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Posts posted by Mikey_C

  1. 4 hours ago, valhallan42nd said:

    BTW, Void Wretches are gold in Outcast, as they're one of the best scheme runners they have. Necropunks and Crooligans are better in ressers

    Agreed, if you aren't going the low card count hand style I would also recommend crooligans over void wretches.

    2 hours ago, Wifstrand said:

    So the Tara box will work reasonably well with my Seamus box+McMourning box+Bete Noir+a few other things? At least in the sense that most things work equally well with her.

    The contents of the Tara box aren't very appealing to any other resur masters. Tara is fine though and you can build solid lists using her box contents, death marshals and one other 10ss-ish cost model (I stand behind this 100%).

  2. Not list building advice but here is something to remember.

    Tara is WP 5. She gets +2 wp vs casting. However, on Sonia's activation, when Sonia declares her attack Tara is WP 5 so Sonia doesn't get + flips on her attacks for Tara being wp 6 or higher. 

    But if memory serve Sonia's CA attacks are defended with DF, so Tara will be Def 7 at the time of the defence flip. 

    Anyhow, point being Sonia doesn't get + attack flips vs Tara.

    • Like 1
  3. In the play test I loved the Scion with Scramble. 

    It's then pretty easy to get it into a position the enemy will not ignore. You just have to be careful that they don't ignore it until they out activate you.


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  4. 12 minutes ago, decker_cky said:

    Soulstone blade generally sucks, but occasionally it's a great hard counter to something you're facing. Because it's so corner case, many people don't think about it and it can be misplayed. For example...while the arachnids get armour on it, it's a great tool to have against Ramos. 

    If Tara had any individually potent ability that didn't need some setup, her 6 AP would be a real issue, so when looking at something like the Soulstone blade, remember that she could use it twice as often as most masters use their melee attacks.

    Legitimate question. Is it actually good vs Ramos?

    Ramos himself is just going to push away after one hit and the steam arachnids are immune to the :pulse damage from Sympathetic echos. It would take Tara 4 hits at min damage to kill a full health steam arachnid, or 2 moderates, or 1 severe. 

    Am I missing something?

  5. The ill omens / initiative thing only effects one Tara build, other than that a beater getting to go twice in a row (end of turn, start of next turn) is a possibility that all crews must face.

    I feel like we're getting pretty far off topic with all the ill omens debate, I'm regretting bringing it up at all.

  6. 6 minutes ago, D_acolyte said:

    I think in all my time playing neverborn I have only field the Doppleganger twice. As for a defense vs ill omen, speaking as a person who get it used on them often I am meh. Yes it is a pain but it does cost the other something, often a high card. I am of the opinion that taking an upgrade to counter the reason someone takes a model or another upgrade is not a fix but more of just a complaint. It is like saying I am sick of snipers so I want an upgrade that prevent focus actions on the boards, is that really an upgrade suggestion or is it just a gripe vs another faction.

    It's fine as it is now, as well as Tara is fine as she is now. 

    The complaint is fairly legit though. Tara has an upgrade that is supposed to give her an advantage on initiative (she's a time mage it makes sense) but it easily cancelled out by a model you see in nearly every NB list (you may not take a doppleganger, but I assure you that you are in the minority in that regard). Not only is the advantage cancelled out, it's usually a small disaster, and the model that provides ill omens also brings a whole lot else to the table. 

    I think in hindsight instead of Tara getting a +flip, enemy crew should have gotten a -flip, that would have solved ill omens neat and tidy. 

    As it stands if you want to run Tara vs Neverborn, you'd best build a list without the void creatures. Vs Gremlins I've found it to be much less of a problem as Trixie seems much easier to remove off the table.

  7. 1 minute ago, Bodiless said:

    If Tara is triple walking first activation, how did you get the beat-stick buried? Honest question, I only played Tara once and it was against Levi so I really didn't get a chance to play with the bury mechanics.

    There are lot's of ways.

    Dead of Winter upgrade and hire a Death Marshal
    Hire Hannah with her upgrade
    Use the trigger off a void wretch/Nothing beast

    Those would be the most common. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, D_acolyte said:

    What ability, I am talking about Pull the Void which I do not recall seeing the rule you speak of but I will check the cards when I have them later.

    Last line of pull the void (before the trigger description):
    "This action cannot be taken if there are no other friendly models left to activate"

  9. 2 minutes ago, D_acolyte said:

    You can have her really kill people AP with handing slow out up to 6 times.

    3 times in most cases 5 max. She can't use that ability if there are no more friendly models to activate, so the only way around it is unbury something on the reactivate and then use it 2 more times.


    12 minutes ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

    Don't think a summon's necessary since it's already on the avatar and tara doesn't need one more competing upgrade when she already relies on active unburying plus a model/upgrade with reliable burying, unless all you take her for is an AP battery.

    Sure, but I haven't played a game since the playtest where avatar upgrades are legal, and Tara can be a truely AWFUL build to go for in campaign. 

  10. I really like avatar Tara (AvaTara!) having the ability to summon void wretches. 

    Maybe an upgrade that gives her sword a trigger to summon a void wretch when it kills something.

    But even then I'm not sure how often I would take it because I usually fill Tara's upgrade slots as is.


    Honestly, the biggest change I would want to see:

    Remove the :+fate flip to initiatives from Knowledge of Eternity, reduce it's cost to 1ss. Then reduce Tara's SS cache by 1, and give her an ability that puts the opponent on :-fate initiative flips. Dopplegangers always seem to ruin my day, to the extent I won't play her if my opponent declares Neverborn.  (I play her in theme, so initiative is very important).


    Other than that I like the abilites the crew has, I just feel like a lot of them are misplaced. For example move the 2 damage when an enemy models with fast activates near Karina onto the nothing beast. How often is Karina in the thick of it?

  11. Would love to see a freikorps with a shotgun, like a freikorps breacher or vanguard.

    Would be cool to see a living shadow. The figure could be of a regular citizen walking on some stairs the shadow would be normal until the top step where it pops off the ground. Something with a sinister evil grin.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, benjoewoo said:

    3. Of the enforcers, spirit Molly synergizes on keyword with Izamu and Jakuuna Umube. Horror Molly synergizes on keyword with Yin and Rogue Necromancy. Because enforcers tend to be situation dependent, not necessarily seeing a clear advantage going one way or the other, but Izamu tends to make it into more people's lists than the other 3, given his fairly good melee combat abilities.

    You've left out that Killjoy. He is a Horror mercenary and with Molly's summoning ability he's very easy to bring out into place where you want him.

    I think it's worth mentioning as a point in favour of Horror Molly.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Khoregard said:

    The nothing beasts' free upgrade Void Shield does still allow you to bury your own stuff with pull the void triggers and can accomodate a tara bomb reload, but its not going to be around every time as you can also break the upgrade to reduce damage on the nothing beast.

    That is not accurate. 

    It works the other way. Let's you use glimpse the void despite Friendly models being buried. 1 buried enemy model still stops glimpse the void.

  14. 23 hours ago, Jugan0ght said:

    I think the horror list is the way im going but I do love the hanged. 

    Much to the chagrin of most resser players you could always... you know....hire one.

    Even if you go horror Molly you can still use your 0 to give the  hanged reactivate. You just have to be careful with it's placement so it doesn't suffer from friendly black blood.


    Also my 2¢ Punk Zombies are better summons than Transmortis students about 95% of the time. The only reason I think I've ever turned to students was to ignore armor or remove triggers. :+fate to hit, hard to kill and access to Slice and Dice is just a much better option IMO.

    • Like 2
  15. Things a Tara (box set) crew can do to a buried Levy.

    1. Void wretches can attack him

    2. Karina can set him on him

    3. Karina can make him slow (or fast if you want the void wretches to be more potent, but a fast Levy is scary).


    I think Aoinus is a great pick to add to a Tara crew if your opponent declared Outcasts. He also loves Karina to make a buried slow so he can beat the tar out of him.

  16. I love Aionus with Tara. 

    If Tara has Knowledge of Eternity (I always take this) she can ping out some individual fast or slows which will up Aoinus' damage to min 3.

    His ability to give out fast also allows you to control your hand size in core crew style games.

    Also he can attack buried things, Karina can make buried enemies fast or slow and Aoinus then hits for min 3. 

    His attack can bury something for the turn on a severe, this is excellent for certain schemes. For example say a framed for murder Howard is thrown in your face. 

    It's the old "deal with langston or he'll kill your crew". Nope. I'll just bury him each turn, ad void wretch him back to health. He's out of the game and not scoring your opponent points.

    His ranged slow bomb is great, his (0) actions are amazing. 

    I don't think he brings much to the Tara delivery system style of play, but he amazing in aggressive bury style.

    • Like 1
  17. 9 hours ago, Jafar said:

    But then for one more ss I have Bishop. I made sick combo with him and nurse (Bishop was tormented, got +2 dmg, activated, pushed by Jack Daw and had 4 attack vs enemy master).
    Also nice combo is to give someone + 2 armor and :-fate on duels and use Bishop (armor ignore)

    Bishop can't flurry when he's on hallucinogens from a nurse. Flurry is a tactical action and hallucinogens only allow Ml actions.

    The hanged can prevent healing which is 1up they have on Bishop. 

    • Like 1
  18. Meeplemart plays each monday. The henchman there is @SuperFly TNT

    Meeplemart also has a WM/H day but I can't comment on how active it is. 


    If you are on facebook do a search for these 2 groups

    malifaux mondays (a closed group with 40 members specific to playing at Meeplemart)

    MALIFAUX GTA ( a public group supporting Malifaux in Toronto and surrounding areas)



    Feel free to PM me and I can give you more details.


  19. Even as summons I think 80-90% of the time you are better off getting a Punk zombie.

    The student of steel is the only one I think I've ever really wanted to summon and that was only to deal with some armor.  The Lecture notes 0 action can be useful to remove triggers and that is often the only reason you'd want one over a punk zombie.

    • Like 1
  20. In my opinion any buildings that are bigger than 3"x5" need to have elements that you can interact with in game. I would suggest at least 2 entrances (front door/back door, front door/side door etc), some windows or ruined walls. Buildings look great but very often they are just areas of impassable terrain and you'd get more interaction from some woods or other dense terrain.  

    For example my FLGS had this huge 10"x15" (or maybe even bigger) chateaux dollhouse type building and the only thing you could do with it in game was climb the front steps (it had no interior). It functioned as essentially as a very large area of impassable terrain. It felt like both a waste of table space and a waste of a lovely terrain piece. 

  21. 3 minutes ago, dalleron said:

    Agreed.  Strong arm is boss.  Dare I say better than VS?!  At least punching holes in things,.....at least things that don't have armour

    He's got a trigger for that!
    I know it is not reliable but in 2 consecutive games I charged Lazarus hoping to just tie him down in melee, and wrecked Laz in one go (using Oath keeper).

    Those melee triggers can be huge when you hit them. 


  22. 5 hours ago, CapnBloodbeard said:

    Strongarm is great if you want something that's fairly hard to kill or if you want that Augmented jump again.  I quite like him, though I wish his damage output was a bit higher.

    You know he's got a zero action for that right? it brings him to 3/5/7 in melee which is pretty huge.

    I think the Strongarm is one of the most overlooked models in the game.

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