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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. rGGiNxu.jpg

    Tonight is the final encounter in our Slow Growth league in Bel Air Games in Bel Air, MD.

    We're going to mix it up and make it an enforcer brawl! Take your favorite enforcer, give it one legal, non-leader upgrade from its home faction, and take it against all the other enforcers present!


    You gain points as follows:
    1 point for putting at least one wound on an unwounded model
    1 point for surviving the round
    3 points for putting the final wound on a model
    -3 points for being killed or sacrificed.


    Once your model is killed, you get to redeploy anywhere on the board six inches from a table edge and start the mayhem all over again! It's a fun-filled death match! The points you win will be added to your league total, so it's still anyone's ballgame!


    Be warned, however, that a certain Henchman may be looking at the rules for the Carver, who may or may not be out for blood in the arena!*

    *He will be. Or a reasonable proxy will be anyway.


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  2. As a Guild player, If I had to pick one master to play for an entire year, I would go with Douglas McMourning.


    McMourning and his crew is incredibly flexible, and an excellent balance of speed, durability, killing power, and scheme marker tricks.  McMourning is a terrifying opponent in Reckoning or Make them Suffer, and at the same time, he is extremely adept at schemes like Plant Explosives thanks to his excellent 0 action injection.  McMourning is an incredibly fun master to play, both in Guild and Ressers, and I feel that he is deep enough that he would engage somebody for a year of playing him.  

    What he said.

  3. The Counterspell aura removes the suits from CA actions targeting a model 3" :aura from Sonja Criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid.

    Bete's Death Rattle is a CA action that buries "this model" and removes all wounds from it, etc. It requires a ten of any suit normally, but the TN does include a required :crow, which is normally included in the CA.

    If Bete dies in three inches from Criid, does Counterspell Aura remove the :crow from Bete's CA? As Bete's player, I assumed so, as I assumed a CA action has to have a target (even if the target is "this model"), but I wanted to hear your opinions/get the cloud's confirmation.

  4. The dogs seem strange to me as well, but they are a fine purchase to have on the off chance you kill someone with poison rather than expunge. Additional Flesh Constructs are a must, as are Belles. And I agree that Belles should be purchased with Seamus; you're going to want him for variety anyway, and Assassination/Murder Protege runs with Seamus are easily done (1 ap for Back Alley, 1 ap for Focus, and 1 ap to punch a hole through a moose with that hand cannon of his).

  5. Hey all,


    Partly a tournament/competitive thread, but also a place for general ideas on crew construction. If you have a 100ss pool limit with which to form Ressur crews to do various strategies, what would you put in as your core? How many Masters would you try to cater for? Which upgrades would be key for you? 


    We all know Rotten Belles are the Ressur staple, but how many would you include in the pool? Lets assume summoning can include any mixture of models (i.e. its not dependant on the original pool) I'm currently thinking 2, as certain Masters can summon them in relatively easily.  



    I'm currently working around 2 masters, but would you go for variety, or specialise by having one master and a host of different minions to cover different strategy challenges?

    Is this 100ss pool include upgrades, or are those separate?

    Assuming upgrades are separate:

    Necropunk 5 Necropunk 5 Belle 5 Belle 5 Madame Sybelle 8 Crooligan 4 Crooligan 4 Toshiro the Daimyo 9 Mortimer 9 Nurse 5 Nurse 5 Rogue Necromancy 10 Dead Rider 12 Flesh Construct 6 Zombie Chihuahua 2 Copycat Killer 3 Grave Spirit 3   100

    I'd feel comfortable fielding Tara, McMourning, Molly, and Seamus with these. I do love playing Kirai, but I really feel Datsue Ba is a lynchpin to her crew's maneuverability, so without her there, I feel that the crew would be missing both its mobility, and Izamu as well.

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