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Posts posted by Tapdancer

  1. Perdita charging a Silurid will only ever suffer a single :-fate, from the FAQ


    Q: If a model which is able to generate Sh Attacks during a Charge charges a model with the Perfect Camouflage Ability, will the Attacking model suffer two :-fate or one?

    A: The Attacking model will only suffer one :-fate. Perfect Camouflage “checks” to see if an Attack was generated by a Charge or is an Sh Action at the same time, and it will apply one :-fate in either scenario.

    so happy to read this always playing them in Marcus crews.

  2. reason I ask about the flying is that I don't think there is a real conflict.  The damage has multi aspect any one of which can modify it.  The fact it is falling damage doesn't remove the damage reduction aspect of incorporeal generated by it being a melee action.  Don't see why this is the same as the abilities which are in opposition like the hanged vs immunity to horror duals.  Heck they can even stack much like when Pedita attempts to charge a Silurid (a personal favorite)

  3. all coming out of the wood work for this one ;)

    Would love to have brought along the lesser spotted Ant, he has however not finished loafing about .. Oh the charmed life of the "i've already qualified for masters" special one.

  4. Payment sent.


    nearly a full month since the last tournament ....


    Any chance the schemes will be up shortly?


    Also I don't have the metal guild hounds, will the zombieside plastic dogs I usually proxy be an issue?

  5. As always, The King of Misery shall be present!

    Happy to make others miserable with Pandora and my terrific attitude to my opponents :D!

    Especially people with Clockwork Traps(Paul Butler) or Wendigos (Steve Wilson).....

    don't think I will be down this time. Agreed to some family stuff, shame,Morgan still goes on about you and Greg. "bad influences"

  6. Your base only needs to be partly touching it to gain the cover from it so don't see why you wouldn't have halved movement straight away. Halve the movement as soon as you touch it, simples.

    this thread suggests something far more complicated. Even if you have largely cleared the severe terrain and are measuring across clear board you must facture in the double cost until the back of the base is clear.

    If this is correct then i have been doing it wrong in last 20 tournaments attended and nobody has picked up on it.

    the only time i have done anything more complicated than measure form the front (relative to the direction of movement)is if I have to skirt round another model or blocking terrain and outside edge passes through the difficulty terrain at which point I apply the movement penalty for the distance the edge of the model is in the terrain.

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