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Everything posted by jbarket

  1. Have: Warmachine Caine1 Caine2 Haley1 Kara Sloan General Adept Nemo Lord Commander Stryker Thunderhead Stormclad Grenadier Lancer Thorn Plastic Defender/Ironclad/Cyclone kit NIB Max Long Gunners Captain Jonas Murdoch Field Mechaniks Sword Knights and UA Max Precursors Max Storm Guard (plastic) Ragman Taryn di la Rovissi First Mate Hawk Max Steelhead Halbs Driller Want: Malifaux Just about anything. The 2E rulebook, any crew boxes, most models, et cetera. Preference is for plastics, but I'm interested in just about anything.
  2. Dudemans! So, I've been interested in the game for quite a while, but a few things were holding me back. I've been playing Warmachine for years (and GW games before that) and really enjoy the game, but I've been looking for something... less involved. I don't mean less complicated, but less expensive and less time consuming wouldn't hurt. So, here are my questions: 1. What's an average game size? In Warmachine, I'd be talking about 35pt or 50pt here. I'm curious not only what the point value is, but about how many models we're talking about. The battle boxes for Warmachine are enough to play with, but are just a taste compared to a full sized game. How far are the crew boxes from a real, average size game? 2. It's my understanding that you effectively build your list _after_ you know who your opponent is and what the scenario and such is. To stay competitive, is it necessary to own a significant portion of your faction? To relate something similar to my experience, it isn't particularly expensive to own a 35pt army in Warmachine, but if you're actually going to tournaments, you're going to own, at a realistic minimum, somewhere in the range of 50-70pt of models that you're actually going to play in the tournament, not including models you just own at random. 3. How steep would you say the power curve is between factions/models/whatever? I'm running on the assumption that 2E is balanced, or close enough to balanced. To explain what I mean, in Warhammer 40K, the power curve is constantly huge... the weakest faction at any given moment is much weaker than the strongest. In Warmachine, the power curve absolutely exists, but it's very small. If your faction is the worst matchup possible for my faction, it's a minor headache rather than an auto-loss. Thanks dudes.
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