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Posts posted by blomkaal

  1. Firestorm Games has it available to order in their webshop. I also know that my FLGS (Dragon's Lair in Aarhus, Denmark) has received some stuff, and they've confirmed that it was not a Kickstarter reward, and it is indeed available from their distributor (dunno if that's Diacash, though), but I haven't seen it on their shelves yet.

  2. 2 hours ago, Trample said:

    What about using The Firestarter instead of Willie? He can get the party started by burning your gunsmiths round 1 just like Willie, but then he can actually start running schemes for you, keep piling on the burning, or even twirl the can and take the credit at the end of a turn for models dying from burning. The reckless and flight gives him a lot of options. 

    Not a bad idea, actually. My completionist OCD also likes that this makes me get another M&SU Master :)

  3. People definitely seem to think Gunsmiths and Ironsides are a match made in heaven. I guess it's due to HPM. An alternative to Message would be to find a way to fit in the Effigy, and have Toni hand out Burning with her fists... Dropping Message would get me to 3 stones, perhaps changing Reservoir for Challenge could be the way to get that last one?

    Also, as my partner said, including Howard may be half of this crew, but in total only a quarter of the entire crew, so any suggestion on a 25SS build using a big beater like Howard or Joss (hell, even the Rail Golem, which I've had lying around for ~2 years, and never used) would be appreciated :)

  4. 2 minutes ago, JoeJones said:

    For the tarpit list, I would most likely switch out Arcane Reservoir for Challenge the Crowd, which would give her a bit more resilience as a tarpit. I'm not exactly sure what to do with the leftover stone, however.

    i'm not sure about the gunline list, since I've never used Willie or the Gunsmiths.

    Nice one with the Challenge. I'm just so used to running Reservoir on Arcanists, it's usually my first SS spend :) I wouldn't mind wasting the one stone, though, but maybe there's a 2SS upgrade worth considering on Johan instead of Energies?

    The gunline list is mostly just a fun thought I had. I'll most likely be running the tarpit one. But basically, Willie takes a walk, which causes a blast to damage the Gunsmiths. Being damaged, they gain pseudo-Focus from Hand Picked Men. Ironsides sets their targets on fire, which gives them another 2 psuedo-Focus, if I'm not mistaken.

  5. Yes, I know Masters aren't allowed to lead 25SS crews. This is for doubles, however, so all bets are off :)

    I'm taking Ironsides to a casual doubles tournament, most likely partnered with Colette, and am looking into som potential builds. No strange rules, other than the 25SS limit, and spare stones are lost (not added to cache).

    My main problem is that the beaters she usually likes to bring, along with her upgrades, take a huge chunk out of a rather small amount of stones. I've looked into two builds so far, a tarpit and a gunline, and I'm looking for critique, and possibly suggestions for alternative builds.


    • Toni (Arcane Reservoir, Frontline Leadership, Warding Runes)
    • Johan (Imbued Energies)
    • Oxfordian Mage (Blood Ward)
    • Oxfordian Mage (Doom Ward)

    Idea is Toni ties up models and, along with Johan, brings a bit of pain. Hopefully, this will allow my partner's crew to run schemes relatively uncontested. Mages are mainly to keep Toni alive, but also provide a bit of ranged support. Reservoir might not be optimal in this build, and Toni will probably die.


    • Toni (Arcane Reservoir, Message from the Union)
    • Gunsmith
    • Gunsmith
    • Willie

    Toni hangs back to buff Gunsmiths (HPM) while setting things on fire (Message). Willie blasts Gunsmiths to trigger HPM, and, hopefully, takes down a couple of enemy models in a Blaze of Glory TM. This build has two stones left over, though. Reservoir slightly safer in the build, as Toni isn't looking for trouble as much, but crew is lower on healing than other build. Could be dropped, though, to bring in Effigy, or another 4 Stone model. Not too familiar with Arcanist upgrades to know if any 2 Stone ones are worth taking.


    There. Feel free to tear me a new one, or suggest other potential other ways to run her in small pools :)

  6. 7 hours ago, Corey3977 said:

    I have done a bit of reading about Gamin and Ironsides. Following the cuddle to Metal Gamin, are they still a viable option?
    At this point my present list is Ironsides  box set and  Johan (along with some other stuff to pad out my Marcus crew). Unfortunately, I am unable to find any gunsmiths on the website I am buying from, along with Willie :(
    I like the information about the M&SU pack - I would love a Langston and would jump on it if I intended to go with Ramos as my third Arcanist master (Kaeris is leading that charge), but I am approaching Malifaux with a way different mindset than I did Warhammer (apologies for bringing up the dark side!!), which is to say I am picking my crew based upon my love for their background/looks/etc

    Gunsmiths will be released later this month (25th, I think), so that might be why you're having trouble finding them. I just picked up Ironsides as well, and just received my Johan to go with her yesterday. Awesome model, and he seems to have loads of synergy/theme with her as well, being M&SU. Other suggested purchaces seems solid as well, but be careful of not falling into the trap of bringing only M&SU models, and bunching up your crew (at least for the Strats and Schemes where that's a bad thing to do). Don't be afraid to bring something (preferrably self sufficient) that's not necessarily synergistic with her.

  7. On 31/12/2015 at 9:47 AM, mythicFOX said:

    I've been playing Tina a lot recently.  Here are my thoughts;

    Shattered Heart brings a lot of power, but commits you to a very stand back play style and is expensive. It also makes her more vulnerable to the enemy, both because she can't take Armor to escape melee easily, and because the enemy is more likely to see her as vulnerable and engage her.  Going with Armor allows you to play Tina much further forward and makes her a lot harder to shut down.  

    Personally I'm of the view that Armor of December is the better choice most of the time, that said both options are perfectly valid. This is one of those key choices you make when hiring a crew that will inform a lot of the other build decisions you have to make.

    In terms of core models you'll hire every game, by default I tend to start with something like;

    Rasputina, with Arcane Reservoir, Cold Nights, Armor of December, 6ss cache (7)

    Wendigo (3)

    Ice Gamin (4)

    Then I'd probably look to add Snow Storm (with Imbued Energies), the Arcane Effigy, and a Silent One.

    If by core you mean model pool, I'd start with the box then purchase in the following order;  Blessed, Snow Storm, Mech Rider, Arcane Effigy, Silent Ones.

    Outside this Myranda and Cassandra are always useful to have.

    I've an up coming tournament which is fixed master with a limited model pool, and I've committed to playing Tina. I'll be posting some thoughts about that for critique by other Arcanist players here at the weekend. So you may find that useful too.

    I'm curious as to why you don't mention Acolytes at all. They seem really strong, which The Collective Internet "Wisdom" seems to agree with, but I really liked your arguments on Gunsmiths and The Captain in the Kaeris Schemes & Stones, so I would love to hear your opinion on Acolytes as well :)

  8. 8 hours ago, kross1 said:

    It's because he completely ignores the after resolving, that the komainu ignores los & range. The model that is doing the ca action has to be within 6" & in los for the komainu when he casts, he then resolves his cast, whether he fails or not is irrelevant, whether he moved out of range blocks line of sight or anything else doesn't matter, he was in the aura when he cast.

    The card clearly states that the enemy modes has to be within the aura (which required both range and LoS) when the action is resolved, not declared or cast. Given MrDeathTrout's rundown of order of resolution above (granted, I don't have my book in front of me, but it seems correct), I'd say you're wrong.

  9. 18 hours ago, Ice_cat said:

    You can always paint it if you don't like it as it is ;) I've seen that set, and it looks great for those into the whole railway/wild west theme :D

    Yeah, but lasercut MDF terrain still has a certain... boxiness to it. I happen to like that, though :)

  10. 20 hours ago, BigHammer said:

    Edit: Ah, I see this was the previous crux of the argument. I always took "resolve" to be the culmination of the action in question, ie "once it's finished". If the aura was to affect the model regardless of where it ended, would it not stipulate "declare" instead of "resolve"?

    My thoughts excatly.

  11. I find the fact that it ignores LoS slightly misdirecting, as the aura requires LoS to affect the enemy model. Also, with the keyword being resolves, would the Komainu not be unable to attack an enemy model that during the action is somehow moved out of it's aura?

    This is all assuming it is in fact an aura effect, and not just within 6", which I can't remember.

  12. I think Mech Rider and Rail Golem fill different roles, but Rider is insane. It's a fast model that summons, gets more resilient as the game goes on, and drops scheme markers from triggers (iirc). I haven't tried the Rail Golem (although it was one of the first models I bought), but it gets a lot of flak for being very uneven, performance wise. It's pretty much either amazing, or completely useless, from what I hear. It's a really cool model, though, and fits amazingly with Mei, theme wise, and as a casual, thematic player myself, I can definitely see why you want to run it. That said, Mech Rider also fits in really well with Mei thematically, even though it's not Foundry (iirc). Rules wise, I'd say Rider can find a spot in most lists in a pinch.

  13. My first Master was Arcanist Mei ;) 

    If there's no other 10T Masters that interrests you right now, but Kaeris does, go for Gamin. Mei can take them as both Arcanist and 10T (due to Foundry). Komainu she can only take as 10T. Not that I have any idea whether Metal Gamin do anything for Kaeris, though.

    Just remember Metal Gamin (unfortunately) were errata'd recently (lost Hard To Kill, iirc).

  14. Kang is a decent beat stick (Ml7 and a decent dmg-track), and a great Bodyguard target, thanks to his heal ability. His major weakness is his lack of speed, which the Wings upgrade on Mei mitigates.

    Effigy is nice, as it makes Mei more survivable, which is good, considering she likes to be in the thick of things. It also makes scheme marker dropping more efficient.

    Komainu are constructs Mei can walk on. Not that your entire crew needs to be possible Rail Walk targets, but some variety never hurt anyone. Their attack also targets Wp, as opposed to Df, like the most of the crew. Can't remember if it's Ca, though, which would be nice against Incorporeal, as the only other Ca attack the crew has is Mei's steam thingy.

    Dawn Serpent sets things on fire, which Mei likes.


    Dawn Serpent might not be quite as fluffy as Rail Golem, but Komainu and Effigy are constructs, which should fit in fine with the theme. Alternatively, go for Metal Gamin (Foundry), although they are Arcanists, obviously, which is known to lead to "I want more of this faction" syndrome :)

    I'm not sure ranged threats are a must in this crew. Mei moves fast, and ties things up nicely (and packs a not too shabby punch), and with Wings, Kang gets around easily enough. The crew is fairly resilient, especially if you factor in Vent Steam.

  15. 2 hours ago, katadder said:

    prefer my katanaka snipers to archers as they are actually just as good in melee (if not better) and also harder to take down

    plus with shenlong 2 range 28 focused shots per sniper is always nice

    I find the two Focus shots take too much setup, unless I'm doing it wrong. Basically, I have a peasant giving the sniper Focus +1. He then Shoots, takes Focus +1 as a (0) from Shenlong, and shoots again. Am I missing something? Otherwise, this requires one Peasant pr. Sniper, or both Snipers being within 1" of the Peasant, and both of them being within 6" (or however much range his aura has) of Shenlong. Seems way too situational to me.

  16. Cheers.

    So, looking at the Wandring River Style upgrade, it grants the model the Action "Might Gust", which has the restriction of "This Action may not target the same model more than once per Turn". If I have this on Shenlong, push a model, change style, and attach Wandering River Style to Sensei Yu, I can then push the same model again with Yu, as the source is the model (as stated on the upgrade), and not the upgrade?

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