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Everything posted by MasterDisaster

  1. T3 was an abortion, T Salvation was kind of cool though. I liked some of the references to the previous movies and over all it wasn't bad for a modern action flick.
  2. I'm a sucker for explosions and sci-fi shit. What can I say? The 2nd was pretty awesome. The rest are ok.
  3. Morning! I've heard it's pretty good. You can't go wrong with some Arnie action! (Unless it's the Expendables... yuck!)
  4. Wow I'm in a bad mood today! Saying that knocking out 30 Risk Assessments for a relatively small project will do that to a man. *throws on some Liquid D'n'B* AAAHH!! Better!
  5. Throw in Health and Safety and Political Correctness and I totally agree.
  6. Well I work for a Construction Company and British H&S laws are just fucking ridiculous, we have to wrap everyone in cotton wool and protect them from actually living a life because if anything goes wrong the "victim" immediate gets lawyered up and goes for a claim. There's a shit tonne of adverts over here with the saying "Where's there's blame there's a claim". It's the downfall of society I swear. Oh that and Boy bands and Social Media and all these talentless fucking celebrities. I'm looking at you Kim Kardashian! *Hyperventilates into paper bag*
  7. Some days I swear to god the only H&S risk on site is me chasing the H&S Officer with a hammer
  8. Ughh.... SO MANY RISK ASSESSMENTS TO DO!!!! Why does 99% of the world have to be punished for the remaining 1% of retards?! Health and Safety sucks balls *Flips office desk*
  9. True but I had fun doing it! That's important. I also fucked up a lot because I have 8 stat cards and 5 upgrades I've not used before on the tables and was constantly trying to figure out when to use what. Still, she's a LOT more fun than that pyro scrub Sonnia. Sonnia drains resources, has fuck all synergy with anything except the odd bit of burning, she's slow and has no way of reliably speeding up, shes paper thin, doesn't support her crew at all outside of Flamewall which isn't really support I guess and to top it off her self heal is SHITE. Raspy is just better in every way and her totem isn't a total waste of stones soooo.... GO RASPY!! Aaaah shuttit you!
  10. You've got to be careful with this one. If it's an ability (Most Nephilim have the ability Black Blood on their card) then yes you count as having made the kill but if it's the Black Blood Condition (ala Black Blood Shaman for example) then no you don't.
  11. FUCKING SOLD!!!! Resser of course. No Transfusion but my Bodyguarded Snowstorm got Expunged to shit. Still.. Raspy had the last laugh, I obliterated McMourning with Raspy
  12. Morning all! Played Raspy for the first time last night... She was really fun. I got smashed 10-1 but I had fun whilst doing it. Stupid McMourning!!!
  13. (0) Welcome to Malifaux!! I'm not a million miles away from Bath although it is a bit of a trek. Lady J is a great box to start with, Lynch would be a great opponent to pair her up against. Pandora can be a bit fiddly for beginners and often causes NPE.
  14. Lucky swine, I would have had a metal and plastic one but traded my metal FK box for a Snowstorm + Silent One.
  15. Talk about seeing the bright side! You are a saint!
  16. Sorry to hear that Vic. You seem to be having a shitty bout of luck at the moment. Hopefully things will start too look up sometime soon
  17. He's already started painting it. He also did buy me the Ironsides box so that's a big ol' negatory
  18. A Blessed is the only thing I need for the crew. I'm currently looking for a decent proxy as I don't like the look of the new art or the old metal model. Have yet to find anything suitable though.
  19. I took on Lucius the other day with the Schilldowg! Lucius doesn't like the Jack Knife so much it turns out
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