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Posts posted by daniello_s

  1. 6 minutes ago, Adran said:

    My normal opponent wins initiative something like 80% of the time, so I learnt to play and not care about the flip. If my opponent wants to spend their good cards to go first, I'm fairly happy with that.  I just set up the turn so that there are two different good first activation's for me, I expect the oppoennt to stop one if they win initiative, but I still get the other. 

    Seeing the popularity of the models and upgrades that affect the initiative flip in M2E, I'm not surprised they have done something like this to make the ability available to all players not just those with doppleganger and Trixie. 

    Maybe it is better to drop these kind ability/upgrades at all rather than giving it to everybody?

    • Agree 2
  2. 22 minutes ago, lusciousmccabe said:

    Also has the advantage that you'll use up your high cards if you want to beat your opponent on the initiative flip which means you'll have a weaker hand left for going to town on them. 

    Yeah but by cheating initiative flip with high enough card might give the ability to score final vp point to grab the win i.e. by moving scheme runner behing los blocker and dropping scheme marker which opponent can't have access to and can't even have a chance to intercept this scheme runner before he does his job cause he drew weaker cards than you did.  

  3. 1 hour ago, edopersichetti said:

    Not sure if this has popped up somewhere else already, but here's an excerpt from Malifaux Musings:

    All initiative can be cheated. - I don't like this one. It should be a flip and potential re-flip at the cost  of SS so as usual
    You get pass tokens based on difference in activations and it recounts each turn. - Again not big fan of this solution. IMO favors tough and hard hitting elite crews too much
    All models outside of the Keyword get the old merc tax penalty of +1ss. - I'm fine with that
    Damage scaled down. - Might be ok but it depends how much it would be scaled down
    Engagement ranges scaled down. - again i'm not big fan of that. Engagement gave you some tactical possibilities but now... again depends how much it will be scaled down
    Charges are 1 AP Walks plus a single attack. No more than 1 charge a turn, barring special rules like Cojo. - I'm ok with that.
    First Master hire is free, others pay the cost. Totems are free with their Master. No generic totems. - not big fan of this idea about getting additional masters... It is asking the problems and i'm nearly sure will be a reason for some sort of balance issue 
    Each faction gets Versatile models, like the Effigy, Emissary and Riders, which don’t pay the tax with any Master. - i'm ok with that.
      Peons are no longer a thing. All non minions are rare 1 unless specified otherwise - not sure about this rare 1 cap for non-minion models but worth of testing.


    As edopersichetti said it looks like many things will be watered down and simplified. It is big gesture for the new players but old ones will feel like they were robbed of something...

    • Thanks 1
  4. Although info about m3e was announced recently and I'm more than reluctant to buy anything now i got an offer to grab cheap old metal Zoraida's crew with additional Waldgeists and now I'm tinkering on how to make a crew with limited amount of models available which would be viable in almost every game. So i came up with this:

    50 SS Neverborn Crew
    Zoraida + 5 Pool
     - Powerful Control (2)
     - Poisoned Fate (1)
    Bad Juju (7)
     - Eternal Fiend (2)
     - A Thousand Faces (1)
    Hooded Rider (10)
     - A Thousand Faces (1)
    Baby Kade (6)
     - Depression (1)
    Waldgeist (6)
    Waldgeist (6)
    Will O' The Wisp (3)
    Will O' The Wisp (3)

    Side kicks are 2 Silurids which would replace Waldgeists in scenarios where mobility and scheme markers are more important than durability. Also Iggy will join the gang as alternative for one Waldgeist.

    Quick run through the crew:

    - Zoraida is mainly focusing on Obey and Bewitch with occasional hard hit on something with condition although in case of Silurids needed Poisoned Fate will be dropped

    - Juju is a beater. Thousand Faces possibly will be swapped for Fears Given Form or Mimic's Blessing. 

    - Hooded Rider - main beatstick which will benefit a lot from Zoraida's Obey charge.

    - Baby Kade - cheap beatstick which can easily catch easily enemy off guard. Depression will allow him to get right trigger during his activation.

    - Waldgeists - durable minions which nicely combine with Baby Kade. First engage opponent thanks to their 4'' engage range and then murder it with Kade ;)

    - Wisps - everybody knows why they are here.


    I run Gremraida a bit to quite good extent so i think running this lot should be interesting and doesn't require too much investment (which is very nice).

    What do you think?


  5. 25 minutes ago, WWHSD said:

    And then you’ve got a shitstorm of complaints from all the people that bought models based on those initial keyword lists that ended up changing during the beta.

    Not necessarily. I guess all masters might already have keywords associated and will be tested with the models with that keyword during beta. 


    • Agree 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, lusciousmccabe said:

    But if those keywords change at all between then and the official release they'll be fanning the flames.

    Think there are models that are obviously enough in theme that you could make a pretty safe bet on the future key words. For stuff that isn't as clear-cut then it's a gamble, so the question is how badly you actually need that model between now and 3rd ed.

    Knowing that most of the crews seen on the table are based on the 'crutch' models rather than what you can find in master's box then you really need quite a lot models to play it at even semi-competitive level at the moment ;)

  7. 9 minutes ago, ebolazaire said:

    Keywords have pretty much become the biggest thing that people are interested in for both their current collections as well as any plans for purchases prior to M3E.

    The problem is that since this is something that testers will comment on heavily during the Beta Test it's probably not feasible for Wyrd to comment on specific final keywords for any models yet.

    Which i a boomer as if you want to buy some models now it would be good to know that you'll have a chance to use them with certain master in m3e. It would make perfect sense (from business point of view) for Wyrd to announce Keywords assigned to certasin masters ASAP.

    • Agree 3
    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Ikiwith said:

    I don't know if someone has asked it before but I haven't read any message of the staff about it. Will the mercenaries be available on the 3rd edition? Thanks

    I doubt this. Merc presented real problem in m2e edition (i.e. Burt and McTavish in Nellie's crew) so i guess Wyrd will try to avoid generating similar problems in m3e and will hack mercenary concept from the game.

    • Like 1
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  9. 2 minutes ago, wobbly_goggy said:

    There is something planned for Collodi. maybe he's be part of the new faction? Who knows? But you can still play with him before 3rd ed comes out. Though 140 quid's worth of minis might take a while to assemble, let alone paint...

    ... and then sit on the shelf waiting for better times. Not promising prospect I must say.

    Let's hope all will be good with these masters...

    • Like 1
  10. By the way, don't you think that it is somehow not fair to players who uses now dual-faction masters to hack this duality in m3e? What they should do with the models they bought, assembled and painted and will no longer be able to use again with the start of the new edition?

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    My Collodi crew is going to be pretty useless while my Mah crew will probably function fully. Imagine if had only the Collodi crew. The analogy about movies on VHS is just... bad. Like really bad.

    Also, I spent dozens of hours building and painting that Collodi crew in the belief that I will be having it as a valid option for a long time to come.

    Plus all these releases like Hinamatsu... Please, buy it now cause later her thematic master will be (almost) gone!;)

    • Haha 1
  12. You can't always sneak them into position and they die easily which is expected from the model which costs 3SS only. Also they are really dependent on the terrain setup which on the one hand allows them to sneak up and survive longer but on the other hand has huge impact on their movement (remember that in 99% you can use Drunk and Reckless only once). I played them a lot and against experienced player they are not that amazing as many people would like to see them to be.

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