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Posts posted by twilightmikasa

  1. I know I already wrote something, but I've noticed that a lot of people that have replied to this post have played Warmachine and/or Hordes before getting into Malifaux.

    I'll be honest - Warmahordes is a good game. I've played since nearly the beginning; the only books that were published when I started were Prime and Escalation. I've been to Lock and Load and have met Privateer's awesome staff. But the game has gotten far to big in scale for me, especially with huge based models and loads of infantry ("infantrymachine"). There are too many models on the field and a turn takes so long in a casual game that it is difficult to find the motivation to play. I haven't played the game in months and don't miss it much, besides walking by beautifully painted models that I'll hardly find the motivation to use.

    I enjoy Malifaux for its small scale games, alternating turns, and simply the variety of not having to roll dice.

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  2. Always been a believer of "play what you want," after playing many miniature games, although I have a tendency to be attracted to models that are blue and/or green. Rarely red, and yet I play Sonnia. Some people will play a faction simply based on how models look. I actually got my Raspy crew from a friend of mine and had no idea how to use her, much less knew what to add on. Years later, in 2E, she is my go to crew and the only one I would take to a tournament (still practicing with Sonnia and Colette).

  3. Me want to play too! Been going to GK on Sunday but you haven't there. =( Got accepted into the Henchman program so now I can do my own thing in Concord. I'm holding a demo/open play day on March 8 at Black Diamond Games in Concord 12-4pm. I would love to come play on Tuesday nights so I'll see about going when I have the day off.

    (BTW, it's Eileen)

  4. I would take the Handler for the ability to give friendly models the Burning +1 on their attack/damage if they don't already. Stalkers already cause +1 burning so the Handler would make it +2. I have 2 Handlers so I can cover my crew effectively but so far only play with one. I also use the Judge (even though he is Lady J's man) because he is decent in both ranged and melee and he would benefit from the Handler.

  5. Relatively in the order in which they were picked up...


    Star Wars minis (WOTC)

    40k (trying to sell my army)

    Fantasy (just have models, don't know how to play)

    Malifaux 1.0 (very short time then abandoned, don't remember if I did 1.5)

    Infinity (d20 drove me nuts)

    Dystopian Wars

    Malifaux 2.0

    Wrath of Kings (Kickstarter)

    Relic Knights (Kickstarter)

    And board games involving lots of minis....like zombies....

  6. My printer lets me print 4 cards to a page, which is equal to 2 models' stat cards, front and back. I have an old laser jet so it works decently and only takes a few pages per faction. Not comfortable enough to try double sided with the printer I have. For upgrades, I also do 4 cards per page. Haven't try printing the Avatars yet.

  7. Anyone playing rasputina can leave please some more feedback and elaborate a bit

    The 40ss band has 7 models is that too low?

    It's true that 4 of them are just small things hehe

    How about

    40 SS

    Rasputina 4 stone cache

    -shattered heart 3

    -child of December 1

    Ice golem 10

    Ice gaming 4

    Ice gaming 4

    Wen dingo /essence 3

    December acolyte 7

    Myranda 8

    Twilight mikasa, why so many gammings and no wendigo or essence?

    Personally, the wendigo hasn't done much for me in games, and while I do have the essence of power, I've actually never used it before. The gamins are extremely helpful in my playstyle with Rasputina, and watching things blow up and taking out the enemy has been a trademark move of mine. With wave 2 models now official, I can finally start having more variety, but if I went to a tourney, say like, the next day, I would take my usual crew because of my comfort level with them, and I don't have any guesswork to worry about.

    I look forward to playing with my snow storm and silent one (had them since 1st edition).

  8. At 50 ss, I run 2 golems, 4 gamins, and a December Acolyte. That puts me at 43 points, not including upgrades. I take 1 upgrade each for my golems, and 2 for Rasputina, which evens me out to 50 points. With wave 2 being official now, I have yet to try the snow storm or the silent one. I try not to use models without the cold heart ability, due to Rasputina's ability to cast through them (arc noding for the Warmahordes people).

  9. So, I got the University of Transmortis today, which contains ME2 cards. However, the stats on the cards from the box and wave 2 cards (official PDF) are different.

    Valendictorian is cost 10 cache 7 for the card that came in the box. Official wave 2 PDF (both low res & high res) have this model as cost 10 cache 3. He is also missing a second trigger for the Dissectors attack and a trigger the Lecture Notes.

    Some of stats for the other models also do not match. If specifics are needed, I can always post them.

    Is there going to be updated cards or errata for this set? Which cards do I use the play the storyline?

  10. How does this look as a crew for Raspi at 50ss


    Cold Nights

    Shattered Heart


    December Acolyte

    3x Ice Gamin

    2x Ice Golem - each with Armour of December

    SS left = 5

    Funny thing...this looks a lot like my 50 point Raspy list...don't know the names of the upgrades but I use the black joker one (always), and armor of december for my golems. I'm trying to work in the Snowstorm using the beta rules since he's a big chunk of points.

  11. So, I've recently started playing with fire (Sonnia) and had a question about one of her upgrades. Both I and another person have agreed that it could be open to interpretation, but we were also both wanting clarification and a final ruling (if possible).

    The upgrade in question: Violation of Magic (going to paraphrase)

    It says that when an enemy model with the Burning condition within 10 inches (pulse) of Sonnia is reduced to 0 (zero) wounds, she can sack 2 cards or a stone to summon a free dude (stalker).

    However, Burning damage takes place at the end of the turn (after all models have activated and thus proceeds to the the Upkeep step). If an enemy model dies from this Burning damage (thus dying/being reduced of zero wounds during the Upkeep step), is the free Stalker still summoned and the model that died (from Burning) is removed from the game?

    Wasn't sure if it was a conflict of what occurs first/next. What we've come to understand that if a model dies by burning (reduced to zero wounds) at the end of the turn when Burning damage is dealt, a free Stalker is summoned.

    There was also an additional blurb under the Upkeep step (main ruleboook) about how the model's owner determined in what order things occurred at the end of turn, so I don't know how this upgrade would be affected.

    I hope this doesn't sounds too confusing...as I do really enjoy playing with fire...

  12. We shoved a pin through the body and into the base. The old model used to be smaller. I think they made the plastic one a bit too dynamic because it doesn't fit well unless 6 legs are gripping the base in some way and the other 2 are pointing upwards.

  13. Average game size is 30 to 50 points/soulstones. Each model is priced using a soulstone cost, not points like in Warmachine/40k. There are no "units," but many models come in a set of 3, so its like having awesome solos doing more awesome stuff. You can play Malifaux right out of the box, which for my most recent purchase, is at 27 points and has 6 models.

    I don't build my list based on what my opponent is using. I believe there is actual section in the rulebook that determines when your list is actually made, after the size of the game has been decided, and then you "hire" your crew as appropriate. Scenarios/deployment/other before-game-starts are determine by what card(s) you or your opponent flip. There are no dice in Malifaux, except as a turn counter, so the games are quick (only 5 turns, with additional rules for longer games).

    I don't own a significant portion of the 2 factions I play, and any new models I choose to buy are based on what I already own and how that new model can support my crew(s) and its play style.

    I've seen most tourneys played at 50 points (max). Some are probably smaller, depending on the tourney organizer. I own far more than 50 points of models for a particular themed crew, but it gives me variety on what I want to do and how I want to play it.

    I find 2E more balanced and streamlined than when the game originally came out several years ago. I didn't understand the rules well enough and the models were complicated and the stat cards were a disaster to read (personally).

    And being someone who has played Warmachine for several years, Malifaux is a nice way to get away from huge games and lots of models. It's simple and streamlined.

    I hope I managed to answer some of your questions.

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