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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. On 5/4/2016 at 11:53 AM, SpiralngCadavr said:

    Didn't say he wouldn't take paint or couldn't get cleaned, just that PVC is a different beast than HIPS.

    Also, sorry he's already painted valhallan, but you've some prominent mold lines near the bottom, there.

    Eh. What can ya do?

  2. On 5/2/2016 at 11:33 AM, 10T Simon said:

    Played my first Shen Long game yesterday now that I've got him painted up. Was a lot of fun!

    I've been using Yu in quite a lot in other crews too.

    I was wondering though - would you ever take Shen Long without Yu?

    Yes. He's 11 points if you want to style swap. And there are so many better uses of points in a Shen Long crew. I *do* use Yu, but mostly in Yan Lo (where he can instill youth back on Yan and move key models around) and Misaki (because a 6 AP Misaki is absurd).

  3. And then there's the card's synergy with Tara's ability to toss around fast like a party favor... Three ap and a free-ish focus is nice. And there's also Hans being able to free focus, discard Scout the field, use a one action to do his "Smile you son of a..." and pop off an important upgrade turn one (I'm looking at you, Nix/Ratjoy...)

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

    Leagues are few and far between here (I've only played one but it was fun), painting competitions and campaigns non existent.

    Stuff like this is great when you have a varied, active community with a henchman that supports it properly. Those kinds of communities aren't common around here.

    Even if they were, I can't commit to playing every week due to having a fiancée who likes to do things on the weekend (I missed the last week of the campaign because we were rescuing a dog). So while I enjoy leagues, I don't get as much out of them as others. So I fall back to trades to get these models.

    That's rough*. Still, there's always jumping them in an alley another creative way of getting a model.**

    * Unintentional pun was still awful

    ** For reasons of liability, this was just a joke, of course.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, -Loki- said:

    Love the minis. So glad they did avatar Pandora on a smaller base. Looks much better, less unweildy, and useable in regular games. Utterly fantastic. So'mer too. I loved that model and art, and was disappointed when the plastic model was so different. I'll have to get both models.

    Unfortunately, by that I mean find them as trades. I strongly dislike tournaments (nothing against people who do or this game, just personal preference. I've attended two, and only enjoyed one). Which means my options for getting them are to find them being traded somewhere. Not that it bothers me - I paid $100au for Santana. I'd just rather give the money to Wyrd.

    Hey, tournaments are not the only way! Leagues, campaigns, painting contests, etc!

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Nexus said:

    Wait... is that even a thing?

    I thought it was one Henchman per store?

    If we can have multiple per store, I'd gladly join up to add more events to the pool.  
    We have about a dozen active players in our store.

    Yes! It works out pretty well. I'm kind of a floating pinch-henchman. If a hench needs to have an event run at their store, but it's tired/can't run it/etc, I step in to run the event. It works great, as they can actually get to play every so often.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Nexus said:

    That's making an awefully big assumption of the Henchman running a lot of events and buying kits for all of them.
    Our Henchman is a busy guy.

    Then do what we do  and co-hench. Trade off events and cover where you can. It works for us here in MD, though we are blessed by a very large malifaux community.

  8. Just now, Nexus said:

    Really excited about the Misaki and Rasputina.
    I like those sculpts a lot more than the current default sculpts.

    Though I am disappointed that getting them sounds like it may only be an option for the most dedicated tournament players.  :\

    I can understand that concern, but tournaments are not the only event types that you can earn mystery boxes: story encounters, leagues, campaigns, enforcer brawls, henchman hardcores, painting competitions, Through the Breach Campaigns...

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