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Posts posted by AverageBoss

  1. Just gonna copy a post I made in another thread because it is relevant.


    Lucas McCabe

    -Strangemetal Shirt

    -Elixir of Life



    -Command the Graves

    Izamu the Armor

    Ama no Zako

    2x Iluminated


    Plant Explosives and Make Them Suffer.


    I actually played this exact game yesterday against Nicodem. Opponent called the game at the end of turn three. I scored 3 points on Plant Explosives, 2 on Squatters, and 1 on Make Them Suffer while also summoning in two Ashigaru. Of course my opponent was also was not feeling good due to allergy problems, which probably factored in a bit.


    Strange force, but the way in which it worked was surprisingly great. Do you guys remember that one time when Indiana Jones teamed up with some drug addicts, a demon, and the undead in order to save the world from different undead? I do.



    Although I do not have much experience with Guild McCabe, TT McCabe has been excellent for me. On the Guild side though I would definitely look at austringers, though they lack a plastic model currently. The Pathfinder is also a nice model that also happens to be TT/Guild.


    On the TT side I find McCabe benefits from a less focused force, taking advantage of the variety of models TT has access to. In my force it was of course TT, but it also used elements from Guild (McCabe himself), Resserrectionist (Toshiro, Izamu, summoned Ashigaru), Neverborn (Illuminated), and Outcast (Ama No Zako) playstyles. Strangemetal shirt, once I passed it off, made my Illuminated armor 2 and Izamu armor 3. When placed on an Illuminated, the Elixer of Life gives them Regeneration 3, or when on Ama No Zako (who normally has no defenses) regen 2. Also Kamiachi is AMAZING for McCabe. Once per turn each time a model loses an upgrade they heal two wounds and get a free push. Additionally, once per turn when a model gains an upgrade, you may draw a card.


    As for general strategies, those other threads should help. If you take the shirt, you can generally just park it on one model. On the other upgrades (especially saber and elixir), you generally want to:


    1. activate the model that holds them first to make use of them,

    2. then activate McCabe who takes the upgrade, uses it himself, and passes it to another model,

    3. activate the new model.


    This allows three models to benefit from one upgrade in the same turn.


    Welcome to Malifaux.

  2. Welcome to Malifaux.


    I would suggest picking up a Doppelganger. They are fantastic pieces that have alot of synergy with pretty much with any crew. They not only can copy your other models moves, but allow you to cheat a card from your hand on the initiative flip.


    There are 7 Neverborn master altogether. Lilith, Pandora, Zoraida, Jacob Lynch (also Ten Thunders), Lucius (also Guild), The Dreamer, and Colladi. Lilith, Pandora, Zoraida, and Lynch are all available now. The Dreamer and Lucius were available early at Gencon and should be out for general release by January. This means only Colladi is truly unavailable.


    Since you have beckoners, I would also suggest Jacob Lynch crew "Dark Debts". His entire box can be fielded as either Neverborn or Ten Thunders and the beckoners are thematically part of Jacobs group (they are the girls in the casino he runs). That "Brilliance characteristic that the beckoners hand out? Jacobs entire box messes with that characteristic. Being the owner of a casino, he messes with the cards alot, including having a built in mulligan ability on his card and an upgrade that allows his entire crew to cheat cards face down.


    You will also want the Neverobrn arsenal decks if you do not have them already. There are great generic upgrades that all neverborn crews can benefit from in those that are not included with any other product. Additionally you will have rules cards for most Neverborn models (Jacob Lynch rules are only in his box and the Ten Thunders wave 1 deck and Lucius rules are only in his box and the Wave 2 Guild deck) so that you can test them out to see if you like them before buying the models. Also if you do not already have one (I am assuming you do) you need a fate deck.

  3. Lucas McCabe

    -Strangemetal Shirt

    -Elixir of Life



    -Command the Graves

    Izamu the Armor

    Ama no Zako

    2x Iluminated


    Plant Explosives and Make Them Suffer.


    I actually played this exact game yesterday against Nicodem. Opponent called the game at the end of turn three. I scored 3 points on Plant Explosives, 2 on Squatters, and 1 on Make Them Suffer while also summoning in two Ashigaru. Of course my opponent was also was not feeling good due to allergy problems, which probably factored in a bit.


    Strange force, but the way in which it worked was surprisingly great. Do you guys remember that one time when Indiana Jones teamed up with some drug addicts, a demon, and the undead in order to save the world from different undead? I do.

    • Like 1
  4. I remember reading in the fluff somewhere the 10T have their own sort of mini breaches scattered around Asia but no definitive locations. As for the main breach, it's anyone's guess

    Yep, the 10T have at least one breach that only they know about under their command (not even the guild know about it). Its actually mentioned in the wave 2 big book, I think under the general TT fluff section.

  5. I only owned Kirai and Jacob Lynch during 1st edition. When 2nd edition came out, I purchased all of the wave 1 decks. Yes I got extra value out of the TT and NB decks due to having Jacob, but I still found the other five decks and indeed all the extra TT and NB cards useful. Myself and many other see value in being able to use cards for which we do not own the models. They allowed me to look at many models and even easily test them out before I dedicated myself to a purchase. It was not long before I ordered Misaki and Mei Feng, mostly due to having their cards in the decks to test. I guess even the value of being able to test a ton of models you do not own will vary from person to person. But for me personally, the only way I could see the decks being of little value is if you either plan to get every single model in a faction without knowing a thing about them, or if you decide to limit yourself to a small specific pool of models in a given faction.

  6. So I might be missing something obvious but as I have my first session tomorrow night, I'll post this up in the hopes of a quick response.

    Does the evade skill apply to combat situations? I'm assuming we all use evade during narrative time to resolve a situation where something surprises the party and they all need to leap away, but can the skill be used in combat? You have "use skill" in the general actions but what use is an evade when its your characters turn, and I can't see anything about evade in a defensive duel, so I'm assuming its not used in combat. I then looked at the skills summary on page 115 and the short description for evade reads "Avoiding ranged or melee attacks".

    Well your evade (including your speed) is added to your Df during character creation. So every time you make a Df flip, your are using your evade skill with a +2 bonus.


    My question is: How do elemental Immutos that can be taken multiple times interact with the Hedge Magic theory? Do you only get one free instance of the element each time?

  7. As a total noob I have a question: Is Yan Lo able to summon anything? Like Ashigaru or something?

    The only things that Yan Lo can summon are Ancestors, which were already in your force, and that have died over the course of the game. Even then he can only summon each ancestor once and only if he has taken a specific upgrade.


    Yan Lo is all about taking the essence of those who die around him, and rather than convert that essence into summoned dead like other ressers, he draws it into himself to become more powerful personally.


    Toshiro can summon Ashigaru and another unreleased minion that is a construct.

  8. Given the great success of our October event, we will be doing it again in November.

    November 1st will be our next Malifaux day. And rather than a tournament, it will be a friendly get together for gaming, hobby activities, and teaching new players. We will also again be running demos. Activities will last from 11AM until at least 6PM. Hope to see you guys there.


    Coliseum of Comics

    3159 W. Vine St. (US Hwy. 192)

    Kissimmee, FL   34741


  9. Just to make something clear, 2nd edition is not upon us, it has been in print for about a year now. What is upon us is wave 2 of 2nd edition.


    Wyrd decided to break the 2nd edition update into multiple waves. Each wave updated roughly half the models into 2nd edition while simultaneously introducing new ones (far more new guys in wave 2). Both waves were handled with public betas, and the beta rules for wave 2 (although they were in flux due to constant testing) were available from about 2 weeks after the print of wave one, up until Gencon this year, which is when an early release of the printed Wave 2 book was available.


    If you just want to learn the rules of the game, the Wave 1 mini book is available for only $15. If you are interested in fluff, and rules for all the Wave 1 models on top of the normal game rules, the big Wave 1 book is available for $40.

  10. Guild Pathfinder as well (found in the Wave 2 Guild deck)

    Ama no Zako (Outcast Wave 2)


    Also due to the infiltration abilities of most of the TT masters (different from their dual faction capabilities), many outside models should be looked at as well. This is most prominent with Beckoners, a normally Neverborn only model, that thematically and synergistically work very well with Jacob Lynch even if run as TT.


    Welcome to Malifaux.

  11. I think rather than the Native Americans themselves, it would be more appropriate for Malifaux to go with some of the various creatures and spirits from the lore of various Native American tribes.


    Some ideas could include the Lakota tribes Darkman, the Choctaw tribes Impa Shilup and Kowi anukasha. You would have skin walkers, obviously a type of mimic, as well as sprites for more generic creatures.

    • Like 1
  12. You think including the Generic upgrades in the Strat/ Scheme deck would be a bad idea?

    I missed your suggestion, I was responding to the suggestion that they make a specific generic upgrades deck. Perhaps they could include them with what I am asuming will be the Avatar deck, as that will only be 40 cards base.

  13. Not sure it is cheaper for them to print Arsenal decks at all. They require their own packaging and are really aimed at a specific audience (namely those that are bridging from a last edition). If the cards were only available in the Arsenal decks then I could see it saving some money but given that they are still included in the model boxes (aside from the generic upgrades) it means "Useless Duplication".


    I agree that having the Generic upgrades in their own box probably wouldn't be worth it unless they added a few more options.


    Disagree though that 1st edition players would need to purchase a separate Upgrade deck as the Arsenal decks that they need to bridge editions already have them. A generic upgrade deck is really aimed at those that started with M2e and dont really have any other method of getting them outside of purchase Arseanal decks with duplicate cards.

    I don't think I was very clear. I was responding to people stating that generic upgrades should be in their own deck and that they should do something else with the other cards. My point was that the current Arsenal decks are probably the best choice available, and the the alternatives are bad ideas.

  14. I would like to suggest Lucius. He plays so differently from any other Guild of Neverborn master. Additionally his ability to move mimics and guardsmen between the factions changes things drastically. Neverborn with Guild Riflemen? Guild with Beckoners and a Doppleganger? Executioners and Tannen and Graves? And this says nothing of Lucius own playstyle.

  15. I have every arsenal deck except for wave 2 gremlins (waiting for those to come in to my store). It i a great way to try out models and crews that interest me before I actually buy them. It also keeps things cheaper for us and Wyrd by having all these cards packaged together. If they did a pack that had just the generic upgrades, then they would likely have to sell it at around the $5 mark, and they would have to make a separate deck for 1st edition vets that would likely still cost $8 anyways.

  16. The synergy between Peasants, Katanaka Snipers, Shenlong, and Sensei Yu is sickening.


    Start the game with one peasant and use Shenlongs pre-turn action to make the 2nd. Peasants take the first activations using provide for the temple to give focus to the Katanakas. When the enemy is in range, the Katanaks fire, focus as a zero, and then fire again. Each shot is focused and gains +1sh thanks to Sensei Yu. In the following turns the rest of the crew will race forward, while the Katanakas use one action to move up and the 2nd to shoot, with the peasants handing them free focus and moving. This gives Shenlongs crew excellent covering fire, and a second wave of models to toss into any melee that is going on once they get there,


    I killed a Teddy on the first turn of the last game I played with Shenlong with just the snipers alone using this combo.

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