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Posts posted by valhallan42nd

  1. yaWzWn1l.jpg

    You can also find the strategies and schemes here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VEZ9BurWJuMYBOoUtIDa0lKYIrvLHooC_xjT1l4iSvE/edit?usp=sharing

    We have prizes for first, second, (possibly third depending on the tournament's size), best painted, and our Consolation Prize (the person in dead last gets their tournament fee back in store credit). 

    Bel Air Games® is at:

    1202 Agora Drive, Suite B, Bel Air, MD 21014
    Our store phone number is: 410-776-3491
    Please e-mail us at: info@belairgames.com or MalifauxMatt@gmail.com 

    We hope to see you there!

  2. Also, another trick: if you need to put tormented on a Hench/Enforcer, you can apply guillotine injustice to it, which will do nothing to it, other than to give it tormented. I generally only take one guilty, so with twist ant turn I can: use the Guilty to give Tormented, use T&T to Share Guilt with Daw, and then apply Gullotine via Shattered Memories to a friendly in turn one. If I need more than three models in my crew tormented, I've built my list incorrectly. You can also use a Tormented Freikorp trapper to have Jack snipe an enemy at range...

  3. I haven't used Ronin in my list yet, but I'm imagining them flurrying against a model that has Firing Squad Injustice on it (+1 damage from attack actions). Ronin with a min three damage that ignores armor seem just really great, especially if they're Tormented, as that means they can be pushed/obeyed into a position to flurry.  And if Lady Liegia is nearby, stopping their ability to cheated against... Well, that's just gravy.

    • Like 1
  4. Twist and Turn allows for a zero action obey of Tormented Models, and borrowing of their attacks. For me, it's an auto include, as it allows me to move key models at the right time for the cost of a zero action and a seven of any suit.

    Writhing Torment is in for similar reasons, as it allows me to move both my own and the enemy's tormented models.

    In my lists, I tend to use either Rusty Alyce or Ama no Zako. Rusty works really well, especially if you can fit the Crawling Chaos in the list. Make Rusty Tormented, increasing snares to 4 inches. This forces their big beaters to walk into combat with you instead of charging. Then, you can curse them, and then make the enemy Tormented. Then, once the enemy activates again, you can push *them* via writhing torment, pushing them out of combat. Then then have to walk straight back into combat, making them much less effective. That also works well with Ronin with their built in Disguise.

    • Like 2
  5. Unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a long wait.

    I don't understand why they released Kirai's box on its lonesome without the extremely vital other pieces. Wasn't it originally released at Gencon? So a year of it being out in an essentially unplayable form.

    I'm guessing some sort of a mishap or something as otherwise it's just utterly baffling.

    You're saying that like the Hanged don't exist. :) Shikome are a problem, but there are reasonable proxies, and Izamu exists, Drowned can be proxied from Mindless Zombies.... Not all is lost.

  6. Crooligans are great on heavy cover boards with line of sight blockers for scheme running. I take them when Cursed Object or Distract is in the pool, and I'm taking them. You can move into range to accomplish the scheme, interact with the opposing model, and then place within 5 inches where the Crooligan can't be touched (on top of a building, behind a wall, etc). They work well with Molly, as stated due to creepy.

    They aren't as annoyingly survivable as the Necropunk, but they're still solid at Def 6. Nico likes them, because if someone gets to them and kills them, that's a corpse counter far forward on the board, and that can be turned into a Hanged, etc.


    Crooligans! Crooligans!Crooligans!

  7. The reason people think Viks might be weak: every new Viks player figures out the Vik sling shot, overuses it, and when people figure it out and adjust, their "one big trick" no longer works.

    The Viks have a lot more tricks than one, but they take time to figure out.

    • Like 5
  8. Things I like with Tara & Belles/Doxies. Either Valedictorian or Dead Rider. Have the Belles lure a choice target into a Pounce pocket. Then have the dead rider push the target around, moving the target just enough to get Pounces working. It's like rubbing an opponent's face against an undead cheese grater.

  9. I think he looks completely different than what I expected, but in an interesting way. I hadn't considered him as a living person; I figured that he'd have an upright bass. The drumming voodun makes me reconsidered all my preconceptions of the Seven.

    Color me intrigued to see the rest of them!

    • Like 1
  10. You take him because his damage also comes with massive, massive repositioning, and repositioning can win you games.

    I was playing a game with Tara, and I was stuck in combat with Ashes and Dust, and I needed to get Tara free to run schemes, and DF 5 against ML 7 was getting me nowhere for several turns. I ended up charging her with Dead Rider, and got her out of there with the attacks and taxied her to the enemy deployment zone.

    • Like 3
  11. Bel Air Games is having their make-up date for the 50ss tournament this weekend. And to make it special...

    Assuming we get to 12 people, the person in last will receive a prize to commemorate their poor luck as well. It's obvious they need a new deck.
    I happen to have a spare Adepticon Through the Breach Deck. Perhaps that will help your luck.

    Invite your friends!



  12. If I am hanging out having a drink with a friend (new or old) and there is a movie playing... it would never be a movie that is meant to have a legitimate emotional impact, or one that needs you to invest yourself into it's characters or plot.


    While they are great movies, I personally would veto Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at the Gates, and probably Gangs of New York. I would save these to watch when I wanted to see a great film and enjoy it for that.


    If some buddies of mine want to have a few drinks and have a movie on in the back ground, it's almost always going to be something entertaining, but somewhat mindless, or else we all get sucked in. So, I would opt to add these in place of what I vetoed:


    Dredd (2012)

    Evil Dead (any of the 4 movies in the franchise)

    Pitch Black

    Star Trek into Darkness

    The Fifth Element


    to name a few. =]


    anyway, movies are extremely subjective anyway, so this is just my two cents.

    How could I forget Pitch Black? 

    Army of Darkness also seems highly appropriate. Dredd is amazing and wonderful, but there has been opposition to that. I'd love to have The Raid: Redemption in there, but I don't know if there would be opposition to subtitled films (as you have to pay more attention to them). That's a sticking point with a lot of the great anime, that and the RANDOM VOLUME CHANGES.

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