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Posts posted by Larsemillarsen

  1. "Resurrectionist organization"?! 

    It was my understanding, that there really wasn't any organisation of the Ressers - they are mostly individualists with their own motives and perhaps some "understanding" towards the other Resser masters, but no real ties to them...

    Go figure...

  2. Dear Wyrd 

    I recently started playing Malifaux again after a two-year hiatus. 

    I realised that I needed new stat cards for a lot of my models, which I promptly ordered from Wargame Vault - as far as I know the only place to order new statcards from. 

    The new stat cards arrived some weeks later, but were hold up in costums, where I had to pay more than $ 31 to get them released (the cards only cost $ 15). Thus incl. shipping, I ended up paying more than $ 70 for $ 15 worth of stat cards. 

    I understand that Wyrd is not responsible for EU-customs etc., and I would never raise an eyebrow for having to pay customs fees when buying e.g. a special edition model or the likes that is not essential for playing the game. But I do, however, think that it is quite unreasonable to demand that stat cards be ordered from a US site when it is something you cannot play the game without. All other essentials for playing Malifaux can be bought within EU without paying customs fees. 

    If the stat cards can indeed be ordered from within the EU, I apologise and ask that you point me in that direction. But if not, I would really implore you to find a european partner for printing stat cards as these are completely essential for playing the game, and as it is only files that are printet, Wyrd incurs no product shipping fees. 

    Best regards

    Lars Emil

    Avid Malifaux-fan

    P.s. I have the app, and while it is a fine tool for looking up information, it is not a good tool for keeping track of information during a game.        



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  3. Hey


    I've had a go at my first attempt at a narrative battle report.


    I can't seem to copy-paste it into the forum topic editor, so here's a link:




    If you're not a native Danish speaker, please ignore the first paragraphs which basically just say that I wanted to post the battle report in this (Wyrd) forum, but couldn't.


    Please enjoy and comment if you have constructive criticism. English isn't my first language, so there are probabbly some mistakes.


    /Lars Emil


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  4. Hi

    I'm a new player (never played M1E). When I decided to start playing Malifaux a couple of months ago, I picked Ten Thunders because of the models.

    Now I've played them for about 2 months and my initial verdict is: They seem well balanced against the other factions, BUT I totally agree that it "feels" like there is synergy missing in the faction. Of the three masters currently in M2E only Lynch has some synergy with Illuminated and Beckoners (looking af the beta, it seems not even Graves or Tannen will have synergy?! - very strange), Mei Feng only benefit from any synergy in her crew herself (constructs) and Misaki has no synergy whatsoever (Smoke and Shadows can be taken by a henchmen without using Misaki).

    I still really like Ten Thunders: They have, in my opinion (but I am very new to the game), a much wider range of playstyles than the other factions (though I definitely could be wrong).

    Sooo long post short, my initial conclusion: very cool and balanced faction, but lacks synergy.

  5. Hi

    The Shadow Stride action (Smoke and Shadows upgrade) gives all Last-Blossom minions the ability to bury and then unbury within 6" of a friendly model.

    This might be a bit cheesy, but I cannot find anything in the rules which prevents a buried model unburying "off" of a model which has itself just unburied.

    So essentially you could unbury more than one model, each from each other to gain quite a range. The rulebook says that in the unlikely event that two or more effects happen at the same time the models controller decide which happens first.

    Anyone found something to prevent this?

  6. Hi

    The Shadow Stride action (Smoke and Shadows upgrade) gives all Last-Blossom minions the ability to bury and then unbury within 6" of a friendly model.

    This might be a bit cheesy, but I cannot find anything in the rules which prevents a buried model unburying "off" of a model which has itself just unburied.

    So essentially you could unbury more than one model, each from each other to gain quite a range. The rulebook says that in the unlikely event that two or more effects happen at the same time the models controller decide which happens first.

    Anyone found something to prevent this?

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