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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. I saw the post on A Wyrd Place. It was by someone claiming to have met with Justin. I'm not disparaging anyone or saying they made it up, but it was not official in any way. I wouldn't count anything wrong until it is officially announced. I know I won't in my games.

    Typos happen. And this is what happened here. I know the person in question, and I don't doubt his claim, or Eshadie's claim ( Eshadie was with Jeff at the time). I'm sure this will be cleared up soon

  2. Urban Laser craft has come on as a sponsor for Malifaux at the Nova Open.

    See below:



    Thanks to Will Urban, every Malifaux attendee at the NOVA Open is going to get some INCREDIBLY AWESOME custom mahogany scheme markers, as well as an assortment of other radical lasercut items. Photos pending! It also looks like we'll have staff-signed copies of Crossroads as swag. It also looks like there might be some special stuff headed our way that you otherwise can only find at GenCon or waiting for online sales to go up in the Oct-Jan timeframe, though I cannot confirm or deny this at present. Why aren't you coming to http://novaopen.com again?

  3. Well, the four card hand wasn't listed in the General rules, are there any other rules that we should consider in our choices?

    It's in the fourth paragraph of the rules section 7.1

    "Unlike normal games of Malifaux, players will have a Control Hand of 4 cards, not 6."

    I did notice a typo in the rules for points, though, so I'll have to fix that.  I'll go over the rules again to see if there are any gaps.

    My bad, I thought you were looking at the Nova Open rules doc, not my initial post. Mea culpa... The only other rules thing is that deployment and initiative are no longer "Winner chooses", it's highest card goes last/first, respectively.

  4. BTW

    Our plan is to have as many arenas running as we can at the start, six people to a table, and then take the winners from each of the tables and move them to the grand melee. How it works will all depends on the numbers we get for the event, but I think it's gonna be a fun time had by all.

    I mean, there's a reason people still play free-for-all death match FPSs. Being the biggest billy bad mamba-jamaba on the board is fun bragging rights.

  5. According to the rules set, the only model that can earn points is the enforcer itself, though all models killed gain points. Thus, summoning is highly discouraged.

    Gracie would be a contender, certainly.  Anything with Hard to Kill and a heal really is.

    Remember, though, you only have a four card hand, and no stones to draw. That can really change the dynamic. Are there any enforcers with Bayou two card? Card advantage might be important.

    As for Bete, that might be one to look out for. Keep that high card in hand! Of course, if you're not on the board at the end of the turn, you miss out on that 1 point per turn bonus, so factor that into your choice.

  6. Here's a list I'm toying with:


    Kirai 7 Stones w/ Swirling Aether, Bloody Shears (for the Accomplice)


    Bete w/ Decaying Aura

    Datsue Ba with Corpse Bloat/Spirit Beacon


    Flesh Construct

    Flesh Construct

    Night Terror


    Night Terror


    Lost Love

    FCs are summoning beacons and are just plain tough. The hope is that they'll take damage near Lost Love/Kirai. Ikyrio will pop up near the offender, and kill something, making Bete pop up near enemy lines. Night Terrors are interference runners. It's a summoning heavy list, so 7 stones are needed.

  7. We're playing this at the Nova Open, and I'm wondering what you would pick.

    General rules are thus:


    You can choose any one enforcer, and can have any legal upgrade.


    3 points for killing or sacrificing an opposing model

    1 point for putting at least one wound on an unwounded opposing model (This can stack
    with killing the model!)

    1 point for a turn in which you didn’t die

    -3 points for your model being killed or sacrificed

    You can set up anywhere on the board that's not within six inches of an opposing model. If you die, you regen and pop up within six inches of a board edge. Play is over six rounds.


    Who do you choose?


    Oh well, guess my brother's gonna be happy...


    How can you tell it's not female? Actually reminds me a little of a girl i once dated... ;)


    Don't really get the name though.

    Well, she's gonna love company...

  9. Now there is a neat idea! 

    Oh don't get me wrong: I definitively consider them a real faction

    For me they just don't appeal to any of my interests or well liked Troupes and themes. 


    I see them do very well in tournaments in personal experience. They seem to have a lot of ways to burn themselves down for bonuses and in a setting where you don't get the full 5 rounds in that becomes very effective. 


    Also looking forward to meeting Justin and Mack! Is there a separate seminar or something I need to sign up for to say hello? 

    I'm there myself. Theme matters a great deal to me; Kirai was interesting to me because of her story, and because of that she drew me in to the game. The gremlins don't do that for me, but I can see where they appeal to others.


    Finishing games is a concern of mine as well. I tend to avoid Bodyguard as a scheme during tournaments due to its round 4 and on requirements. I just don't think we've all practiced as much for tournaments as well as the UK has due to being so spread out. It's my hope that with practice, we'll all get to where we need to be, timing wise.


    There are several ways to meet Justin and Mack.

    Justin is leading a seminar on Sunday that will go in depth into the process of game design, his thoughts on M2E and the design process behind it, his thoughts on EBO, Showdown, etc. He'll also have a Q&A session there.

    Justin and Mack (in his capacity as Wyrd freelancer) will also be in our charity lounge. By going to the lounge, you can meet and greet with game designers, tournament winners and top players, and have cocktails, with all the proceeds going to charity.

    And, I've heard it on good authority that Justin and Mack might be found wandering the con, and might be near the Wyrd area more than once or twice. :) I've never met Justin, but I know that Mack is quite loquacious and gregarious from personal experience (though I doubt he remembers grinding me into a fine paste during a combat patrol game at Adepticon).

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  10. Marcus is problematic because he has such a large pool of models to choose from. One thing I would pick up as a Marcus player is a set of Canine Remains. They're resser, but they're beasts, and have a trigger on them that can turn any model (friend or foe) into a beast for the rest of the game (Rabies). So you can have Marcus induced reactivating Rail Golem, Howard Langston, or Ice Golem, which is always fun. You can also use them to do the same to your enemies, and  Canine Remains lower defense of models they're engaged with.

    Something to think about.

  11. People felt the same way for years about 40k Orks. I think people will come around, not necessarily to liking Gremlins, but at least to accepting them as a legitimate force. They make for a hell of a red joker damage hit...


    I'm also glad this is one of the first larger tournaments that will feature Gremlins in plastic. We'll probably see more than a few gremlin players, given that our practice tournament was over half gremlins.

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