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Posts posted by joediamond

  1. Took second place tonight at the qualifier at CaptainCon tonight using Toni 3/4 rounds.

    She's super legit guys.

    My Ironsides box is in the mail, so this gives me hope for when I start playing her more frequently (only had a handful of proxy game so far).  I am firmly in the "looks like a zero, plays like a hero" camp.

  2. I'm a big L5R player, and I purchased the Kirai set as a possible antagonist model for my PCs, essentially as a courtier that had turned into a Maho sorcerer.


    I don't play it much anymore, but I am an L5R fan also, so you specifically might get a kick out of a few things I've painted.   ;)


    On topic, very well painted, sir!  Those Raspy models in particular look quite sharp indeed!

  3. Seriously the attitude around here. What we, Rezzers are doing are simply saving the planet, we give you a new life, eternal life. And this is what we get? Pfft. The price of being the good guys, ungratefulness. Go green! Reanimate, recycle, save the planet! 


    I play Ressers and Arcanists, yet I just made a joke supporting the Guild.  You might say I'm...Shifting Loyalties.   B)


    Go green!


    So...play Gremlins then?   :D

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  4. I think it should be fine.  Look at General Tactical Actions (pg 39 of the mini rulebook).  The 4" is a specific restriction for the type of Interact action that places a scheme marker in B2B.  However, the generic (#) Interact tactical action does not have this restriction.  The only basic restriction for Interacting is you cannot be engaged unless the Interact targets an enemy model.


    Any other effects, like Mortimer's Chatty Aura, will also prevent File False Claim, since they prevent Interact actions of any kind.


    To illustrate my point better, you can still Deliver the Message while within 4" of a friendly scheme marker.  You can still attempt to remove the Cursed Object or Distract condition while within 4" of a scheme marker.  All of these examples require taking an Interact action.

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  5. I suppose you could think of it that way.  But if she never sees the black joker, what have you gained from that 2ss and upgrade slot?  Nothing.


    Like I said, Arcanists have a lot of useful upgrades.  I'm practically always taking Cold Nights, so that's one spot down.  I can't see myself liking that Black Joker "insurance" enough to give up something like Shattered Heart, Arcane Reservoir, or Seize the Day.

  6. The counterpoint to this is that The Hard Way can be used defensively. Just for taking that (0) action, your Gunsmith gets the equivalent of a free (2) Defensive action, without discarding a card, against anyone who's Burning.

      :blink: Oh my...I haven't been reading the card properly.  I thought it was just Attack duels.  Good catch, Kadeton!

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  7. I am just more in the camp of guarantees, whenever possible.  Upgrades like Arcane Reservoir and Sieze the Day give you guaranteed benefits.  December's Pawn MIGHT come up for Raspy, or it might not come up at all, or it might come up on a non-Raspy model.  I'm not arguing it doesn't have a chance to be amazing, but when it comes to MAYBE do something good vs WILL do something good, it's tough for me to justify Pawn.


    Plus, it has a lot of competition.  Arcanists are pretty spoiled for good upgrades, in my humble opinion.

  8. I personally recommend Guild Autopsies, Shikome, and Dead Doxies, if you can get your hands on some (new sculpts aren't out yet, as far as I know).  I don't play Seamus, so my advice will be from a McMourning perspective.


    Dead Doxies have a movement spell with a LOT of utility, useful abilities, and they have a decent melee punch if you need it.  I am a weird Resser player in this regard, but I personally prefer them over the similar Rotten Belle models that you already know and love.  Think of them as a more flexible utility model, where the Belles are specialists (and their specialty is Lure).


    Guild Autopsies are a very good summon option for McMourning, although they are cheap enough that hiring one could work too.  Put Spare Parts on him and you can drop a scheme marker within 5" of any corpse marker on the table using Spare Parts summoning and Injection.  They also synergize with his poison mechanic, being able to hand it out easily using their gun, and Embalmed making it so they generate a lot of poison when deployed/summoned, which McMourning can then use for a poison bomb or leave on the Autopsies for fast healing minions.


    Shikome might suit your tastes, as they charge poisoned models for (1) and do some damage.  They aren't as scary without the Adversary condition (something that Spirit themed crews use a lot), but they can hand that out as a (0) spell.  Proxy them for now though.  The new model artwork was spoiled a short time ago, so I imagine they are coming soon.

  9. Yeah I usually reach for Snow Storm nowadays when I need a good "central" non-master Raspy model.  He can bring some mobility and melee power to a crew that usually doesn't see much of that, as you noticed.  The only thing Ice Golem has on Snowstorm is a soulstone of savings and more melee power.  And if you use the Golem's only mobility trick (tossing Gamin up the board), he wastes his AP doing that and you have your big melee bruiser hanging out by the back of your table turn 1.



    Although when facing Gremlins, the Ice Golem tossing all of your opponent's Ht 1 models around is really funny.   :P


    And I find December's Pawn an interesting idea, but not worth the cost for how frequently it affects gameplay.  Just like the Ice Golem's big (3) smash attack, it's amazing that ONE GAME where it actually does something, but just a waste otherwise.   :(


    For myself I like to keep Raspy back a bit and mirror spells through frozen heart models.  That means I don't often take non-fluff models as I want mirror nodes. 


    I agree.  Similar to Marcus, Raspy is a master who likes playing with her own toys for the most part.  Although don't underestimate taking an odd model or two on occasion, since Raspy can hand out her Keyword pretty easily.  I think Angelica was a good choice for OP's original list, for example.  Cassandra is a cool idea too, sometimes.  She's fast, she can copy Silent One's amazing spell using Understudy, Raspy can give that squishy Showgirl some armor, and Cassandra is a slippery model that is very hard to tie town in melee, making her a very good mirror node.  Plus, Practiced Production brings some good scheming into Raspy's crew (or any crew, really), just like Angelica.

  10. One more question, what happens if you mirror through a silent one who is in combat but is in statue mode? Can you shoot the model it is engaged with? Does it randomize?


    I think it still randomizes.  Statue silent ones merely allow you to cast through them while engaged.


    Also I understand the purpose of blowing up your own models but with only 7-8 models on the table to begin with and no summoning potential (unless Mech Rider) isn't it really sucky to lose models left and right?


    It's not something you should actively try to do, but if a model is dead anyway, or you need to get a last bit of damage on an important enemy (or cluster of enemies), it's a tactic worth considering.  You as the player simply need to weigh the cost vs benefit.  It can also help damage tricky models like Colette or Pandora, since it doesn't cause a duel or attack directly.


    Lastly, how many Ice gamin do most people take? Am I perhaps better off with just one that tries to stay out of trouble, babysits Raspy, and drops scheme markers? Is the Arcane Effigy worth it or would I be better off with something like a metal gamin for a better frontline force? I know these are strat and Scheme dependant but give it your best generalist answer.


    Personally, I dislike ice gamin for everything except that damage aura.  I usually just take one and keep it back to buff the crew, and that's about it.  In the case of your list, I'd have it drop a pointless scheme marker every turn just to fuel Trap Doors.  Metal Gamin are actually pretty good, especially if you are using Silent Ones or an Ice Golem.  They can give the Ice Golem good Df and the Silent Ones can heal them to make them incredibly annoying to remove.

  11. I don't play Raspy much anymore (not because she is bad, but just because I like my other masters more), but from my limited experience here are some tips:


    1) In terms of your list, there are only three big things that jump out at me. First, I would drop the raptor.  You have an incredibly Interaction heavy Scheme pool and Strategy.  This is NOT the scenario to take Insignificant models.  In terms of upgrades, I don't think Warding Runes is worth it without Oxfordian Mages, and Armor of December feels superfluous, since you have both Angelica AND Snowstorm to pull Raspy out of trouble.  Sub Zero is a great upgrade for Snowstorm, and it'll boost your crew's survivability once they enemy crew closes to engage.


    2) Silent Ones in particular can help your crew once the enemy closes, as their main attack spell doesn't have a  :ranged , so you can cast it into melee with no penalty (or cover).  It's also got amazing triggers.  It can attack again, lay down an Ice Pillar, or heal Frozen Heart models in a small  :pulse .  Which is great if you are casting into melee to support your damaged minions on the front lines.  Not to mention they have a zero action healing spell, so they can help your crew survive longer.


    3) Ice Pillars are amazing.  In terms of how you use them though, that really just takes practice.  There are just SO many dirty tricks you can do.  My advice is to remember that a lot of auras and abilities require LOS, not just attacks/charges.  For example, Kirai cannot summon Ikiryo if ice pillars are between her and Izamu when you attack him.   ;)   Also keep in mind that the Wendigo/Malifaux Child can lay them down as well, so Raspy need not waste her AP.  Or, since the spell is only limited to once per ACTIVATION, not turn, you can double cast it with your totem and Raspy for 4 pillars, if you REALLY all of that ice.   :D


    4) December's Touch (the +2 armor spell) is great, but it's something I'd reserve only for big important models.  If you can, cast this via the Wendigo or Malifaux Child to conserve Raspy's precious AP.  In terms of your list, Snowstorm is a great target for this.  Also, keep in mind the targeting on this spell does not specify friendly model, so if there is an enemy model you can't kill but need to move, give them December's Touch (which has no resist duel) and have Snowstorm Ice Tornado them around.  It takes a bit of setup, but it's a nice trick keep in mind for when you need it.   ;)


    My other suggestion would be that with this scheme pool, the Blessed of December would be a go-to pick as it can leap in and deliver a message, breakthrough and/or leap out of engagement 



    Sorry for the essay.  Hope this helps!

  12. Molly doesn't use corpses either so using them up for a free heal is nice.




    Kirai can make use Carrion for this too, especially considering it replenishes her summon resource (i.e. wounds).  Although Carrion can't activate Malevolence, and Kirai doesn't throw around a ton of Slow/Paralyzed/Poison (relative to other Ressers, anyway), so I'm a little less convinced of his uses for Kirai than Molly.



    Then finally he has a Ml action with 1" range. Nothing to write home about.


    Ml 5 with Slow/Poison options isn't terrible for such a low cost support model.  Especially considering the Effigy can then Accomplice, say a Shikome for example, and watch the freshly poisoned target die.

  13. Slate - I feel like he'd be a good Defend Me! choice for Marcus in close-quarters situations like Turf War, where his speed isn't as big of an issue.  If people aren't willing to target him, then they will essentially be leaving Marcus untouched.  If they do, well...he can heal and dish out some good damage in return.  I only played Marcus for a short time, so this is mostly theory.  Outside of Marcus, no way.


    SS Miner - This is one of THOSE models.  I just...don't get what he is supposed to do.  He has a lot of fluffy, situational, gimmicky interactions/rules that just don't seem to actually pay off for me on the table.   :huh:


    Willie - I think he'll get a lot more chatter now that Ironsides is out.  Hand Picked Men will get those blasts out easy, and he has a Cg but no Ml.  Also, read Demo Charge and its triggers in full.  Now read it again.  Ignores armor, hybrid melee/ranged, blasts, can ignore LOS/cover, can apply burning, and can push friendlies within 3".  Yes...it really does ALL of that.  On a 6ss model!  He is also a Df 6 Foundry model that can hand out burning, so I can see use with Kaeris and Mei Feng particularly.  I probably would limit him to Mei Feng/Kaeris/Ironsides, but he is a nice, cheap ranged support option for those masters.

    Also, line up a portion of your crew in front of an Oxfordian Mage.  Hit him with a single attack from Willie and have the mage relent.  For the price of a low mask and one damage on the Ox Mage (which gets him Hand Picked Men), you get to push your whole crew 3" forward.   :D

  14. I second Gunsmiths when it comes to Kaeris/Ironsides.  Never underestimate Concealed Weapon.  And they work very well with the Captain/Mages.


    Not much I can say that hasn't already been said in their favor.  But I feel somehow obligated to comment on threads about the Captain.   :P


    Based on Wyrd's general MO I would have assumed that the model who got less playtesting would come out more problematic than the one that got more (see; Gremlins) but I imagine a lot of his abilities could have gotten theory-fauxed down whereas there was an active community crying foul if Colette got weaker.


    And of course in the last beta the Emissaries seemed to just get stronger and stronger, so it's not like the Beta process is a perfect one.


    And Justin, if you're reading this, you're awesome. The game is awesome. And if Lucius could get a 2 stone upgrade (the difference between his Cache and Colette's) called something like Chain of Command or Unquestioned Authority that allowed him to target non-minion Mimics and Guardsmen I would be so happy. I could actually use Surprisingly Loyal in Guild, I could run Guard Sergeants, I could, I could...


    EDIT: Thanks zFiend! One thing learning to run Lucius does to a person is make them look way too deeply at what 1 AP can buy you. *far away, haunted look*


    I don't see how buffing Lucius would affect anything for Colette/Prompt.  :huh:




    The general consensus I see on this thread is that Prompt is a bit over the top, but perhaps some advice for dealing with Colette is in order?  From your post, it sounds like it was your first time fighting them.

    1) Isolate and kill any performers she has.  Not only are they good minions, but Precious can really hurt if you're not paying attention.  Colette is a valid target for Reactivate when they are sacrificed (including sacrificed for her Death Defying trigger).


    2) Use blasts, non-damaging enemy movement, and scheme marker removal to put her on the defensive.  There are ways around her defenses that aren't "Use an Executioner/Joss/Student of X to negate triggers."  You may not kill her, but if your opponent decides she is in danger, (s)he might at least spend some AP to get her out of trouble.  That's less AP going into Prompt, and the more she hides and repositions, the better for you.  I generally find Colette is the quarterback, and she wants to be right behind the line of scrimmage, so to speak.  Making her be less daring means she can't support her crew as well.


    3) Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you can plop 40/50mm models on top of scheme markers to completely block LOS to them.  Which means Showgirls cannot target them for their abilities/actions.


    4) Debuffs of any kind.  Slow, Paralyzed,  :-fate.  As you know, she is VERY good at avoiding direct damage, but indirect things like that can take the wind out of her sails just like any other master.


    Sorry if this was a bit off-topic, but I feel like this thread is just saying "PROMPT OP!  PROMPT IS BROKEN!" over and over, which doesn't really help if you are looking to get over the shock of seeing your first show at the Star Theater.   :lol:  I am by no means an expert (although I do have some experience with/against Colette), but I hope this helps a bit the next time you encounter her.

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