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Posts posted by Tapdancer

  1. interesting topic.

    There are two active Neverborn players using Dreamer in the still surprisingly vibrant UK tournament scene, I'm one of them.  The nightmare keyword, Dreamer and Lucid Dream are strong but by no means oppressive.  The crew has a whole function well and the combination of terrifying, the very cool summoning mechanics and the over buffed Stitched (cost six, six wounds, def 6 armour +1 , built-in card cycling on their main ability and a powerful (especially for them) free action) makes  damage output, mobility and resource drain a winning combination.  They are however vulnerable, Dreamer cannot be used too aggressively with 7 wounds and chompy, widow weaver and Coppelius are all vulnerable to crews with either ruthless,  high wp or positive willpower flips.  Like all good crews if you let them play their ground game and don't tune your crew/approach they will stomp you. 

    Lucid Dream is a double-edged sword, you don't want too many good cards for stitched out of your deck but it is easy to cycle out high moderates / severs if you get a couple of bad flips in rd 1/2, I've had at least one game where a Lucid Dream has contributed to a loss.

    On a final note, as thing stands Dreamer is not the best Neverborn master if you don't like playing against a well-played Dreamer, Zorida is really going to upset you.

    • Agree 3
  2. Make it a European GT. 

    Standard Malifaux Swiss system but team scoring 3-2-1 (Win Draw Lose) for each individual game so the team element remains competitive throughout the 2 days.

    Given the team element will not impact on individual performance, no reason for it not to be ranked so that it should pull in more attendees.  

    Simple to administer and organize, competitive on multiple levels

    Somebody can be crowned Supreme Administrator of Europe

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Angelshard said:

    In neverborn he can copy Candys self loathing and then hit Seamus with his own gun as many times as it takes to kill him. Or burn parkers hand and then Parker. 

    I'd say discarding a card to cheat is a fair balance. Remember that you can never have more than 6 (7 with ar) cards in hand, using 4 to cheat twice against 46 isn't a trivial cost. Also it would give him a defensive boost

    Actually if it was discard a card for all flips, as it was before, then yes that would take the out of control element of the ability whilst still maintaining Agent 46's mechanic.  With the other mitigation options, it would make him stoppable but still interesting. 

  4. Jamie the only non-interactive element is inability to use your control hand, what took the steam out of Agent 46 was use of focus or stones for a plus on defence. Similarly htw and stones for negative on damage flip take the sting out.  

    Yes you can give it armour and add a  6 stone model for shielding but then it is a 17 stone cost not 9. 

    Again Agent 46 makes a Lucius crew a challenge but bring the right tools and it is pretty easy to de-fang.  

    In terms of game breaking mechanics I felt a hell of a lot more concern about trivial cost reactivation that undermined the structures put in place eliminate the out activation game.

  5. I consider this to be a considerable over reaction to the crews actual power level.  

    I developed the Agent 46, Rifleman, 3 changling approach.  It's brutal if you bunch your crew so you can take out 2 high value targets using of ricochet.  It is however counterable by identifying where  Agent 46 is going and shutting down that shooting lane with something tough.  The Lucius crew gets murdered if Agent 46 is killed before the enemy crew is crippled.  

    Its challenging but if I knew I was facing Lucius I'd make sure I had something with htw a reasonable wound level and armour or shielding.

    its tough but there are plenty of solutions available out there.  I got crushed over the weekend whilst having this supposedly OP crew.  It was intelligent positional play in one game and Molly, who utterly dominated this crew in another.

    Changing to discard a card to cheat on an Agent 46 attack would trivialise the ability in most games given he's not going to survive most counter punches.


    • Agree 4
    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  6. On 2/26/2019 at 8:27 AM, DuBlanck said:

    Are people using Changelings or something for their Command Chain Obeys?

    I never got that much mileage out of it, except when I was intentionally doing it sub-optimally because I find that Rube-Goldberg jank funny.

    I know his schtick is tasty hands of Severes, but early turn I didn't often find myself with the sort of hand where I'd comfortably drop high Masks, or even just high numbers (with TFTJ already on), through my Lawyers. At the top of turns, holding a sculpted hand on the wrap-around, it seems wasteful .not. to put those cards through Agent 46.

    After the first turn, my opponent was pressuring me to the point that trying to hold off and card cycle just to set up a 9AP Lucius activation would have lost me models and VP.

    Similar experience.  It's all well and good having an amazing hand t1 and t2 but that mechanism starts to fall over T3 onwards.

  7. 5 hours ago, trikk said:

    I think instead of limiting Follow Orders, maybe we should just change Changelings. If we eliminate them from the obey-chaining-card-draw engine, it eliminates the boring parts without hurting the crew that hard.

    Ok, I hadn't been using the changeling to drive the card engine as even I have limits regards wasting time.  Make them mercurial and therefore immune to obeys.

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
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