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Posts posted by jtuarus

  1. before actually committing to the squeal route id like to test out lola with the increased TNs that by itself may put Him in better waters. that means  most things that can effect him are having to do some pretty big card depletion to try  to attack or move. im thinking  a very rough idea at this point that maybe you could add another trigger on belly flop called belly bounce wihich pushes him 4" ignoring models and terrain but does no dmg replace killing joke with a defense trigger of after damaging preform a belly bounce trigger that way he has two ways to disengae if its not looking good. could also add it through an upgrade since he is a hench. like i said very rough idea at this point.

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  2. I love the idea of squeel and the 4 inch aura is great not to strong but enough to make it a great synergy making it so that cooper and the rest can better manipulate. Aso when i was discussing with my opponent he agreed that most of wp duels should be about the level you and da git discussed kal cause that makes them terrifying in the later game where it is almost a nescesity to try and kill before turn 3 after that they are at almost crit mass. Which is where most crews need to be hitting their stride. Ive always taken it as turn 1 2 setup turn 3 4 execute turn 5 maybe six clean up. Have played against every faction and that seems to be the flow of my meta.

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  3. Ya thats no problem the first game was a flank deployment reckoning game against the viktorias taelor 3 ronin student of conflict first turn i activate the monkey 1 to fly my prettys up the left s I de of the board to try to get them in position for scheme marker deployment my opponent moves a around vic of ash to hide behind a building as assassinate was a scheme along with murder protege, frame for murder, and protect territory. The second monkey went next flying the three another 8 to behind a building, student then went and gave taelor fast, took 3rd monkey and dropped marker dor 1st protect territory. (I may have over extended monkeys a bit doing this. As next turn taelor used fast to move up then charge and kill the monkeys leaving only 2 left (cause of black joker on dmg flip) i then used baritone lola moved once used DLaB to pull taelor and lola together didnt exactly hit the trigger so no attack the did a belly flop to no avail.this allowed vic of blood to charge one of the monkeys and kill the rest with a whirlwind trigger taking a big chunk out of lola as well.

    I then activated lizzy and tried to lure vic of blood to her which succeded. so far my opponent has passed every wp duel with no problem.pulled her within mercurys charge range for his activation. He then dbl moved a ronnin. I did the same with mummerette on other side of flank he moved his last ronin. I then moved cooper in range for2 blow smoke and WiFG missed first smoke and WiFG but got second smoke dealing 1 +poison 3 moved second mummer near cooper for end of turn. Turn two saw me losing initiative and having blood pass her terror duel easy to take the rest of lolas health causing a whirlwind that hits mercury then attacks freddy him self taking him to one (sheesh that was close.) I activate mercury heal for 2 then attack vic of blood leveling her with the barbell (as i stated i feel mercury and lizzie are almost perfect just feel like he needs a little more synergy with the rest). This allowed taelor to charge and kill mercury. I moved a mummer over to a roninand stafe proped doing little weak damage andhitting trigg for manipulative. Which matterex not easily oassed duel to murderate mummer1. Thin lizzy then tried to lure taelor and failed so i moved her out of what i thought was danger. Nope a ronin came around and efeectivle one shotted it. So i am now left with just cooper and one mummer my opponent then moves in last ronin to slice last mummer and keep cooper in engagement tried to silk scarf failing then tried to disengage and got nailed. So he does vic of ashes and student moving student to taelor again for next turn assasinate. Lost initiative and was the murdered by taelor in 2 attacks both at severe dmg. The entire game my opponent never lost a sinple willpower duel as most times they were so low he only needed 5s or 6s to pass. I would live to see lola get a push defense trig to get him out of the flurries and charges. Cause even with hi def when he gets hit by beaters he wilts like lettuce under multiple attacks. He has no real attack mitigation other than terror duel which again was so low my opponet laughed it off. That was the first gamenplayed another against von schill and friekorps lets just say game went longer but no better hi eange made mince meet of the crew easy and with all of em at a avg wp of 6 or 7 the duels were agian laughable and i had no real way to deal with the range before i was shot off the board. It was squatters rights i took plant eveidence and arcanist general. I at least scored more than 3 that game thou as it was 10-6 but still waslossing models way to fast. It seems if a crew has average wp and a way to do movement puses range or other shenanigans it totally handicaps the entire crew.

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  4. Ya i was utterly mascerated by outcasts tonight the extra duels and mobility made no difference. The fly my prettys did move them quick but was dead real quick. Mercury is great. also all the wp duels against at least outcast are way to low and really doesnt effect the opponent at all before they can blow you off the table. Lola feels like it needs a defense trigger. Lizzy is great as is too. Mummers in a little ambivalent about they die easy.cooper has good abilities but 8 feel the haze mechanic is way to slow roll.

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