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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. Aah right, I haven't used that upgrade yet. I've only recently started playing with McMourning even though I've owned him for months but I just take Moonlighting and Decaying Aura on McMourning. Transfusion on Seb and blast stuff to pieces with poison bombs. I can certainly see the merit of juicing him up for the pushes but I'd always be worrying about healing back up later. I guess he can just charge something and heal up again though. This could also be made easier by taking the upgrade with Scalpel Slingin' on it as well. 

    Plastic Surgery. You haven't lived until you've turned a peacekeeper into a Flesh Construct.

    • Like 1
  2. I fervently disagree on the shikome are bad hire for 8. they are a bad hire for Kirai or Nicodem the 2 masters that can summon them. Outside of that in a poisoned capable crew the shikome is well worth the 8 stones for the mobility and the hitting power. Just as hang can be at 9 stones for masters that can't hit them. 


    We're having a Kirai based discussion, Joe. I assumed it was in that context.

    Also, I'd like to remind you that I still have :+fate :+fate  flips against podcasters.

    • Like 3
  3. She's uniquely equipped to do better compared to some other summoners, but you're still talking about an aggressively card hungry turn (2 crows to summon, a mask for Spirit world, and flat discard for the heal).  You also haven't laid out any of the support Kirai needs to do for her spirits to make them really shine (no Mark the soul, no Adversary, etc.)  As you say you might do that on turn 1 only, but I'd still rather bring a few spirits along in my hired pool to speed it up.


    Spirits have the great benefit of a lot of synergy with each other (Datsue Ba, Onryo, and Shikome all give out adversary),  As such, adding a 4th spirit to the table is much more useful then adding the 2nd.  If I did your psycho summoning turn outlined above, I could be adding models 4 and 5 to the table, now anything that gets Adversary is really just so much meat.

    I absolutely agree on the card/ss hunger. That's the world of any summoning Resser.  The peril of starting off with a spirit heavy list to start off with is the complete lack of Malevolence threat. My lists start off "cheaply costed undead" heavy, and moves to a spirit based list towards the end. It's not even that I depend on Iryko, I depend on the threat of Iryko to force my opponent into bad decisions. I could hire Undead spirits, but Shikome aren't worth 8 stones to hire, but they are worth a card and ss.

    • Like 1
  4. Here's the thing about kirai and undead models. She has exactly two things she can do with them, malevolence and summoning point. All of her buffs and movement tricks really want spirits running around and getting stuff done. As such, I'd say its worth bringing one big wound battery (flesh construct) or perhaps 2 smaller ones (belles), then the rest should be spirits that get the ball rolling.

    Edit: expanding on that thought, this comes down to how summoners, in general, should hire crews. The temptation to load up on support and 'just summon' the actual working parts of the crew is very tempting. Fight that urge! You've only got 5 turns to win this thing, you cannot afford to putter around in the deployment zone for a turn or two building the omega swarm. Instead, head up field and supplement with a model or two on the way, then play the attrition game and keep replacing your killed models.

    With Swirling Aether, Kirai can beat that game. I can summon twice, heal once, and still move a ton via Into the Spirit World. I generally only do that on turn one or two, but still...

    • Like 1
  5. My Hench crew:

    Sybelle with Bleeding Tongue, Not Too Banged Up
    Rotten Belle


    Jaakune Ubume with Unnerving Aura

    J sits outside the Turf war area, and draws people to her. Drowned sends people her way. Belle pulls people J's way, and Sybelle kills people. It worked really well until I ran into a Widow Weaver/Insidious Madness/Insidious Madness/Coppelious crew. So much WP test. So sad was I.

  6. Will Hicks crept along the side of the town's hall, easing his thin frame from barrel to barrel, crate to crate, always seeking cover. The revolver in his rattled ever so softly as his hands trembled. The smoke from the town's barber shop stung his eyes, but the ashes and soot in the air gave him extra cover. "Some mayor I turned out to be," he thought. He took in the town's broken and burning buildings as he crouched behind a water trough. "More like it's chief pallbearer."  The only building left whole stuck out like a sore thumb. The Guild's Bank. That's where they had brought those artifacts they found in Burk's field, the ones that started the whole town's ruin.

    "That's when they all started coming. All the masters and their henchman. They turned this place into a charnel pit. Well, time to end it," thought Will, as he steadied his pistol on the trough and took aim at the rough shapes outside the bank...

    We're starting a Growth League at Bel Air Games in Bel Air, MD! It starts 9/23/14. 25 Soul Stones to start, 10 additional stones per week, with a final story scenario to decide the fate of Last Hope. Prizes will be awarded for Top Player, possibly second place as well depending on how many enter. We will also award the player with the Best Painted single model and Best Painted Crew!

    You can play each player in the league once a week, and the more games you play, the better!

    Should six or more players enter, the top player prize will also include a brand new Vengeful Spirits (Kirai) crew box, fresh from Gencon!

    $10 entry, Fixed Faction, with a new set of Schemes and Strategies each week.


    1202 Agora Drive

    Suite B

    Bel Air, MD 21014

    If you have any questions about the event, you can PM me here or email me at MalifauxMatt@gmail.com

    • Like 1
  7. The Last Call at the Gray Lord (the Molly/Kirai combo story) was my favorite of the book so far, but again, my bias is showing, as they are both two of my favorite characters in Malifaux.

    Ulix's story was entertaining, and it was fun to see Zorida inquiring on the workings of the gremlins. The Haemlin story gave us a good look into the nature of Plague. All in all, it's a solid book for the additional background involved.



    Levi's story was creepy, perhaps in a "I don't think we should go there" way.

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  8. Well, we played it out at the Nova, and we had:

    Howard Langston


    Rogue Necro

    Corphyee Duet
    Hooded Rider

    Killjoy had horrible cards the entire time; Howard couldn't help but flip or cheat rams. The Rogue Necro player played cagey, and almost took third, but the Steamborg Executioner steamrolled all of 'em. Better hot cards than good ideas, sometimes, I suppose.

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