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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. Let's just say that you're at a convention over a long holiday weekend (which may or may not be the Nova Open), and this convention just happened to have a charity lounge with some nice adult beverages.

    What are the movies you want playing there, while you're laughing/having a good time with your last round's opponent/new friend?

    Initial thoughts:

    Star Wars Trilogy
    Die Hard
    Big Trouble in Little China
    Enemy at the Gates
    Pacific Rim
    Saving Private Ryan
    Gangs of New York
    Battle Los Angeles
    Independence Day
    Black Hawk Down
    Iron Man
    Conan the Barbarian
    Mad Max 2: the Road Warrior
    Hitchhiker's Guide

    What are we missing? What should be vetoed?

  2. Just like my suggestion with Levi, Canine Remains are good models to have when taking on masters. Everything you have triggers off of Defense, and with their ability to lower defense... Plus their presence allows Rancid Transplant to start getting to ridiculous levels.

    Good hunting, and watch out for Hard to Kill. Keep an eye on outcast masters.

  3. APT7FM9.png

    Hello, all! Bel Air Games will be starting a League night for the month of March, starting 3/3/15. We will be using the Achievements from Rapid Growth, but will otherwise playing standard games of Malifaux. There will be prizes for both the top achiever in League Points, and the the lowest scorer to attend at least three events will earn a new fate deck. Depending on the size of the league, there might be more prizes! There is no cost, other than your attendance!

    Here are the achievements, starting on page 4: http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/156-rapid-growth/

    I think Colette fail in the bust and maybe put some cards in hand instead that "magic fire" : D

    The Coryphee is amazing but I do not like the skirt.


    anyway good job!


    To your first point: How does she fail in the bust?

    And a point of order, it's a Mannequin, not a Coryphee.

  5. Due to the possibility of inclement weather, we will be keeping an eye on the forecasts. We will assess the weather, and we should know by 10:00AM what the weather holds in store for us. We will make a call by then (though we reserve the right for that call to be "Let's see how it looks in thirty minutes!").
    Your safety is more important to us than the event, and we will err on the side of safety.
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