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Posts posted by Tapdancer

  1. First big tournament of the UK season cannot be seen as any indication of an emergent meta.  It was three round so with 40 players it was a crap shoot even by normal tournament standards.  Just a warm-up,  GG18 is great, erratta (for TT players) was shit.

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  2. On 19/12/2017 at 11:30 AM, Hollingydale said:

    I hope there are! It is masters after all. I appreciate that not everyone has the time or motivation to paint, but if participants are invested in the game enough to hit masters I'd hope everyone could at the very least manage speed drybrushing a crew or finding a commission.

    I was sick of playing against sprue grey, half painted and broken models last year... This is supposed to be the pinnicle of hobby after all


    George you coped with those broken wind gamin for the first half of the year, stay strong through the two days after in January 😘

  3. 2 hours ago, Bzerk_Rampage said:

    Ticket purchased. how is summoning affected in this pool? can you only summon models you have in your pool or just open?

    Dave will confirm but pools generally limit you to what you can hire into a the, in this case, 45 stones starting crews.  Any summoned in models or swapped upgrades can be chosen from outside the pool.  In theory summoners are strong in this format.

  4. 1 hour ago, Adran said:

    Some of the abilities ignore printed suits, others ignore suits associated with the stat, so you might have been playing it right. 

    For the most part it was Hana in a central location so I should have been loosing worse than I actually did.

  5. 2 minutes ago, santaclaws01 said:

    Here are the other times it's come up. The general consensus seems to be that Nether Flux strips any suits printed, or that get added through something like the Oxfordian Mages' ability to add :tomes for each Academic near them.

    Cheers should have searched it given how the wording is so poor. I have been playing it wrong (believing added suits from abilities were unaffected)

  6. 1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

    A master killing three models and laughing those corpses into zombies in the same activation is three lass corpses for Nico. Interrupting between his corpse generators and him should achieve a similar result?

    Anything is possible given right variables.  I would however point out given the positive flips on defence and card draw for each kill (assuming your targets are likely to be in Nico bubble)that would be a difficult outcome to achieve.

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