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Everything posted by Scorpion0x17

  1. Thanks ENinja. Regarding Schemes and Strats - yeah, should have included, in my post, something like "and options for different schemes and strategies"! Anyway, regarding the list itself, hmm... interesting... I've seen Malifaux Child in a number of Kaeris crews, and I can see why, but, is this one of those "running a master with a ca action? take Malifaux Child!" type situations, or is he particularly strong synergistically in a Kaeris crew in particular? Also, I really like highly thematic 'fluffy' crew or army lists, so, whilst I would consider a variety of mercenaries for specific game play reasons, I don't want to build the backbone of my crew around one. With respect to the Gamins, one of the reasons I've got some Metal Gamin's on order is that I've found the Rail Golem can be hard to keep alive, so was thinking of teaming him up with one or two of those to give him a better df. Now, as I understand it, if the target of a Metal Gamin's Metal Protection moves out of the 3" bubble of protection around the Gamins it immediately loses said protection, so, would it perhaps be better to drop the Fire Gamin (but keep them available for Kaeris to summon) and take a second Metal Gamin instead (so as to extend the range of their protective bubble)? Thanks mythicFox. As you may have twigged already (from my username), I've been following your ToMB blog entries, and really liked the VASSAL video you did. Interestingly, this list is pretty much in the direction my thinking had already been starting to go - so I'm glad that means I was probably thinking at least close to, if not along, the right tracks! When you say "bring a Gunsmith and Bleeding Edge Tech in for Reckoning", what would you drop? The Rail Workers? And put BET on The Firestarter, or on Kaeris?
  2. What would people recommend for a 40ss thematic/fluffy Kaeris crew? I'm just starting out in the game and bought the metal Kaeris starter, what I currently have at my disposal are: Kaeris. 2x Gunsmith. 3x Fire Gamin. 1x Rail Golem. 3x Rail Worker (from the Rail Crew set (though these aren't put together yet)). And I will soon have (just as soon as my order (that includes a Dawn Serpent for when I decide to run Mei Feng as TT) arrives): 3x Metal Gamin. I've also run with a proxied The Firestarter a couple of times and like how he works, but I'm not sure what to try next, or what Upgrades to best use and on which models.
  3. hehe, yes you should. What you suggested, though, was actually the first idea I had, but then I thought it would be cool to only use them on Masters and Henchmen (because they're the only models that have a Cache and can use them).
  4. I really like the idea of shovels and picks - in fact, now you've suggested it, I don't know why I didn't think of that myself! Lanterns/lights too - certainly might look at seeing if I can create something like that. And the canary idea is genius! Though, maybe an empty cage, with it's door open... Thanks for the great ideas!
  5. So, I have a Kaeris crew that I'm slowly painting up, and I'm starting to think about how I want to decorate the bases. Now, I want to do something that 'says M&SU', and I think I'm sorted on the 'S' side - pipes, and taps, and maybe wheels and cogs - but I'm a bit stuck for something that says 'Mines' or 'Miners'. The only thing I've thought of so far is 'minecarts', and I might perch Kaeris atop a half-buried one, but I really need something that I can easily fit onto a base alongside, say, a Gunsmith, for example. Anyone any better ideas than minecarts? (oh, and I don't want to use 'soulstones', 'coal', or 'rails', as I have plans for using those on other bases)
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