlike they conflict and I think I usually add crit strikes before halving now that I think about my games.

    I think the only thing that is simultaneous in this game is Faction Declaration (which is explicitly so). The general timing box surely imposes a sequence and I haven't found any rules that exempt some effects from this stated order. Critical strike is a trigger so would go before any abilities with the same timing in any case.

    And yeah, I don't think the math box actually change anything currently in the game. Another way to look at it is that they have structured the rest of the game to conform with the math box, making it redundant in practice. :P

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  7. 4 hours ago, edopersichetti said:

    I love your base! What did you use?

    0.25 mm plasticard cut into strips, scratched up with coarse sand paper and the tip of file. Then I cut the strips to fit inside the lip of the base, gluing down each one (or pair if it's a plank with a joint) before starting on the next (I typically do a couple of bases in parallel). I like to make my base decorations out of plastic so I attach the miniature with plastic glue.

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  8. 6 hours ago, Jordon said:

    Vent Boiler (Rail Golem) - This model has a (0) other than locomotion? Go figure

    Smell Weakness (Acolyte) - This model does something other than shoot? Go figure

    Stalk (Sabertooth) - I just always try to leap even if I don't really have a reason too

    Devour (Hoarcat) - Too many stipulations for a Ml4 attack. Its way easier to use their other attack

    Frozen touch (Silent One) - Yeah there is no practical reason to ever use this

    Arrest Him (Mouse) - Once something gets roped, it's usually pointless arresting them

    Buzz Saw (Brass Arachnid) It's almost always better trying to stoke in my experience 

    Philosophers Stone (upgrade) - Has anyone from any faction ever taken one of these upgrades?


    Anyone else have similar experiences with models you've use a bunch of times? 

    I've used Vent Boiler to set up card draw for Kaeris on the first turn, then used some other models to get some burning on the Rail Golem. If you are not going to alpha strike with it I don't think it has to Locomote the first turn.

    Frozen Touch gives Silent One a disengaging strike, Ml 3 may suck but it's better than nothing.

    I've never taken Philosopher's Stone, but in theory it's not that terrible. 1 SS and a (0) to draw two cards is ok for Masters with few and/or sucky (0) actions, the real problem IMO is that Arcane Reservoir, Seize the Day, and Master specific upgrades are sooooooo much better. :P


    I wish I will some day remember to use Angelica's walk after initiative ability...

    I don't understand why anyone would use an upgrade slot (and pay 2 SS) for December's Pawn.

    Born of Fire and Powered by Flame are too expensive at 2 SS (BoF also suffers from lack of Master slots).

    • Like 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, solkan said:

    I can't think of any auras that are different Ht than their source model at the moment, but that part of the rules is there to allow for such a possibility.

    Howard and Crooligans have auras that are taller than they are, not that is matters as they give soft cover and are not blocking.

  10. 2 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

    I figure you could use the total of the flipped scheme cards to work it out which I guess isn't perfect - it ties it to the number schemes so the Low scheme will always be there if you flip a pair of aces sadly but it doesn't add any more steps to determining the schemes.

    Using the difference instead of the sum will make it a bit less predictable. Or you could just have a table with brackets and keep flipping until you get five unique schemes, the whole getting the schemes from the flip of only two cards may be a darling that need to be killed. You could of course also flip straight from your scheme deck, but having a table will still let you make some schemes more common than others. In any case I think the most important part is getting rid of the always scheme.

    • Like 2
  11. Malifaux Raptors doesn't care about out-activation! :) As Claim Jump just says enemy model a Peon can block it, and with the 40 mm base it can be within 2" of two markers unless they are nearly 6" apart. And once you have enough markers to score it despite any Raptors they all go away when you do...

    • Like 2
  12. I think the Tank and Beater requirements are stated a bit categorical with their minimums. E.g. the Rail Golem would not qualify as a Beater as its main attack is skill 5 (with :+fate), and it doesn't ignore any defensive abilities. On the Tank side Joss only fulfil point 1 and 5 (disqualifying him from Tanking), Howard meets points 1, 3, 5, yet I find that Joss generally last longer than Howard.

  13. 1 minute ago, Nikodemus said:

    As I heard it 2nd place was one of our locals and he played TT. Might be you saw him field Mei Feng once or twice and that's why pegged him as Arcanist.

    Yes, 2nd place was from Finland. And I did see him with some Foundry models now that you mention it. :)

  14. I played a small tournament (10 players) yesterday. While I had declared Arcanists for the event I picked Kaeris for all my games just because. :) I don't remember enough details to do proper battle reports so here are some highlights.

    I won the first game (Standard, Guard the Stash, CJ, FFM, Accusation*, Leave your Mark*, Recover Evidence) vs Mei Feng (Arcanist). I had Blinding Flame on Kaeris, and the push on was quite useful for keeping enemies away from one of the Stash markers. I brought Eternal Flame and his most noticeable contribution was to wander up and be in the way (as there was a bit of a traffic jam going on) when the opponent was about to shift more models to Kaeris' stash (since Kaeris kept pushing them away). 

    I also won the second (Flank, Interference , CJ, Dig their graves*, Undercover entourage*, Hunting party, Tail em) vs Somer. I left out the Eternal Flame and Kaeris herself didn't contribute all that much, she did Grab and Drop a Bayou gremlin into a newly dug grave though. There was also some Scheme markers from Wings of Fire but I ended up with a lot of extra scheme markers anyway as some of my guys hanging around to secure quarters walked around dropping some just in case. Practiced Production was more useful in getting them in position for Dig their graves. My Soulstone Miner was a real champ though, first he knocked one Bayou Gremlin into a grave while sucking out its soul (who knew Gremlins had souls?!) and them took Frank in the chest with some soulstone prevention and knocked him into a grave as well! Obviously my two Raptors were useful for Interference. :)

    I lost the third game (Standard, Headhunter, CJ, Set Up, Search the Ruins*, Mark for Death*, A quick murder) vs Colette. My opponent's most expensive models were Coryphees and she told me that meant quick murder wouldn't work, I realise now that I should have checked that myself since it apparently doesn't matter how they die or are sacrificed for a quick murder. (Edit: I was looking in the wrong place, I have no excuse). Anyway, this was my first proper game of Headhunter (I had played it once in a teaching game only) so I didn't play that part very well, e.g. Blinding Flame to push models away from head markers would have been useful (I had taken Seize the Day instead). But I think I learned some things for next time. I brought Eternal Flame again, he did some healing, I guess I'll continue to bring him for some pools.

    I came in third in the end and got a transparent red Bête Noire in a mystery box which is nice since I also play Resurrectionists and don't have her. I don't know yet if I'll try to only paint part of her to take advantage of the transparency or just do it normally. First place (and I think second, but I'm not entirely sure since I didn't play him) were also Arcanists.

    • Like 3
  15. 55 minutes ago, Ludvig said:

    I don't see how invalidating half of my bought guild models by splitting the faction would be better than making the masters hire from a pool of models deemed thematic for them.

    That would only happen if you have lots of models and no masters from one of the new sides. Which I don't think is that common, but I could be wrong. :)

  16. I like split in two idea as it could focus the factions and give them sharper identities. It would leave some people with some models they couldn't use, but it would be much worse if you went too crazy with moving Masters around.

    Neverborn I'd start with the existing triumvirate of Lilith, Pandora, and Zoraida since they are clear allies and perhaps add Titania as she is indigenous and put the more human-ish in the other camp.

    Resurrectionists I think the spirit ones (Kirai, Molly, and Yan Lo) would make a good start, no idea who else to add though.

  17. Lenny is also immune.

    A thing about the Eternal Flame is that it's a Peon, and it's really bad in Interference to have too many Peons (unless said Peon happen to be super mobile...), and kind of bad in Extraction and Guard the stash, neutral to good in Headhunter and Bounty (but if you don't play in tournaments you hardly see bounty), and then there are of course schemes to consider as well. So you generally don't want too many Peons in your crew and most of the time I find myself rather taking another Raptor over the Eternal Flame.

    I've tried Malifaux Child with Kaeris and isn't very impressed, turn 1 and perhaps 2 it can put some burning on your crew for Kaeris to play with but after that I've typically outpaced it with Kaeris so then it can't really do much useful stuff, with its heal requiring a 7:ram and all.

  18. I doubt I'll ever buy Gunsmiths, I just can't see ever picking them over other 7 SS models.

    I want to play with Willie, but he never seem to make the cut. 6 SS is competitive in Arcanists.

    Then we have the Peon problem...

    Mouse is just shit.

    Eternal Flame is also shit but at least it's half the price, I mean apart from the heal all its talents are well meaning but useless in practice. Hardly anything is actually immune to burning, everyone just have abilitets that lets them not take damage from burning. And when do you really want to remove the burning prematurely from someone in a Kaeris crew?

    I can, if I squint, only see a use for Essence of Power in some niche builds, so I've never seriously considered actually taking it.

    With Malifaux Raptors being so filthy other Insignificant Peons really have to be useful since unlike a cheap minion they can't contribute in at least a middling way to completing the actual victory conditions of the game.

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