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Posts posted by AverageBoss

  1. The Outcast story in Shifting Loyalties mentions The Nameless and has Taelor getting her Relic Hammer. Nothing is really said about it and it is only talked about by some freaky monster thing Taelor runs into. At the very least it is implied to be quite powerful.

    The Dragons could be a single Tyrant with multiple bodies. And the 13th being The Nameless fits perfectly with the 12 names for 13 Tyrants thing. Just spitballing though.

  2. I did not get the carnival box, but my Shenlong box has a similar card issue. The upgrade cards in that box are a fair bit larger than all the other cards I got.

    Also SPIRALINGCADVER I would put in the parts request immediately. I had a piece of my Whiskey Golem from last year mismodlded to a mere nub preventing the assembly of an entire arm. And they were able to replace it.

    • Like 1
  3. Actually I have 4 of the metal Gakis. I got the new plastics anyways because... well the old metals are...


    But actually, I got the new plastic Kirai kit even though I have the old metal. In fact I plan to replace all my old metal ghosts when they release.


    Thanks for the reply Justin. (Someday I will get that answer about the 5th River of the Valley / Temples, even if I have to wait for wave 4 or 5 or 3E I suppose).

    • Like 1
  4. As the title states, there is a small issue with the indicated stat cards from my Gencon boxes.


    Rather than having artwork from each model on the respective cards, the same model is simply mirrored and/or zoomed in on secondary and tertiary cards. I just found this odd given that every other kit I have bought (every Ten Thunders kit, a bunch of metal ressers, some Guild stuff), has had the artwork for respective models on the cards. Although a minor issue, it can make it alot harder to keep track of specific models if run in multiples.


    Mostly, I just found it really odd and was wondering if my packs were just odd or if others got the same cards. Will this be the new norm for multi same model boxes going forward?

    • Like 1
  5. Wave 3 was only up on the forums during public beta.

    Last week both the wave 3 book and a ton of other things (including all the remaining master boxes) were available at Gencon and at the web store. So you should be able to find Wongs box floating around, though its general release has not yet happened (in fact he does not even have a date yet).


    There were some changes between the final beta files and the finalized printed forms. Actually, some models completely changed their very concept, such as the basilisk becoming a giant cyborg scorpion called the Scorpius. As for Sparks he has a situational crazy good disruption aura. And I would run the Porkchop in a Mei Feng crew with Toshiro, so that I could summon a Komainu  every turn (something else released at Gencon).

  6. Hello.

    I know that Lady J, Rasputina, and Sonia are all good beginner masters. Keris I am less sure of but as a general rule, the masters in the Wave 2 book (Crossroads) tend to be a bit more advanced than the Wave 1 masters.

    Lady J is pretty much the most straightforward melee based master in the game. Sonia on the other hand is pretty much the most straightforward magic master in the game that will also introduce you to one of the games more common conditions, burning.


    Rasputina plays kind of like a magic heavy warcaster from Warmachine (if you are familiar), using friendly Frozen Heart models as arc nodes for her to fire her spells through so that she can stay off the front lines.

    Looks like you will either be an Arcanist or Guild player though. Guild tends to be more traditional gunplay and swordplay for the vast majority of its units. Arcanists are much bigger on weird magic abilities and tend to bring alot of armor (reduces damage).


    As for the 2 player starter, half the models are guild, the other half are neverborn. They are all mercs though meaning that you could use two of them at a time out of faction if you wished.


    The story is very different from what you are used to in 40K (Coming from someone who played 40K for 15 years until 5 years ago). The stories tend to have much more personal focus usually on the trials of a single individual. But since it is also a much smaller setting (obviously), when something happens to a big player or location, it tends to be felt. For example a very huge event just happened (a death) in the wave 3 book (Shifting Loyalties), that will at the very least have drastic repercussions for the factions, if not the entire setting going forward in the story.


    The big wave one book does a good job of giving a basic rundown of the masters and models in that book. But it is also by far the lightest fluff wise out of the 3 big 2nd edition books. For example each faction gets a four page story plus a 1 page rundown in book 1. In book three, each faction gets a 15 page story and a large setting effecting story at the end (I think around 40 pages). Also the stories it does have tend to be a result of events that happened in first edition fluff, so can be a bit confusing for new comers. But given that wave 1 book had to have room for all the rules this is understandable.


    The first edition books can be found really cheap nowadays. Also, they have started to retell some first edition stories via Breachside Broadcast (its done like an old timey radio story reading broadcast). Those can be found here: thttp://www.wyrd-games.net/breachside-broadcast


    Theres also a good amount of stories (and other things) to be found in Wyrds free E-Magazine, Wyrd Chronicles. Those can be found for download here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/media


    Lastly, I would like to link this for you. It is an amazing site. Its the Malifaux strategy Wiki. It filled with tons of tips and tricks on just about every model in the game. Its great for both trying to learn how to play with and against new models while also letting you exactly what those models do. It also has quite a bit of that artwork you like scattered about. https://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/

  7. Focus only adds :+fate to your Attack and damage flips.


    As for Paralyse, the best way to think of it is adding a "token" to your model that goes the -next- time you activate. If you had a way to re-activate in the same turn, then that would remove the "token" and you would be fine for the next turn.

    Paralyse is -really- strong.


    I'm 90% sure that is right.


    Paralyzed is removed immediately when the afflicted model ends an activation. If paralyzed before activating, it will do nothing when activating other than removing the condition as your activation end immediately. If the model gains paralyzed during its activation, it ends its activation immediately and removes the condition.

    • Like 1
  8. McCabe is pretty great and is pretty much all about making models better than they normally are. Handing out metal shirt to illuminated to make them armor 2, and / or Izamu to make him armor three is great. Or you could use the elixer of life to give the former regen 3 and the later regen 2. Or you could just do both at once.


    But that is one of two things McCabe does well. The other is being the most mobile master in the faction, until he gets knocked off his horse at least.


    If you already don't have them, Yin, Toshiro, and Izamu are all fantastic for different reasons. Toshiro acts as a mini Nicodem giving nearby minions plus flips, handing out fast, and even doing some summoning. Yin can make it far easier for you to get abilities that target WP off. Izamu is just a monster in every sense of the word. All three are tough and ancestors, so added synergy with Yan Lo, but great just about anywhere really. They are also all duel resser/TT so fit into both your factions. These big 3 of the ancestors are all a little on the slow moving side though. This can be alleviated partially by the soul porter, or completely by Graves "Show ya the Door" action.


    Beckoners for Lynch. They are the best way to hand out Brilliance hands down and they a darkened so they can be infiltrated into TT. Depleted are great tanks, 4 points, 8 wounds, hard to wound, and hard to kill.


    Mei can bring the Rail Golem, Metal Gamin, and Willie over from the Arcanists into a TT crew. I know from experience that once the RG gets going, it becomes a literal train on legs. The latter two I can't really comment on due to lack of playing them.


    Ama No Zako is a great figure to have in general. Tough, hits hard, creates hazardous terrain auras, and can take control of enemy models for an action. Shes a merc as well, so you could even toss her in a resser crew if you felt like it.


    Monks of the Low River are nice if your meta is condition heavy.


    If you would ever consider running Lynch on the NB side, pick up a doppelganger definitely, one of the best models in the game imo (able to copy any non master 1AP action, lets you cheat the initiative flip at the start of each turn).

  9. Fair enough.  I rarely look at their store other than when they have the exclusive sales.


    Nothing against Wyrd, but if I am going to pay full price for their products then I am going to give a cut of that sale to my local store.


    From everything I see Wyrd would rather you buy from your store than the webstore. They do much more than most companies in support of LGS.

    And I am the same way as you, unless its an early release (like this Gencon stuff), that wont be out a a while and that I wanted yesterday (Shenlong for example), I pick it up from my LGS.

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