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Posts posted by Entombed

  1. Another Month, another update, with some fancy new stuff and Activities! Finally we've got some time to do some scenery. My thanks are all for Fabio and his Wife, that togheter with another one of the group worked hard for our first good gaming table! 

    From the 1st of april we started to play with scheme markers and missions, the real flavour of Malifaux! The group grew with 3 new members, and this week i have new demos too! We're ready to begin a tournament season inside the club.

    Here there are the new photos!

    Gaming nights, afternoons and even mornings! We have plenty of time to play! From the beginning of the month till now






    New players too! We have a Collodi a Sonnia and a new Hoffman player ^^




    Pretty faces heh? :D

    We had some modellism sessions too, and i'm proud to present you the work of Fabio, his miniature store\show case!




    Awesome isn't it?

    And here our afternoons:




    And Finally the new Table scenery!




    Another month has passed, and our community keeps growing and having fun together! 


  2. Ciao to all! :D

    This is my Demo topic for setting up demo nights and generally meeting us for Malifaux!

    We are currently a group of 8-9 players playing most afternoons or evenings of the week. Sometimes we even finish at 3 am! 


    Terzo conclave

    Indirizzo: Via Giuseppe Parini, 54, 21047 Saronno VA


    Usually we play in

    Monday 15-19\20.30-02.00

    Thuesday 15-19\21-02.00

    Wednesday 21-00.00



    Friday 15.00-19.00\20.30-00.00

    We play all the week depending on the organization of the group. Contact me via PM for further details.

    -WARNING: sometimes we skip some days if there are few people due to personal matters, we have also a super updated What's up group( in which i'll put you in once we meet), but if you plan on visiting us on the first time please contact me first.

    Keep an eye on the following topic, for passed events: 


  3. Hi there! It's been a while, but i've been so busy playing and partecipating at various conventions and evenings that I simply had not the time to post the photos :D

    This month has been a very nice one for our little but rising community in Saronno. We had gaming nights 4-5 times a week, painting sessions and even we met the distributors at Cartoomics. A lot of cardgame or RPG gamers became curios just by seeing us play during these weeks, asking for demos and looking after the release of Through the Breach in italy.

    I'll post photos of each day:

    3rd of March a Demo!




    7th of March, another demo, togheter with Assembly session




    15th of March, Playing, assembly and Paint





    16th of March: painting



    17th of March, another paint session with Warbanjo


    20th of March, Game night along with some players bringing their brand new Painted Crew





    22th of March, Game night, One Demo and a Paiting session






    I have more photos to share later, for now that's all from Saronno and the Terzo Conclave! :D

  4. Report of this Friday Evening :D at Playtime Saronno

    We had a new Demo ( McMourning Vs Justice) for a beginner, a normal match ( Lynch vs. Brewmaster), some assembly of Gremlin models ( warbanjo boosted his crew ^^ ) and already demoed players which purchased their crew!








    We'll see what the new Month will bring, in this upcoming week! :)


  5. Here it is my Event Report for this Wednesday at Terzo Conclave:







    6 people ( together with me) battled or tried for the first time their new Crew :) it was a quite long evening too, we started at 9.40 finished at 2 am!

    Justice vs Mc mourning

    Brewmaster vs the Dreamer

    Colette vs Sonnia creed

    See you next time!

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, PowerLooped said:

    Hi ^_^

    I'm one of the new players and i bet you can guess which one :DThanks Entombed and Warbenjo to have introduced me into Malifaux :D

    yeah i know you mr Hoffman :P 


    8 hours ago, rubbe said:

    welcome back! hope this time you will stay in the ranks ;)

    and hope to see you all in milan, march 20, for the third edition of the Mayor of Milanfaux tournament


    (anyway we are plannin t walk in at playtime this week ;) )

    Hi there! I hope it too! Thigs were quite different 2 years ago :)

    See you soon ^^


    Update from today: We made a little modelling session: I assembled my mc mourning crew, together with Lord Chompy for his owner, and the one who chose Colette as his master, started to paint her :D





    • Like 2
  7. Hi there! It's me, back from the grave.. literally :D 

    I'm an ex-Henchman, returned in official status a couple of days ago ( Thanks Brian), and since i've changed also place where i promoted the game ( you may find my previous topic here:  http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/98132-northern-italy-malifaux-promo-and-events-at-warcard/#comment-706504  ), thats the new topic.

    A new, fresh start, but with an old friend ( warbanjo) that has returned to play after some years of pause. Our main events take place in Saronno, more specifically inside Playtime Saronno and Terzo conclave. The first is a miniature and boardgame store, the second a ludic association inside an old school.





    here you may see Warbanjo along with one of the guys who started Malifaux in our store


    And here some others of the little growing community! Together with me :)





    I've done some demos this month, and a 6 new players choose their crew! We have a Perdita, Ophelia, Dreamer, Hoffman , Leveticus and Colette! Warbanjo begun his new Brewmaster Crew, and I've expanded my Malifaux collection with lovely Mc Mourning and his nurses.

    Our material is poor for now, cause we've started from merely a month. We have 2 90x90 tables and the scenery you may see in the photos. I'm working to make more every day, and in March we'll purchase some official from Plastcraft!

    We make Events every Wednesday and Friday, so please post here if you are interested in visiting us or playing together! I'll post here all the details and specific information every week.


    The appointment for this week is Friday at Playtime Saronno! A gaming night together with demos :)

    Where? Via giuditta pasta 4 , saronno ( va)

    When? Friday 26\02 From 21.00 Pm, till midnight

    We have also another event, but it's a test for now, so i'll post it next week when the location will be confirmed and tested.


    • Like 3
  8. Hi there to everyone!


    The last week i had no demo, but I managed to play with the already " converted" guys, and to do some painting and weird staff :D


    I plan to dress myself like seamus for carnival, togheter with my girlfriend we'll do a malifaux carnival.. or at least we'll try. Besides from that i played togheter with norberto against his Sonnia creed forces, and friday with Luca, Andy and Norberto in a 4 people match. It was a lot of fun!


    jacob vs sonnia




    the gun i made for seamus 




    and here the 4 people match

















    you may find here also some photos of my basepaint guild crew:














    now i have 2 painted crews for demos :D


    thx for watching, that's all for the old week, stay tuned for the new one! We are even in a new month right now ^^

  9. Evening Evening people, here it is my Event report about today's hobby night in our little shop :D


    Everybody receaved the order as planned, someone took it at home after work, but not Norberto or Andyp. ^^


    they came after dinner to me, and we assembled together Sonnia's crew, puppet wars and some Gw goblin's city ( swamp style) scenery. Together with us there were also 2 other guys that I helped in their first assembly of a warhammer figure.. but this is another matter.  I made also some Ice bases with a resin kit, i'll show some photos as soon as they'll be dry!


    The evening was very pleasant, thanks to everybody for partecipating! Next time i'll be doing some " how to sculpt flames" tutorial with green stuff.


    here are the usual photos




















    Another super week :D

  10. Hi everybody!


    This is a new announcement for tomorrow's evening! I'll be doing a Hobby night together with some of the guys that loved the game during the demos of these weeks.


    I'll be doing some crew assembly and scenery in preparation for the new " location" i would like to create for malifaux tables: Swamps.


    Also if everything goes well with the shipping of the order I made for all the new beginners, we'll be assembling together pandora's, sonnia's, justice and ramos crew :)


    Maybe there will be time for a match also, i'll let you know in the future event report!



    Official infos:


    where? Ludoteca Warcard, Via San rocco 49 Seregno ( MB),  as always.


    when? 21\02\2014 at 19.40 till 22.00\22.30 ( if magic the gathering tournaments pull out )


    expected attendee: 2-3 people for now.



  11. Good Day to everyone!


    Yesterday was a very juicy day, demo speaking, I managed to make 2 demos : one in the afternoon and one in the evening, using also one of the new crews i didn't know yet.


    Rasputina! She is indeed a very powerful character with a nice crew! It is not so bad for demoing newbies as someone told me, she really reassembles the warmachine arcnode mechanics, so it was simple to explain.


    I've demoed Daniel and Michael, to the 22.00 pm, here there are some photos of the match ( a normal brawl, just to show the basic mechanics) and also pics of the rasputina painted crew I'll be using in the store for now ( thx to daniel for having painted them with an airbrush)




















    I'll be doing later today a pre event post, i'll do it this friday i think!

  12. Hi there! I wanted to show you some photos of the today Malifaux afternoon we had in Warcard. It was unexpected and planned yesterday night.. it may also be that i'll be playing tomorrow too. Malifaux all the days.. that's the way :D hahah


    Today i tasted the bitter flavour of Mc mourning's poison.. and well, i lost ( not entirely though) but i really enjoyed the match.. i loved to see how mouring works with his dogs, flesh construct and nurses.. sebastian is really nice with his powers. Well.. i got so enchanted by their game style, but i didn't forget about the game itself.


    We got deliver a message, reconnoiter and breakthrough! I've begun to have a better skill in using jacob and his crew, today i've seen a couple of rounds in where Mr lynch has done very nice things.. he's still very fragile, but i think we have found a way to understand each other ahhaha. Besides i have graves and tannen that are waiting to be assembled :)


    I lost but it was an earned lost and a very nice afternoon!






    the guy with the green cellphone in his hands, will be the next i'll demo the week that is to come :)










    Thanks for watching my post! 

  13. Hi there guys, as alway here it is my semi " report" of the event day that took place today!


    Massimiliano wanted to try the game himself, after having seen part of the match i had with Norberto the last week, so today i demoed him :)


    Lady justice by his side, Jacob Lynch for me, i also choose to show the game in a more deep way, because Massimiliano is a veteran player in other miniatures games so a simple " fight" would'nt be enough for him. So we tried the mission system and we picked from the fate deck a choice of Turf war, bodyguard and outflank.


    The game went very well with good moments of luck and bad cards for both of us: my darkness got killed very quickly by the hands of the Judge, togheter with a marshal.. but their fighting me gave them brilliance.. so their fate was sealed. I killed a marshall or two and at half the match Justice began to kill a lot of my crew so I was scoring very little points. But the event turned when jacob decided to awake.. he got a little nervous i think.. and began to flip only red jokers and 13, taking rid of justice, the scale and a marshal, togherer with my last illuminated which killed the judge. This, togherer with moving the miniatures to the centre of the table got us a nice match and a victory for me. But the important thing was that Massimiliano confermed his interest in the game and joined our little but growing crew.  


    Here are the photos, In 2 weeks i'll receave all the western themed micro arts scenery :D


    It may be of your interest to know that all the scenery and tables ( soon also the crews) have been made\assembled and painted by me ^^




























  14. Good evening to everyone!


    I've opened this topic to show you all my Malifaux projects, and maybe something else while i wait to finish them.


    I have begun to paint my crews, but nothing worthy to be posted since now :) so in the meanwhile, here's the Wip of a Guild Autopsy i made some days ago for a friend in 15 minutes. It lacks the zombie arm that will be sculpted very close the head. 





    I used some copper to make the strings of the corpse sack :)


    These days I've also finished a Winter Graveyard Diorama I was asked to make























    Soon i'll post the Judgement crew painted ^^

  15. Heya! A new week for Malifaux demo at Warcard!

    This Thursday ( 13\02\2014 for italians) I'll be making a Malifaux 2E demo at my local Miniature shop: Ludoteca Warcard
    Where it is located? Via San Rocco 49, Seregno ( MB)
    Which time? I plan to start at 15.30\45 maximum, and finish after some good 2 hours and 20\30 minutes of gaming.
    Material provided? Rulebook, 2 Fate decks, crews at choice ( lady justice, shadows of red chapel, mother of monsters and dark debts crew), crew cards, ruler , a nice 90x90 inch table with a lot of painted scenery and some tokens.
    Type of game? Easy mode, showing the basic mechanics of the game + struggles and territory control.
    Already confirmed partecipants: 1-2 Guys
    I'll be posting here all the photos :)
    @Andy: thx man, you're always welcome at any time ;) I'll have some antitoxin with me hahah
  16. Started back in 2004 thanks to Dawn of war on pc, I began with 40k :)

    After 6 years of playing  40k\fantasy\lotr by games workshop ( with lots of money invested in various races) i met Warmachine \ Hordes from privateer press.

    That led me an year after to leave the Games workshop hobby and focus on Warmachine with cygnar, minions and cryx.

    In the 2012 I met also Infinity the game, and I've becomed also an official promoter for the game here in italy.. still I play it from time to time ^^ i have all the miniature brand for 3 races ( pano, aleph and yu-jing)


    And now the 12 of January I came across Malifaux, here i am ^^


    I met also during those years Flames of war and other little games such as necromunda, battlefield gotich, bloodbowl.. but i've never played them a lot.


    From Wyrd I bought The guild judgment crew box, dark debts, beckoners, guild rifles, fate decks and guild decks ^^


    And I'm going to buy I think every crew from 2E that will ever be released ( except the one with the Jackalope, i don't like animal miniatures ). Day by day i learn something more about the game mechanics and my love for the game and will to promote it grows!

  17. Hi there guys, here's my event report: 


    Super fun afternoon with a lot of turn of events and fights, Lady J crew vs Jacob lynch crew. I played Jacob lynch and the boy i was demonstrating the game lady j.. the results? A new player ( his choice was Sonnia creed) for our, for now, little community and a new love for me: I simply can't live without jacob from now on.. I love his brilliance mechanics, also with the hungering darkness! And sincerely I like also the Illuminated ! I never managed to make a marshal take brilliance or something because I was very unlucky, but never the less the match was very nice.


    35 soulstones with upgrades too


    We started at 14.45, finished at 18 more or less, it took so long because I've explained a lot of aspects of the game and background.


    I've also let my self take from the wardrobe an old hat i wasn't using from a long time.. it suits as " malifaux totem" very well for me: my precious hat :D Stay tuned becuase for carnival I'm going to have a malifaux costume.


    Here are the ritual photos for today, I hope you apologize me for the yet unpainted crews, I'll have them painted until the end of the month!

















    during the game there was another customer of our shop that got interested by the game, i'll have a demo with him this friday or the next week




    Jacob surrounded








    And the winner was: the Guild player , killed everything except a pineboxed illuminated one. I've managed to kill a marshal and wound a lot of other models XD




    a triumphant photo i'll say :D


    Thanks to Norberto, Massimiliano and Daniel which took part in playing\observing the demo with me, that's all for now :D


    From Warcard over and out

  18. Good day to Everyone, 


    I wanted to apprise that this thuesday ( 04\02\2014 for italians) I'll be making a Malifaux 2E demo at my local Miniature shop: Ludoteca Warcard


    Where it is located? Via San Rocco 49, Seregno ( MB)


    Which time? I plan to start at 14.30\15.30 maximum, and finish after some good 2 hours and 20\30 minutes of gaming.


    Material provided? Rulebook, 2 Fate decks, 2 crews ( lady justice and dark debts crew), ruler , a nice 90x90 inch table with a lot of painted scenery and some tokens.


    Type of game? Easy mode, showing the basic mechanics of the game + struggles and territory control.


    Already confirmed partecipants: 2 Guys


    I'll be posting here all the photos needed!

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