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Posts posted by N1ck

  1. I started Malifaux roughly a month and I have finished painting my first crew. Here it is:


    Marcus, Myranda, Cerebus, Moleman, Razorspine, and Hoarcat Pride






    post-15016-13911930933723_thumb.jpgHoarcat Pride

    I received a lot of help, tips, and mentoring from Bruglyother.

    If you want please leave comments, thoughts, opinions, critiques, advice, etc. It will all be greatly appreciated. *happy*

  2. I don't think that Taelor is a bad choice it's just that I think Bishop *may* be a better one.

    I would have to agree. Not only did rgarbonzo pretty much sum up Bishop to be the better choice but also include the fact that he can choose to have WP resists rather than DF. And if I am not mistaken the majority of the Gremlins have very low WP to start off with so it would lead to a better match up overall.

  3. This is all very helpful, it sounds like I will be getting my hands on an Ophelia box set now.

    And if all goes well with the Gremlins I may need to be up Ulix and see what kind of synergy he will have with Marcus in some brawl battles.

  4. Goblin Faction?

    Da Boyz dun no ef ya b'long 'ere.

    Haha my bad I entirely meant Gremlins. At least I suppose I did not call them Orcs...

    ---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 PM ----------

    Good choice. Ophelia, pending any changes, is the full package. She's got, and I'm not kidding about this, an actual rocket pack if you want to zip around the field. If you want fire power she's got high personal damage potential and the pack of youngins nipping at her heels will now hit way above their weight. On top of that she's surprisingly resilient with a good stat brick, a solid defensive trigger, and a bit of ablative armor coming hardwired, all of which can be supplemented further with stubborn and some truly ludicrous regen. There's no real subtlety to using her other than learning when she should be dropping markers in the enemy's lines instead of inflicting maximum blunt force trauma. If something needs doing odds are she can do it.

    Her box is a good place to start. You'll want to pick up a blister of youngin as well. Maybe Lenny or some slop haulers if you're planning on expanding into the rest of the faction eventually.

    Thanks for the heads up. One of the things I noticed in the beta (not sure if it still followed through to the Arsenal Deck) was that her Youngins can give Ophelia Upgrades with a max of three. Does that Mean she can potentially start with no upgrades aand that first turn her youngins (if I choose up to three) can boost her to have three upgrades? Or would I need to have the upgrades equipped first and later have them removed?

  5. I have decided that I wanted to expand my crew list from just Marcus of the Arcanists to something new. After looking around the forums and what not I have decided that I wanted to try the Goblin faction. Out of the Masters I wanted to get your thoughts on Ophelia and her crew. I wanted to try a crew that has more range and shooting rather than an upclose melee battle that Marcus and his crew is. So I am curious what are your thoughts on her? How did you guys play her? Is there any other models I should look into if I pick up her box?

    Thanks for the help. *happy*

  6. Try Myranda. That way you have an extra person and worse comes to worse if she is hemorrhaging she can shape shift into a Sabertooth, or Razorspine and be fully healed up and ready to go.

    I would also suggest Cojo, from what I have seen in the beta he is quite useful for strategies and schemes by removing unwanted markers your opponent lays down.

    Worse comes to worse you can always have a Jackalope *grin*

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