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Posts posted by knghtpiper

  1. Hey guys, 

    So I expanded into Arcanists recently and I am trying to figure out paint schemes for my masters.

    I have Ironsides, Kaeris, and Sandeep.  However the stock art for the three of them, I am not the biggest fan of them as I play guild and like having red as my guild color.  

    I have done some google image searches and not found a whole lot and was wondering if people here could post some pictures for inspiration. 


  2. I guess we have to agree to disagree here, to me bringing someone like Kang when I think there is a chance that I would be facing constructs or undead is not being a poor sportsman, but just being logical, I am not a win at all cost player, but I do like being prepared.

    Good luck with the break and I hope you get better with Shenlong, while I do not play him anymore, he was fun master to play, especially when you go full Kung Fu with the his crew. 

    • Like 1
  3. @ Whodares: For your comment on Kang, bringing models that can hurt enemy models is not being sneaky it is being smart.  Bring the right crew to help counter what your opponent is not being sneaky but properly playing as a big part of this game is crew composition.  People are not going to think you are being win at cost gamer if you bring Kang to match against Titinaia.

    Also if you can give Shenlong a break and play someone else for a while, then come back to him with fresh eyes.  

    • Like 2
  4. Hello,

    So it seems that my search fu is weak and I am trying to find some decent downloads for scheme markers (for guild and outcasts) along with some temaples for scrap and corpse markers.

    I use microarts studio bases for my crews, so I have bunch of the normal bases that I am looking for something that I can just print out and tape/glue down on them.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  5. On 6/13/2016 at 5:41 PM, Myyrä said:

    I guess that would depend on who he would be robbing. Wasn't there some guy called McCabe as well?

    Hey, hey now, what McCabe does is archaeology, not robbing.  Lets not throw around dirty words like robbing, thievery all over the place. ;)

     On topic, this is the first master that I want to buy.  The "cape"  to me looks more like a poncho that is being blown in the wind.  But I love it all and can not wait to see the crew for this guy.  Like others I feel that he fits the "bandit" type that the Outcasts needed.  He is good looking human master and I think he would look good with a brighter theme for his paint job as that color grey I tend to associate with the guild.  I am drawn between a Shadow/Malcom paint job for him.  

    But nice job Wyrd, now get the models made!   

  6. I would disagree about the lawyers not being optimal with Justice.  Being able to hand out hard to wound on J is nice(as it is a 0 action) and they are good for targeting heavy hitters with fees.  As fees does not go away at the end of the turn and it stacks, it can turn very ugly especially if they do not have a way to get rid of conditions.  Also the bonus for horror checks is legit.  I know it was saved me a couple of times especially when paired with the will power bonus that Scales gives.

    As for fighting Misaki, shoot her.  Also use your stalkers to remove the stalked condition.  


    • Like 1
  7. Plus McCabe does seem like a decent guy in the fluff.

    They guy who got his beloved killed out of greed.... and is a traitor to the Guild out of greed... yeah, totally decent guy.

    Well at least he seems to care about the people who work for them, if I am remembering the fluff story for him correctly (I do need to read more of the fluff to be honest)

  8. Some new thoughts after some more games.


    Lynch vs Lady J (me)


    35 stones


    Illuminate are beats.  I had one kill lady J with two attacks!  Mr Graves's show you the door got her in charging range and did about 4 damage and then the illuminated did 6 and 7 damage with each of her attacks.  Once again I flopped on her defense flips and had nothing good to cheat with and this was turn 2.  Huggy while having a low defense is tough and his damage is rough.  While a good way to get 3 points, i am not sure if frame for murder is a good choice for a Lady J crew.  Also when I am using the Lone marshal as a flanker I am not sure if I should not send him to the flank that has Lynch near by as the trick with the aces and direct damage is also rough.  I lost that game 6-4 so not that bad really, but I need to better with Lady J and not leave her in charge range of Graves.  


    Ramos vs Lucas McCabe (me)


    45 stones


    Stop flipping aces and twos for Mcabe's defense duels.  Really, that happened 3 times in a row.  Same with Sidir, I lost both by turn two.  I used my LE Performer in this game and she did paralyze Joss, but even with promises McCabe, the Performer and a pathfinder could not hit him in CC.  In that game I felt it was more about my deck hating me than anything else.  I scored on Squatters rights almost every turn other than 5 when I lost everything but two wastrels and Luna and he out activated me to undo my markers.  The wastrels where able to score on protect territory, but with Joss and Ramos killing my minions and him getting two points from breakthrough I lost that game 8-4.  Like i said the bad duels and losing McCabe and Sidir early on really hurt me and let him out activate me.  But I did keep to my schemes but that was not a easy match.

    Next time I will keep McCabe farther back, but it is easy to get him ahead with his fast movement.  Also keeping Luna nearby for warning bark might be a better idea.        

  9. Target the totem, that will limit some of his abilities.  Also always remember to play the mission.  Choose missions you know your guys will have a good chance to completing.  This is one of my issues as anyone who reads my post know.  If you can overload him with models go for that.   

  10. I'm presuming you meant wouldn't  :D but I agree. As long as you are consistent your opponents know what the proxy is. Sorted! It's only frustrating when a proxy continually changes and you have to keep checking "so what does that represent?" Slows down the game.

    Doh!, yes I mean wouldn't

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