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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. The Nova Open is having connected story encounters this year, and we're dividing the players into two meta factions that will either attempt to purge the Quarantine zone or defending from the forces of the Governor.  As TO's, we're going to tally the victories each round, and from there, the scenarios played will chosen based on which side is winning. So, as an example, if Law and Order (DUN-DUN!) is winning, round two might be a stake a claim based encounter (as they're trying to gain land), but if at round two Scum and Villainy is winning, it might be a reckoning/head hunting type scenario instead.

    Personally, the current campaign beta has got me thinking about the big what-if with these scenarios: Is a weekend long campaign something viable for an American style Big Fun Game Convention? Personally, I think that the Nova Open is too close to Gencon (book 3's probable release date) for an organized campaign event. I'd hesitate to put it on the schedule, because product can slip, and it's smarter to bet on a sure thing. But the idea of getting together, and building a story to run over the weekend, growing (or shrinking!) my crew, and finding out who makes it to the top over a weekend really appeals to me.

    Would that interest you all, if we make it part of our Nova Open Malifaux Narrative (say in 2016), IE, starting from the bottom, and clawing your way to the top collecting injuries, relics and mourning Crooligans along the way?



  2. Bel Air Games is having its first Malifaux Tournament on 2/21/15 3/7/15, as a three round 50ss with Gaining Ground 2015 scenarios.Located north of Baltimore in Bel Air, MD, Bel Air Games is well stocked, brightly lit, and full of great terrain. Come sharpen your claws in prep for the coming Nova Open! We will be playing longer than normal rounds, at 2.5 hours, to fit with the Nova Round length.

    Prizes will be determined by the amount of entries, but the top Prize will contain a Miss Ery, Gencon 2014's limited edition alt Teddy. Games start at noon, when the store opens.
    Entry is only $10, and space is limited.

    Call the store to reserve your spot, or click through to the FB event page found here.

    Schemes will be distributed on the day of the event, but it will follow this rotation:
    Round 1 - Extraction, Standard Deployment
    Round 2 - Reckoning, Corner Deployment
    Round 3 - Headhunter, Standard Deployment

    Bel Air Games

    1202 Agora Drive

    Bel Air, MD 21014


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  3. One of my first faction choices was Ten Thunders. I was completely unsuccessful with all of them that I played. It's okay to switch factions. I was much happier in Resser/Outcast land.

    Might I suggest :

    • Asking your opponent what she would have done if they were you?
    • Asking your opponent what models you have that worried them?
    • Asking your opponent if you could play with their list (either by proxying their models or borrowing them). That will allow you to: gain knowledge about their crews, see if you work better with them, and see what models are important for them to have, so you can know which models to eliminate first.
    • Like 1
  4. I was playing against Izamu in Reckoning, and I ended up reducing him to 0 wounds with a Convict Gunslinger using the 'slinger's pistols as  :melee

    At that point A Warrior's Death activated.

    A Warrior's Death: When this model is
    reduced to 0 Wounds by an enemy :melee  Attack,
    this model may immediately take a (1) :melee
    Attack Action against the enemy model. This
    Attack ignores range and LoS restrictions. After
    completing this Action, sacrifice this model. 

    We ruled at the time that since the ability called for Izamu's sacrifice, and it was on Izamu's card, that the model would *not* count for reckoning, as the ability that sacrificed it was on the opposing model's card. I think that's pretty ironclad, but I wanted to see if there was something I was missing that makes it not so.


  5. 2015 Malifaux at the Nova Open!
    From the new news letter!
    Malifaux is coming back with a vengeance from last year. The game is facing rapid growth from its first year back, as Wyrd has announced that the Nova Open will be the home of the 2015 Malifaux North American Championship. Wyrd has pulled out all the stops in supporting a growing national tournament scene, and the NOVA Open is glad to play a key part. In addition to the main event on Saturday and Sunday, the NOVA Open is packing the weekend with Malifaux fun.
    • Thursday night is our first story encounter, continuing the story of the Grave Spirit's defeat from the 2014 Nova. The Governor has all these mercenaries sitting idle, and so sends them to purge the Quarantine Zone. The forces of Law and Order square off against Scum and Villainy in a player driven mini-campaign called "Quarantine Quarrel"
    • Friday morning sees the victorious forces from the night before invade nothing less than the US Capitol, either to defend it from the ravening hordes, or to put the forces of Law and Order to the torch in our "Capital Carnage."
    • Friday evening will pit your favorite big brute in the Enforcer Brawl, an six round arena of death featuring an enforcer of your choice
    • The first three rounds of the Malifaux Championships will be on Saturday, followed by two rounds on Sunday. Do you have what it takes to take the top prize in the nation?
    • Just after the first three rounds, Justin Gibbs, lead designer of Malifaux 2nd Edtion, will be giving an insider's seminar on Wyrd, Game Design, his thoughts on the new products released at Gencon, what lies and whatever you wanted to know but were afraid to ask!
    • And, last, but not least, Saturday evening will feature our All Comers Hardcore tournament, with three hours of 20 Soulstone crew madness: rounds last half an hour, crews must contain 4 models, and you have to play fast or lose out. It's an amusing change of pace from the standard Malifaux play, suitable for any Malifaux player.
    All that's in addition to our eight man CME (Critical Mass Events) Hardcore Tournaments. You can play until you drop. Ask everyone who attended last year; the Malifaux community at Nova had a great time, and we're looking to make you a part of that greatness.
    Wyrd Qualifier Locations 
    Coming Soon > Las Vegas Open (2/20-22); Adepticon (3/19-22)
  6. They're probably formulating a response. That may or may not involve talking to their manufacturing facilities in China. I'm sure they're working towards something, but the answer might not be as swift as you'd like.

    Edit: In the mean time, if you don't wish to wait, I'm thinking dark eldar scourge wings make an excellent basis for a conversion.

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